Writing Essays for First Generation College Students

Writing Essays for First Generation College Students

Being a future first-generation college student means that you are in for a life of steep changes in school and social life. You will have to make tough decisions about your future.

The first thing that you must do is to decide if you want to attend a community college or if you want to attend a four year university. A university is the way to go if you want to get a four year degree. A community college is also an option, but only if you choose the right major for you.

One of the biggest decisions that you will have to make is whether you want to go into business. A career in business is a competitive one and many students choose this as their major. Business majors will have the opportunity to work in a variety of different industries. These majors are highly sought after by employers, so they will need to be prepared for a long road ahead.

Another decision that you will have to make is whether you want to go into medicine or law. If you have taken a second and a third year in high school, you may consider a second year in college in a subject that you enjoyed. For example, the sciences offer many exciting careers and you may be interested in studying the physical world, like chemistry or biology. But if you were taking a history course in high school, you may not have been prepared for law school. It will be important for you to decide early on what career path you want to pursue.

You may want to decide to become a writer. Many people with a degree in writing, like journalism or mass communications, are successful in this field. In order to be successful, however, you will need to develop a wide range of skills. A wide range of skills that many professionals find to be valuable, but also ones that you will need to learn.

A final choice that you will have to make about where you want to go to college is whether you want to go into computer science or engineering. Both are highly competitive majors, but if you choose the technical side of things, you can still enjoy the things that a normal college student enjoys. However, when it comes to getting a job, computer science is much more in demand than engineering. There are many opportunities available in the computer industry.

So, whether you are a current student or a future first-generation college student, your college essays will be one of the most important parts of your college experience. As a former senior who has written hundreds of essays in my time, I can tell you that writing essays is one of the hardest things that you will ever have to do.