How to draw a website that immediately attracts your visitors

Does that sound familiar? Want to start with something that is quite important but in doubt because you simply do not know where to start?

It is comparable to the situation where you can choose from 100 flavors but which makes you doubt that you still want an ice cream.

Before hiring a designer, choose a visitor management and check-in system or choose colors and fonts, try these simple steps to design a website and get some design ideas.

1 - Change your mood

Take a different perspective, place yourself in the position of your site visitors instead of yourself, and make a list of the interactions they can perform. These actions can also be called features because that's what your site will present.

Let's say you are an enthusiastic gardener and would like to sell organic seeds from edible plants such as herbs, lettuce and vegetables. Your customers can harvest their favorite dishes.

Your list of features may look like this:

On my website, people can

Order seeds and garden tools.

Check the planting schedule.

Choose seeds according to your food preferences.

Subscribe to the monthly gardening tip.

Learn about gardening in videos.

2 - Writing individual pages

Design one page per Function.

For example, to show video lessons, I show the lessons on the left and have the video play in a box on the right. Then add a title for each page. This gives you your navigation draft!

Some pages are not as important as others, in just this it is the contact page. I remove it from the main navigation and place it in the footer. Rearrange until you do it right.

3 - Create a welcoming welcome

Design the cover.

If you show a packet of seeds on your cover and say "buy this", it probably won't work.

Organize this primary page in a way that invites your visitors to "get involved." Suggest some things you might want to take part in, such as learning more about gardening and reading one of the previous monthly tips.

Hey, and guess what: You can use your imagination to create future products or tools that don't exist yet, but that would be great to have (as a plot designer). If you can name it, ideas follow on how to design it.

It is important that you attract people and have a call to action to stay on your site.

Remember, you have 8 seconds to convince them that you have something interesting to offer and if you can't, they will disappear with a click.

Taking this information to a web designer will make him or her happy. Without a doubt, it will be easier to get an impressive design that comes with your content. Knowing how to make a website can be easier than you thought.