How to Get More Instagram Followers

How to Get More Instagram Followers

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Introducing How to Get More Instagram Followers

There are strategies that can help you get where you want to go, though. Here’s a game plan you can use to grow your account and get more Instagram followers.

The Most Important Step: Buying Instagram Followers

The title of this article wasn’t meant to be taken literally; this step is so important that we’ll be discussing it before getting to other strategies you can use to boost your follower count.

Purchasing followers can be tricky, and the reason to do it can be difficult to understand. Here’s a brief explanation of the process and how it works to boost your Instagram popularity and importance.

Visibility on Instagram

When you post on the Gram, very few of the app’s two billion followers will see what you have to say. That’s just simple math. Your existing followers will see your content, but if you’re like most people, that’s about it. There’s way too much content uploaded to the system for all of it to get additional exposure.

Some users do get a wider audience, though. The Instagram algorithms give extra visibility to videos and photos posted by accounts with large numbers of followers or a follower count that’s growing rapidly.

Your goal, then, should be to become one of those users. The more people who can see your content, the more opportunities you’ll have to impress users willing to click the “follow” button to see what else your account has to offer.

You don’t already have a huge fan base, of course; that’s why you’re reading this article. That leaves one alternative: showing the algorithms that your account is growing in popularity.

Buying Instagram followers is the best way to do that. The system will see an influx of new followers for your account and reward you with a larger audience. That will lead to organic Instagram growth, with your views, likes, and follower count increasing faster than they will with any other IG growth method.

In short, adding purchased followers isn’t the goal. They’re simply the fuel that will power strong growth in your follower base.

All Followers Aren’t the Same

Before you start searching for websites that sell Instagram followers and pull out your credit card, there’s something you should know.

Some vendors selling Instagram followers are scammers.

Here’s what they do. They use automated bots and backdoor hacks to create “fake” Instagram followers and insert them into your account. Your growth will look impressive, but only for a short time. Instagram is always looking for fake followers and can find them quickly since they’re not real Instagram users.

The fake followers are quickly removed from your account, they won’t do anything to stimulate account growth, the money you paid for them will be lost, and you could be penalized for buying fake interactions that violate the app’s rules. In some cases, Instagram deletes accounts trying to use fake engagements.

The way to avoid getting caught in one of these scams is to only buy followers from reputable social media services with a long history of delivering effective Instagram engagements.

Those providers have huge networks of real Instagram users who are ready to follow you on the platform as soon as you place an order. These are all real people, and they all follow you from their own real Instagram accounts. They’re legitimate, the system will never delete them from your follower base, and they’ll trigger the type of organic growth you need to become popular.

Where do you find services like that?

The Best Sites for Buying Instagram Followers

There is a small number of services able to deliver real Instagram followers that will do the job. It’s generally difficult to find them among the hundreds that sell Instagram engagements; disreputable websites aren’t going to admit that they use bots to create fake followers, and most falsely claim that their engagements will drive visibility and popularity.

Three services that you can rely on to provide real Instagram followers to jumpstart your Instagram growth are Buzzoid, Twicsy, and Rushmax. All three have long histories in the industry and they have delivered billions of real Insta engagements (followers, likes, video views) to satisfied customers over the years.

We recommend Buzzoid, Twicsy and Rushmax to Buy Instagram Followers

Buzzoid is well-established as the most affordable of the three, even though all charge prices in the same ballpark. Twicsy is widely viewed as the Internet’s premium IG provider, and Rushmax is an up-and-comer that delivers high-quality followers and is gaining popularity rapidly.

All can deliver small packages of followers suitable for new Instagram users and small accounts, quite a few moderate-sized ones to be used by those in the middle of their growth journey, and large packages that are best for influencers and large businesses looking to add to their accounts’ Instagram dominance.

Each service delivers real followers within minutes, offers the option to upgrade to premium followers who can provide even more juice for Instagram growth, safeguards customers’ personal and financial information, and has knowledgeable support teams available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Most importantly, each provider supplies real followers that will stick in your account long-term and trigger powerful Instagram growth, without ever endangering your account and your presence on the app.

You can’t go wrong with any of them.

