
How Long Do Cats Live?

What Is the Average Life Span of an Indoor Cat?

The ASPCA reports that cats who are kept indoors typically live between 13 and 17 years on average. However, there are many different factors that can shorten or lengthen their lifespans. Whether they're indoor or outdoor, the type of cat they're kept with, and their diet also play a role in how long a cat lives.

How Long Do Outdoor Kitties Live?

Outdoor cats face many more challenges than indoor pets, including inclement weather, lack of food, and predators like hawks. In addition, they're more likely to get into fights and get lost. They can also be injured by cars.

Despite these risks, most cats who are kept indoors do well, and can live up to 20 years or more. This is because they don't have to worry about predators and other hazards that can kill or injure a stray cat.

What Does the Difference Between a Female and Male Cat Mean?

Female cats tend to have a longer lifespan than male cats. It could be because female cats are less likely to roam or fight, and it might also be because they're more susceptible to health issues that are often associated with males.

The ASPCA estimates that female cats are about one to two years older than males. This is because female cats usually give birth to multiple kittens, and the mother will take care of them for a while.

What Does the Difference Between an Outdoor and Indoor Cat Mean?

When a cat is born, they go through four stages of development. Those stages are called kitten, junior, prime, and mature.

A young cat is more able to learn and grow, and they can be more active than an older one. They also don't have the same problems with aging as humans.

If a cat is ill, it's better to keep them indoors to avoid getting sick. Having their cages cleaned regularly and making sure they have access to fresh water is important.

How Long Do Outdoor Kitties Stay Healthy?

According to Pet Web MD, the average outdoor cat's lifespan is seven years. This is because outdoor cats have to deal with many of the same risks that indoor cats do, such as cars, weather, and predators.

Having the right diet, exercise, and grooming habits can help your cat to stay healthy and happy for a long time. Vaccinating your cat regularly, spaying or neutering them, and feeding them properly will all help to reduce their exposure to diseases.

What Does the Difference Between Taking Your Cat for a Walk and Having Them Walk on Their Own?

If you're unsure about how much exercise your cat needs, try taking them for a walk every day. This will help them burn off excess energy and help them to maintain a healthy weight.

If you're unsure about how old your cat is, visit a vet for an exam and to see their age and health condition. They can examine your cat's teeth, eyes, and coat and help you determine their approximate age.
