Many people get confused about how to write dates with commas, so here is a rule of thumb: in the month-day-year format (used in the United States), place commas after the day and year. In the day-month-year format (used in the UK and other countries), do not use commas at all.

For example, when we write the 1800s, we are referring to all the years from 1800 to 1899. Within that range are one hundred discrete years; that is, more than one: a plural. We can also refer to those years collectively as the nineteenth century in all lowercase letters.

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So remember, if you are American and you write to your British friend inviting him to celebrate Independence Day on 7/4 with you, you can expect your guest to arrive on April 7 (which he will express as 7 April). Likewise, if he invites you to his Guy Fawkes Day party on 5/11, you will need to mark your calendar for November 5 rather than May 11.

This post has real-life inspiration. Next Thursday, I have a paper due for my philosophy class on Nietzsche. Weekdays are busy with problem sets and assignments. I do not expect myself to start consolidating material for the paper till this weekend, which leaves me plenty of time to plan an effective essay.

By this point, I realized what crucial questions I had for my professor. I ran through some of the main points I was going to make in the paper and discovered that a few of them were faulty. I adapted accordingly and started to write!

ah, thank you! so i think i've finally pulled together something that will work well for me. i don't have enough work completed to cut my writing time down to two days, but it's definitely helped me get more organized. check out what i've done! ~> -GP~amanda michelle

Inspired by the incredible work that Jennifer Dewalt completed last year, in which she taught herself programming by building 180 web sites in 180 days, I felt compelled to try a similar tactic: working on my side projects every single day.

I still work on refactors, docs and similar stuff some of the days. I also love midnight coding, though sometimes it extends to 4am coding and I am not so happy the other day when I check out the code I wrote at 4am :P

Those are the parts I need to improve the most, but I fully agree with the post and the advantages of writing code every day.

I was immediately struck by how accurately you described the problem. I am currently attempting to rewrite the application (over 350,000 lines of code), moving it from VB6 to Visual Studio 2010 (VB of course). I tried previously with VS2002, and VS2005. But before I ever got finished, Microsoft would come out with a new version of Visual studio.

You can write a book in the next 30 days. I know this because I've done it and I've helped others do it. There's no fancy secrets to this. It's just a matter of knowing the various myths that the gatekeepers of publishing try to hide from you and then the techniques I describe below.

I'm going to give you a "30 day book challenge" right here. I've seen dozens of people write books in 30 days after one of these challenges. I know you can write this and the best way to get better at writing is to... write.

I also know quite a few self-published authors who write new books on habits almost every month. The economics are great. If you write a 30 page book on "Great Habits of Entrepreneurs" and let's say you price it at $3.99 and sell just 500 copies a month. Amazon gives you 70% so you are making $1400 a month from this book.

With this technique I am showing you, plus other book challenges I will release in future newsletters, you'll be able to write a book a month. This world could be locked down or "remote" for quite some time and the math adds up.

Not sure why they had to say "of the human golf swing". Do any other animals play golf? But this shows you why academics are not writers. From what I can gather, they do all sorts of scientific research to determine the ideal golf swing. Perfect for a chapter in a new book, "12 Scientific Secrets That Will Make You a Better Golf Player".

Meg is the creator of Novelty Revisions, dedicated to helping writers put their ideas into words. She is a staff writer with The Cheat Sheet, a freelance editor and writer, and a nine-time NaNoWriMo winner. Follow Meg on Twitter for tweets about writing, food and nerdy things.

Thank You! you have given such a good idea that how to write in minimum times. well appreciated SIR.

I would want to know more about how to proceed self written screenplay in the script market or production houses?

Bikram Singh

Goa, India

Set boundaries. This is true even at a retreat, if there are other people there. Create a calendar of times when you are available for brunch or dinner, set aside one day to see the beach or the ruins. Do not let the days or the company dictate your schedule. Life will always win if you let it contend with writing a book. Mark out at least eight hours every day in which you will do nothing but write.

