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The  Clean Debt Experience

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How To Get Out Of Debt For Credit Cards, Unsecured Debts & Tax Debts.

Are you making minimum payments on your unsecured debts, but not going anywhere or are already falling delinquent?

Thousands of people come to us each month stating that they are making minimum payments on their credit card debts and unsecured loans, yet the balances have not gone down. In some cases, they have already paid back the amount they originally spent, one, two or even three or more times. Most people have no or very little money left over at the end of each month for emergencies or recreational activities.

While they may be current with payments, their creditworthiness is very poor because they cannot make a payment on a new loan. In some cases, they keep doing what they are doing until an emergency occurs, at which time they come to us for a solution; if they had just taken action sooner, their debts might already have been resolved.

Are you falling delinquent? If so, your credit is already being affected and you, like most people, probably do not want to file bankruptcy. Future employers, business partners, and other people can ask, “have you ever filed bankruptcy?” for the rest of your life.

Now is the time for damage control. In many cases, just by freeing up several hundred more dollars a month with a debt arbitration program, you can have the peace of mind you need and get your unsecured creditors resolved. Much like a “credit card debt forgiveness” program, for clients who qualify, the creditors forgive a certain amount of debt that is owed. In some cases, as much as 100%. No one can predict specific future results because each case is unique.

In other cases, clients want to lower interest rates, and while creditors often do not lower as much as they used to, we can give an estimate for what your payment would be on a non-profit debt consolidation or debt management program to see if it would accomplish your goals.

This type of program is also called consumer credit counseling, credit counseling, or credit counseling services. Whether you hear it called credit counseling, credit card debt consolidation, DMP, or debt management, it is the same program where there is one payment every month, creditor interest rates are adjusted, and the agency pays your creditors on your behalf.