How to opt for the most appropriate door lock solutions?

Have you ever encountered a door lock situation wherein you are not able to open the door to your house because of the door key lock? The door locks and latches are considered to be complicated and in certain ways, including various structures and once it becomes defective, it might become useless. It can be either the door frame or the door lock or latch assembly that is causing the trouble.

Also, there’s the lock-picking trouble caused by thieves. A quick search on the World Wide Web would show you videos of people demonstrating their lock picking abilities. They are mostly demonstrating on low-grade locks and they have been practising them for quite some time. Yet, these videos serve one purpose; to show that you are at risk of placing your trust in substandard door lock solutions.

Are your doors safe with a door lock?

Your dock locks can literally make the difference between possessing a safe home and being a victim of a crime wave. In the past, you knew that you are pretty much safe if you had a door with a secure lock. Sadly, this is not the case anymore. People often put a great deal of trust in their locks for the protection of their homes. Most of the families prioritize purchasing locks more than buying any other security tool. You cannot blame them as locks and h type door handle generally aid them in preventing thieves who often try to force an entry into their homes and steal from them.

Door lock categories

There are 5 wide categories of door locks that are used around the globe; lever-locks, cylinder-locks, electronic locks, tubular locks and combination locks. Most electronic locks have a keyed cylinder lock just in case there is an electronic or power failure. Combination locks have some weaknesses as well and people have tried keying on overrides, just like the electronic locks. Tubular locks are not utilized for doors of commercial or domestic properties. This leaves you with two options; lever locks and cylinder locks.

Lever locks of today are utilized in Europe and UK however they are not utilized much in America. They include a number of anti-lock-pick devices and they are favoured by police and insurers. Locksmiths require special tools to open them. They can be considered safe to use for doors.

Cylinder locks

Cylinder Locks are widely used globally and so they often face several issues. There are some inferior grade locks and thus several older cylinder locks are vulnerable to nearly most lock-picking methods and so you need to ensure that you opt for a high-quality lock.

You need to make sure that you do not come across any difficulties with unlocking your doors. If you happen to be in such a situation, make sure that the hinge is made tighter and the door has an h type door handle. Look for the strike plate alignment so that the latch will shut. See to that it is in the appropriate order, or whether it is not adjusted or wedged to avoid the hassle.


The door lock might become complex and troublesome at times. So, you need to be knowledgeable and equipped for things you require doing or opt for the best door lock solutions.