That time is sacrosanct and requires a great deal of discipline. Do not plan to write in a public place, if you can help it. Cafes and libraries are full of noise and distractions. The chairs will likely pain you after a day spent unmoving and crabbed over a laptop. You may or may not be able to get someone to safely watch your things while you take a bathroom break. Work in a home or an office. Set yourself up at the start with water, maybe a snack, and any tools you know you need to work. Set a timer. Set a quitting signal. Do not let up from your task until that moment arrives.

Write an outline. A full outline, with the major beats, chapter starts and ends, and notes on characters and their relationships made it possible for me to keep a pace of 10,000 to 15,000 words per day. Your outline must also include any research you need to write, because you have no internet. Do not turn your wifi back on to look something up, just for a second, just to be sure. We all know what will happen once that genie is out of the bottle. Write a placeholder and put a margin note in to double-check during redrafting. You must go in ready. I did; with a ten-page outline and a stack of research. I came out with a whole first draft.

Finally, I indict Thoreau on the worst of all charges: that no woman in his life ever published her own screed on the price of bread and the drudgery of her own life, because that drudgery left her no time or energy to write. My mother is a food critic, and I copy-edit for her whenever she needs me. My publication does not come at the price of her silence.

Not only did I write a novel in ten days while testing The Ten Day Draft, but many others have completed their novels in a similar amount of time. Eventually, writing your novel has to become your priority, regardless of how quickly you plan to write it.

For instance, you might try dictating your story for a day, or maybe you try the Pomodoro technique. On the other hand, you could write in the morning instead of after dinner, or you could leave your home office to work in a local caf or library. Whatever you do to mix up your own personal writing habits, this can be an excellent way to keep things feeling fresh and exciting even multiple days into your ten day writing challenge!

When I was nearing the end of my PhD, I added up the number of words I had to write and divided them by the number of days of study leave I had left. Then I freaked out and had to have a little lie down. According to my calculations I had to write 60,000 words in 3 months. 

Rather than look back on my first draft with rose-tinted spectacles SPOILER ALERT now my book is published, the benefit of tracking as you write means you can review the unedited as-it-happens experience.

The plan was to block out two hours each day to write. I work full time, but I had a level of flexibility that allowed me to start work later. I made writing my priority, did it first each day, and wrote every morning before work between 8-10am.

I reckon that telling people was the hardest part of the plan. It felt like I needed permission to write. I told my friends and family and asked for their support. I had to be honest with my husband as we work together, and negotiate what this might mean for our business.

I tracked my progress in Commit, an iPhone app I designed for tracking habits. The first few months were off and on. I would build up a chain of 5-10 days in a row, but then something would happen to break the chain (usually travel). But then starting in July I kept the streak going. First 20 days, then 30. Soon it was so long that I was going to write 1,000 words every day no matter what happened.

The commitment is what made the difference. Every previous time I had tried to write a book (yes, there were several previous attempts) I worked on it when I felt inspired. The results were pathetic. I never managed to write more than 5,000 words for a single project.

Then he told me who else was a part of the project. These were all the superstars of the mobile design community, people whom I look up to and read all their work. As I read his email I looked at my desk and saw two books from people who would be my co-authors. I looked at my computer screen and saw articles already open from three more. And I was being asked to write alongside them. None of this would have happened without my commitment to write 1,000 words per day.

You could always start with a smaller goal, like writing 100 words per day, and then keep writing on the days you have something to say. Showing up is the most important part. Then as you build the habit, increase your goal.

*Note: I usually write chronologically, but with this method you can take any scene from your timeline and write it when you wish. If you want to write the end first, go for it. If you want to start from the beginning, go for it.

>> For my 70k in 20 days manuscript, Haunted Ever After, I kept track of when I wrote and how many words I wrote. I started on 20th January and finished on 28th February, and wrote on twenty days during that time. My word counts ranged from 1300 a day to 5000 or 6000 a day (but most were around the 2000-3000 mark), reaching a grand total of 70 227 words, and getting it sent to my publisher on deadline day. ff782bc1db

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