Start a Business

Have you Ever Considered Starting Your Own Business:

There comes a time in our lives where we want to make a difference in the world. Where we want to invest our efforts in something we love to do and not just do our job. But not all of us actually start working on that very idea.

Because for starters entrepreneurs have to face many negative and positive reactions from friends & family. They will have to find answers to questions like:

  1. Where do I start from?

  2. Does this specific idea meet my needs?

  3. Is it Feasible?

  4. How much finance should I have or arrange?

  5. Where would I get such a big sum of money?

  6. How to physically structure a business?

  7. How to promote a business?

  8. Can I really see myself doing this for years?

  9. Does this business add some value to the world/customer life?

  10. Can it be monetized?

  11. Who is my ideal customer?

  12. Who are my potential competitors?

  13. Can I persevere through tough times?

And the list of questions continues to grow. Not to forget the negativity, not everyone is going to give a positive reaction to the idea of 'leaving a pretty good decent income job?'

Being an entrepreneur is not as simple as it looks. Living a luxurious life, doing whatever you want to do and whenever you want to do freely seems like a pretty amazing gig but there is a lot more to it than just enjoying freedom.

And starting a new business from scratch is a whole lot of hardships, sacrifices and patience and most importantly finance. So many entrepreneurs who have a potential in them drop their idea of changing the world before they even start.

However, potential entrepreneurs should know that "starting your business" does not always mean that you have to start building it from scratch. In fact, entrepreneurs can actually buy a business at Freedom Factory.

A finest brokerage company, Freedom Factory specializes in pairing talented entrepreneurs with sellers from their database. Tysdal Tyler and Robert Hircsh can also help upcoming entrepreneurs by lining them with opportunities that leverage their strongest skills.

How To Buy A Business? List of Information Freedom Factory Asks For:

How many times have you faced a project that was not upto the level of your set of skills?

There are many jobs and projects that proved to be a poor use of time and efforts for many individuals. Many thriving entrepreneur minds are still working on projects that are not worth their skills or they are not getting what they actually deserve.

But the story changes if that particular project turns into your very own business. The founder of the business has already invested his/her time and efforts; and has gone through every hardship to make the business successful. Newcomers can simply buy that business to make it even better with their set of skills.

Freedom Factory helps new entrepreneurs to choose from the wide range of businesses they are interested in owning and for further developing it. Entrepreneurs will have full control over the returns of the business.

So what sounds more appealing, continuing a job or owning a business?

To buy a business entrepreneurs just have to fill out the form of buying a business from Freedom Factory.

The form requires the list of information like:

Personal Information

Name, company, address, state, country, postal code.

Contact Information

Phone number, mobile number, email.

What are you looking for/any specifics:

Target Size of Business:

  1. Revenue:

  • $0-$200,000

  • $200,000-$1Million

  • $1Million-$3Million

  • $3Million-$10Million

  • $10Million+

  1. Discretionary Earnings:

  • $0-100,000

  • $100,000-$500,000

  • $500,00-$1.5 Million

  • $1.5 Million-$5 Million

  • $5 Million+

  1. Target Industry

  • Technology

  • Healthcare

  • Consumer Goods

  • Services

  • Retail/Restaurants

  • Other

  1. Timings:How soon are you looking to buy?

  • Now

  • Within the next 12 months

  • long term

  1. Are you looking to run the business yourself?

  • yes

  • no

Entrepreneurs can also upgrade their status by joining the VIP List of Freedom Factory.

At Freedom Factory entrepreneurs can often purchase companies for 4x earnings or less, a minimum return of 25% per year. Such small businesses with great returns are often overlooked by the big investment banks, and are also under valued.

Freedom factory helps entrepreneurs to choose a business of their interest whether small or big with all the information they need. They have the opportunity to make their chosen business even better with further development and efforts.

Since entrepreneurs can buy an existing business then that means they don't have to go through the whole starting a business hardships and just went right into spending their efforts for further development for their dream work.