Thanks for reaching out to Apple Support Communities. It looks like your iPhone is unresponsive. We will be glad to assist. Try the steps here to see if it helps: If your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch won't turn on or is frozen

Yup! Syncing picks right back up! Basically, checks to see if any changes to files were made then syncs them. I shutdown my computer pretty often and have never had any issue with Dropbox picking up where it left off. If you are super concerned about currupted files or anything, just pause the sync before you turn it off (although my guess is Dropbox does this automatically during the shutdown process).

The only real concern would be if you unexpectedly lost power (for any critical systems though, I would always recommend a UPS), but even in that case, I still think you are fine.

How To Turn Off Pc But Still Download


I have an HP Elitebook 840 G4 that won't turn on but still feels warm. I tried holding the power button for 15 seconds. The power light and caps lock both illuminate for 3 seconds then turn off and nothing else happens.

After a fresh install of Ubuntu 12.10, my screen still goes off after about ten minutes. I've been to the Brightness and Lock control panel. The Turn screen off when inactive for: setting is set to Never.

The answer provided by chaos is very informative. However, even after following those instructions, I still had this problem intermittently. There is some sort of background process or settings manager that keeps resetting the screensaver, no matter what I do.

I have multiple 600 EX-RT flashes. I currently do not have a ST-E3-RT. I thought I read somewhere that you could turn off the flash in one of the the 600EX's and still have it control the others. I would like to be able do this using a 600EX in my hot shoe with the Flash turned off in Radio mode controlling the other 600 EX flashes.

Is this possible to do? If so what are the specific menus steps or what is the specific manual page I need to go to in order to find out how to turn off the flash on the Master and still have it work as the send unit for the other 600's in radio mode.

Tim thanks, I will try that but I will looking for the on flash controls. While I was waiting I did find my answers. I did find you can turn off the Flash on Master on Page 55 in the Manual and it will still work and control the slaves by Radio.

I have BD premium on various devices, including android phones and Windows computers running everything from Win 7 to 365. have had no problems using the VPN on any of them EXCEPT that there is still no simple way to turn off the VPN!! There are plenty of situations where I want the VPN on, and then want the ability to turn it off - for a few minutes, for an hour, for a year. The options to turn it off keep getting more and more complicated, requiring more and more time. There should be a simple one-click "Turn off VPN" while using it. Why has BD not done this?

The problem for me is not turning it off at startup - it's turning it off while I'm working. I occasionally need to bypass the VPN, but BD makes that absurdly difficult. I should be able to have the VPN on, then turn it off (even if there's a time limit), and then back on. Instead, with the full VPN I either have to open it and make a lot of changes, or reboot. This is a known issue/request that's been going on for years.

I managed to turn it off on Windows but I still have this constant reminder about it which is just annoying. On my iPhone I thought I deactivated it but BD still turns it on if the web protection is activated. Some days, because of that, my internet was down and I had to turn off Web Protection to be able to use my phone normally.

It's like the way auto-renewal is automatically activated, and they make it difficult to turn that off. Apparently the tech people don't keep up with what subscribers across the board want these days!

If you wish to simply disable it, you have this option in the VPN settings, tell us if you turned it off. Try turning it on and off again. And when you restart / shutdown the device, do not tick the option to reopen applications that were previously open.

I use the VPN. Then I want to turn it off. There is no option to just turn it off after using it. Other systems have a simple "On" "Off" right there, in the VPN popup or screen. This is a known issue. Scroll through the rest of the thread.

The problem with me is that I don't want to see it on my tray, i.e. i don't want an active instance of this process. Even if I disable the service, I still see it in the tray, I can open it, but when I press (for example) 'Settings', I am getting a system (windows) error. First, this is not a correct behavior and second, I see no way to disable it...

I have an GFCI outlet box wired with yellow coated wire, which I believe goes to a dedicated circuit breaker. When I turn off the breaker to the box, I still read residual voltage. Is this induced "phantom voltage"? Is it safe?

Paul_FCCL wrote:

JamesC wrote:


Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I have tested this and I see this behavior as well. I have escalated this issue.


Thought I'd give you an update on this........contacted tech support and after a couple of calls I was told that "it's supposed to be like that" so OFF doesn't mean completely off for a camera, it only stops the motion sensing but not the recording, when triggered by another camera.

I still believe it's wrong camera behavior, just like anything else.....OFF means OFF!



What purpose does the OFF option actually give if it will still record if triggered via a rule. I mean if you have to use a different rule then you may as well just ignore the camera when creating it in the first place especially if even when set to OFF the camera is not actually OFF right. All it does is prevent it from appearing in the list which is sort of silly as you may as well just ignore rather than setting it to OFF.

Back to the OP's question: I believe that TLG continues to use the same additives to its white ABS, so yes, new white parts will eventually turn off-white. The good news is that there's no limit to the number of times you can 'reset' the whiteness using the H2O2 + Oxy + UV method.

To answer the original question: yes, modern white bricks do still turn yellow. I have some white plates that I bought brand new, stored in a dark spot away from direct (or even indirect) sunlight, no smoke, and yet they turned yellowish in a few months. It is quite eerie to see the clean, unused, "milky" new surface of white parts that turned to a uniform, almost tan colour.

Now, a few years ago I spent a couple of summer weeks treating my old parts and almost every one of them returned to its original white colour. Then I put them aside in the sortiment cabinets. Some months later I discovered they all went back to yellow, so I retreated them the following summer and again, everything was perfect. And after a few months they are yellow again, plus I discovered a few of my brand new and unused white parts turned to almost tan.

You didn't mention this still applies to LEGO, as the company might have changed plastic over the years. While your example with other toys might not be this progressive and still use old-LEGO-like plastic formula, which is prone to yellowing.

My understanding is that any exposure to light triggers the process of yellowing - so even if you then store them away in the dark, they'll still yellow as the process has already started. I think I also read that the more they're exposed to light, the worse it becomes, but that could be me misremembering.

The implication of the second paragraph seems to be that they will perceive the cleric's new position only if they are getting within 30 feet of them. But then what if the cleric teleports or otherwise moves directly in front of them? Will they just keep running blindly until they reach the effect range and then turn heel?

I suppose the ultimate question is if the cleric is the source of the "fear effect". This seems to be implied by the rule saying that the undead try to run away from the cleric. Which would mean in turn that a disabled or relocated cleric would no longer pose a threat to them if the undead are aware of the cleric's new condition.

As an action, you present your holy symbol and speak a prayercensuring the undead. Each undead that can see or hear you within 30feet of you must make a Wisdom saving throw. If the creature fails itssaving throw, it is turned for 1 minute or until it takes any damage.

A turned creature must spend its turns trying to move as far away fromyou as it can, and it can't willingly move to a space within 30 feetof you. It also can't take reactions. For its action, it can use onlythe Dash action or try to escape from an effect that prevents it frommoving. If there's nowhere to move, the creature can use the Dodgeaction.

Undead have a modicum of Intelligence, even Zombies. They will act to the best of their knowledge. One logical option is that if they turn a corner, they will continue to run from where they think the cleric is.

If the cleric teleports to a spot behind another corner closer than 30 feet of them that they are running to, and they don't know it, they are not willingly moving closer to the cleric. They think they are running away from the cleric, until they see the cleric. Then, they will turn around and run from him or her again. 006ab0faaa

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