Check for Power Supply

Before diving into complicated solutions, start with the basics. Check if your garage door opener has power and if the remote control has a charged battery. Oftentimes, a lack of power supply is the culprit behind a stuck garage door. Make sure the power cord is plugged in properly and test the remote control with fresh batteries to eliminate this possibility.

Inspect the Track Alignment

A misaligned track can also cause a garage door to get stuck. Check the tracks on both sides of the door to ensure they are properly aligned. Look for any obstructions or debris that may be interfering with the smooth operation of the door. Use a level to confirm if the tracks are plumb and make any necessary adjustments to realign them. Lubricating the tracks can also help the door to move more smoothly.

Examine the Springs and Cables

Faulty springs or cables are common culprits for a stuck garage door. Inspect the springs and cables for any signs of damage, such as fraying or rust. If you notice any issues, it's best to call a professional garage door technician to handle the repair. Attempting to fix or replace springs and cables yourself can be dangerous and should be avoided.

Test the Sensor Alignment

Garage doors have safety sensors that detect obstructions and prevent the door from closing if something is in the way. These sensors can become misaligned over time, causing the door to get stuck. Check the alignment of the sensors and ensure they are facing each other directly. Clean any dirt or debris that may be blocking the sensor's path and test if the door operates smoothly afterwards.


A stuck garage door can be a frustrating problem to deal with, but by following these troubleshooting steps, you can often identify and resolve the issue. Start by checking the power supply and inspecting the track alignment. If the problem persists, examine the springs and cables, and test the sensor alignment. Remember to always prioritize safety and consult a professional if you're unsure about any repairs. With a little patience and effort, your garage door will be up and running smoothly again in no time.