Step-By-Step Plan for More Instagram Followers

Before you buy Instagram followers, you should be ready to satisfy the new audience that you’ll be getting. If your account and content aren’t going to convince many of those new viewers to hit the “follow” button, you’ll be wasting the money you’re investing into your Instagram growth.

Here are the steps to take:

1. Strategize

There’s nothing wrong with posting whatever you feel like on your Instagram account. You just shouldn’t expect your stream-of-consciousness posts to hit the right notes with a large number of potential followers.

Before creating content and uploading it, figure out exactly what you want to accomplish with your Instagram presence.

Do you want to appeal to a broad audience with funny or cute videos? Do you want to build a smaller but still important fan base with appealing but more niche content, like makeup tutorials or pet tips? Do you want to build a community around your business or brand, or introduce new products to a smaller target market?

Once you know who you’re trying to draw in, you’ll better understand the type of content that will appeal to your desired following. When you hit the sweet spot, the increased visibility your purchased followers will bring will become a large infusion of organic views, likes and followers.

2. Plan and Create

Start creating compelling, high-quality content that your audience will find irresistible — but don’t post it yet (unless you have time-sensitive videos and photos). You’ll want to be posting consistently and on a regular schedule — and if you don’t have a backlog of content saved up, you could run out if life gets in the way of your posting. Only start posting when you’re ready.

A regular posting schedule will let your Instagram followers know when to expect new material, keeping them satisfied so they don’t unfollow you. And newer viewers who’ve seen your content once or twice but haven’t followed you will know when to check for new posts. Hopefully, they’ll decide to commit to a follow when they realize how much great content you’re uploading.

Some experts suggest creating new Instagram posts daily, while others say posting a few times a week will prevent you from “overwhelming” followers. Either way, you should choose a schedule and stick to it, and have at least a few weeks’ worth of content ready to go before you start uploading. Plenty of software is available that lets you schedule your posts ahead of time.

When you’re creating new content, be sure it’s of the highest possible quality. It’s great if you can afford professional equipment, but a high-end smartphone with a great camera and easy-to-download editing software will allow you to create content that will keep people watching. You wouldn’t spend much time watching fuzzy or disjointed videos; neither will other users.

One last thing. While you’re filming content, take a little time out to optimize your Instagram profile and bio. Many people will visit them before deciding to follow you, so your profile (which includes your bio) should sum up exactly who you are and what type of content your account posts. A great bio may convince users to follow you if they’re on the fence.

You should identify your posting niche in your username, if possible since that will show your account in Instagram searches for your subject. You only get 150 characters for a bio, so convey as much information as possible in an interesting and intriguing way. You only get one link in your profile, so choose your destination page carefully and tag your location.

3. Create Your Posts

If you just upload your videos and photos without any extra thought, you could be losing out on new followers.

Here are some things to think about before hitting the “post” button.

Do you have a compelling caption that makes surfers want to watch your video? Use important keywords at the start of the caption (only 125 characters are displayed without an extra click), tease what people will see and ask a question to stimulate comments — there are different approaches, so try different captions to see what works best for you.

Is your content produced in a way that people will want to reshare it? That can be an outstanding way to get new eyes on your videos and attract new followers.

Are you making smart use of hashtags? They can be searched or even followed by people interested in specific subjects, bringing you a whole new audience. The best advice is to use between 3-10 hashtags as long as they’re relevant to your videos; if trending hashtags apply to your content, you’ll get the best results.

4. Buy Instagram Followers

Once your content is flowing you’re ready to start buying Instagram followers, but don’t purchase too many at once. Start small, adding around the same number of real followers as your current follower count so you don’t call too much attention to your account. As your organic following grows, increase the size of your purchases and you’ll see continuing and impressive growth.

And after your Instagram growth is well underway, you can start buying views and likes for your posts. That will primarily boost the popularity of individual posts but will also help you gain even more followers.

5. Evaluate

Even if everything is going great and you’re adding tons of followers, you should always try to find things you can do better. Instagram Insights provides extremely helpful data on topics like your best-performing posts, the times of day people are most likely to view your content and the demographic makeup of your audience.

Those should all guide you as you plan your future content and your posting schedule. The better you satisfy your audience, the more followers you’ll gain.

And keep buying more followers on Instagram!

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