How to Text a Guy

I assume you are here because you met a cool guy, got his number, but now you don't know what text to send!? You think to yourself, I want him to be more attracted to me, but I feel awkward texting him. How to I get him to follow me around like a lost puppy rather than me waiting desperately for his next text. Here are a couple of great texts to send to a guy to keep his interest and create crazy attraction.

Getting a guy's attention when you don't know if he likes you can be scary. However, you will never know if he feels the same way if you don't muster up some courage. If you are a little shy, you can make a guy notice you by sending him text messages with your cell phone. Texting is the new flirtation tool of the 21st century. When you text a guy, make it short and sweet, so you don't bug him.