You will come to know that there are several online methods available in order to get everwing hacked. And unlock jade and other stuff in the game. When you search online for Everwing Chrome Hack, there are several guides also available to make use of. You can see How to Hack Everwing by changing the script codes in the live gameplay. While playing Everwing on Chrome in these guides available online.

There are lots of YouTube videos also available. Where people have showed how they used these everwing cheats to not only unlock guardians, rare dragons in sidekicks. But also level them up to the last available level that is 30 in just few seconds.

Here are the best Everwing Tips and Guide for you to use in your gameplay.

1. Make Optimum Use of Powerups and Add-ons

In everwing powerups and buyable add-ons are always handy to bank up resources rapidly in your gameplay. Always use them whenever you got a chance create the more possibilities to generate additional amount of coins, gems, trophies and much more in the game.

Several beneficial powerups and add-ons for your information.

  • Rush Flowers: Rush Flower whenever is activated, your guardian will rapidly do the tasks that it is doing in its normal mode regularly. This way, you will be able to move around very quickly to get a chance to win more prizes in that particular time.

  • The Magnet: As its name suggests, the magnet will allow you to pull all the gems, coins and trophies towards you. That are passing by on the screen. It will pull all the resources without the need of you to move towards them.

  • Speed Rush: You can buy the Speed Rush powerup for 250 trophies. This power up is as same as the Rush Flower add-on. The only difference is that you can buy it as a special item and it will last longer until you get encountered with the Monster Queen in the game.

These are some of the best add-ons and powerups you can focus on while playing the game.

2. Unlock Lily As Soon As Possible:

Your first step towards earning more coins and trophies is to unlock and make use of Lily Guardian for you. The Lily, when unlocked and used, will double the coins, trophies and gems you collect during your gameplay every time you play with her. It’s like a cloning machine that clones each and every resource you collect while your gameplay. The lily is bit costly, but unlocking it in your beginning will definitely help you with double the rewards in long run.

3. Play Quests Mode – They Really Worth:

Most of us don’t really take seriously to quests mode in the game. We usually play Normal Run mode or Boss Raid mode. Both of them are entertaining to play. But, playing quests mode will allow you to unlock chests to get higher rewards more frequently in the game. You can use Sophia Guardian to make most out of Quest Mode in everwing game.