How to Treat Gynecomastia

Male Breast Development - Gynecomastia

Male breast development is seen in up to 60% of puberty boys and usually disappears in 2-3 years for the half. However, the condition may continue in adulthood or may develop in adult men. In the vast majority of cases, the cause is usually unknown, but can occur due to an imbalance in the hormones of puberty, a side effect to various types of medicine, including anabolic steroids, a medical disorder, obesity or as a result of hormone-producing tumors. Male breast development is an extremely disturbing condition for most men, both mentally and physically, and an increasing number of men where the condition does not disappear spontaneously (and where there is no underlying disorder) allows itself to be treated surgically. visit Gynexin Male Breast Reduction website


The condition can be classified into several different groups depending on the amount and distribution of gland / fatty tissue and partly for the root cause. The mildest degrees of gynecomastia are protrusions of the nipples and in the hardest cases, they are the same size as normal female breasts. In most cases, there are usually a lot of glandular tissue present, especially in those who have abused anabolic steroids, which rely almost exclusively on glandular tissue.

The operation can take place both in local anesthesia or in full anesthesia and consists in liposuction and / or removal of glandular tissue through a small incision at the edge of the nipple. In the very large gynecomasties or in older men with slim skin, you may be required to have a regular breast reduction operation (breast reduction).

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If you have made a decision to have surgery or just want to hear more about the operation and the options you have, you can order time for a consultation with the specialist in plastic surgery. There will be a thorough inquiry into your general health and your medication. If there is no hormone analysis, this should be done (blood test) and if necessary. a scan is also performed. It is important that you are normal. All the conditions surrounding the operation will be discussed in detail. You are encouraged to bring a bidder to the conversation.

Precautions before Surgery

It is important for you to know that you can contribute to successful surgery. It is a fact that smoking affects wound healing and if you smoke, it also affects the ability to fight inflammatory conditions. Other factors, such as intake of fish oils, liver tract, medicines containing acetylsalicylic acid (eg cardiac magnetyl), vitamin E, Q10, certain types of natural medicine and arthritis increase the risk of bleeding after surgery. Therefore:

Avoid smoking for a period of at least 8 weeks before - and 2 weeks after surgery

Avoid vitamin E, Q10 for at least 3 weeks before - and 1 week after surgery.

Avoid fish oil and liver for at least 3 months before - and 1 week after surgery

Avoid arthritis (eg Ipren, Ibuprofen, Brufen, Felden, Confortid, Celebra), medicines containing acetylsalicylic acid and natural medicine 3 weeks before - and 1 week after the operation unless otherwise agreed with your doctor.

Should you get stuck at the specified time if you are in full mood . This means that

Food and liquid must not be consumed for at least 6 hours before the date of the meeting. However, you may drink water, juices and tea (no milk products or coffee) for up to 2 hours before the time of meeting

No smoking should be allowed for at least 6 hours before the time of the meeting.

You must take regular medicine, with the agreement with your drug addict, with one mouthful of water

If you are going to be in a local anesthetic , you will meet as you are. However, it is wise only to eat light meals before surgery.


The Surgery

Usually takes place in full anesthesia and lasts approx. 1-2 hours. There is usually a drain under the skin on each side, for collecting the last sieve from the wounds.


As with any other surgical procedure, complications may occur in connection with surgery. However, the risk of complications in surgery for Gynecomastia is rare. The complications that may arise are:

In connection with the operation

Bleeding (blood collection)

Inflammation of the operative artery or woven around the scar

Emotional disturbances around the operative artery and nipple

Influence of blood supply to the nipple and poor wound healing (especially in the case of big smokers)

In the long run.

Persistent emotional disturbances around the operative artery and nipple

Difference in breast size

Ugly, wide scars

Loose skin

Restoration of glandular tissue

There may be a need for minor corrections, for example. of scars, but otherwise, the complications usually have no influence on the final cosmetic result.


After Surgery

If you have been used in local anesthesia, you can immediately go home. If you have been in full anesthesia, you will be checked / monitored after the surgery on the wake-up section and our nurses will ensure that you receive the necessary painkillers. You will be printed the same day to your home with painkillers and further instructions on how to deal with the following days. You can not even drive a car home and must be accompanied by a responsible adult during home transport and the first night. You will get the name and phone number of our watchdog surgeon and you are always welcome to call.

Sick Leave

After surgery, most people will be able to resume their work after approx. 3-14 days. If you have a physically demanding job, a sick period of 2-4 weeks must be considered. Sport is not recommended until the threads are removed.


You need to get drainage around 2 to 4. day and for inspection 10 - 14 days after the wire removal and / or sheet control operation. In addition, you must come to the final check after approx. 3-6 months.

The Result

The operation will result in a flat chest. The result of the operation is lasting but may be affected by decreasing elasticity of the skin, seen with age or as a result of external influences such as large weight changes and smoking.