They have a fantastic strategy on publishing books. The content and pages are in square format that can be easily shared on Instagram, and when it's time to publish a book, they just compiled all the pages. It saves so much work on having to redesign the content and pages again. Having said that, many of the drawing tips you'll see in this book are also on the Instagram page. The difference is with the book, you have all the drawing tips in a convenient package that can be always near you on your shelf.

Just like the earlier two volumes, the drawing tips and techniques here are very practical and useful. The instructions are brief and easy to understand. Once you see the visual examples, you'll know exactly what the concept is about. And the examples are also very easy to copy, re-draw for practice.

How To Think When You Draw Volume 1 Pdf Free Download


Your article on volumetric drawing is very interesting and I want to incorperate the principles in my figure drawing. At first reading volumetric drawing seems quite complex and hard to apply. Is there any book or guides on this interesting subject. Something easy to follow please.

Thanks and regards.

Hair is a very important point of expression for our characters, so drawing hair exactly as we imagine it can be a real challenge. I try to break it down and think three-dimensionally and consider the volume and shape of the hair form with drawing hair.

As my drawing advances, I ponder some possibilities for drawing the hair. This character will have straight hair, cut just over the shoulders. I think no bangs would be better, but I want some hair to cover one eye, and the tips of the hair to curl inwards.

For easy hair drawing, many artists choose to simplify the hair using basic shapes, or anything else that helps them define the volume, the angles, and to easily approach values. Then they add details to the surface.

Textures make unique sensations and enrich our illustrations. It may be overwhelming to think about hair textures, but instead of working exclusively with lines, we must not reject other tools that can make tasks easier as well as creating incredible effects, both in digital and traditional art spaces. It is always good to experiment to develop drawing methods that highlight the qualities of our style!

These are all general approaches that we can use to make hair drawings look like hair. If you want to go further, break the rules! There is nothing wrong in ignoring gravity, or exaggerating the volume of hairstyles, or creating hair made of fire! There are so many possibilities we can play with to create new things. I hope this article on how to draw hair has been helpful for you. If you wish to see some of my works, please have a look at my social networks and my portfolio:

My IMPOSSIBLE TO FIND drawing TUTORIALS BOOKS INCLUDING the NEW How to THINK when you draw VOLUME FIVE are going to be made available JUST ONCE this ENTIRE YEAR on a SECRET DATE NEXT MONTH!! Your ONLY CHANCE to get the BOOKS (including a special 3-BOOK STARTER SET for new collectors, the NEW volume 5, the RECORD BREAKING sold out volume 4, How to WRITE, the NEW LONG GONE DON, STRANSKI and OTHER BOOKS!)

@pascal @Gijs

I am really puzzled by this. The file I was talking about was until now only a 2d drawings with some hatched zones.

I now created a volume and all the lines (and hatches) are visible on through the volume, they are clearly displayed on top of the surfaces even when the surfaces are 3dimensionally above the lines.

This never happened to me.

hereis a rendered view screenshot.

image771385 39.8 KB

and here is a ghosted vies screenshot

image849413 82.9 KB

The cool thing about region automation is that the automation curve will follow the region as you drag it along the timeline AND the volume level will be offset when playing with the track post-fader. Therefore, you keep the region gain curve relatively to the track volume level.

Hello all! I am a draw inspector in the Dallas/Ft Worth area and looking to connector with other high volume draw inspectors anywhere in the US. This is not for phase or regular home inspections, strictly draw / bank inspections.

Each Draw to Learn volume has 150 lessons. Your child can complete one drawing per day and finish the program in one school year, or you can go at your own pace and stretch the program over two or more years. Each volume has a helpful introduction.

Collection tubes can vary in size for volume of blood drawn, appropriate to the tests ordered with sample size required, and vary in the kind of additive for anticoagulation, separation of plasma, or preservation of analyte. Larger tube sizes typically provide for collection of samples from 6 to 10 mL.

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Like most beginner artists, I struggled to draw faces well through most of my art journey. And let me be honest, the only way to truly get better at drawing faces, I think, is by practicing to draw faces over and over again despite being not very good at it at first.

It is believed to be a general rule that an agent with limited powers cannot bind his principal when he transcends his power. It would seem to follow that a person transacting business with him on the credit of his principal is bound to know the extent of his authority; yet if the principal has, by his declaration or conduct, authorized the opinion that he had given more extensive powers to his agent than were in fact given, he would not be permitted to avail himself of the imposition and to protest bills the drawing of which his conduct had sanctioned.

We have so far implemented the solution with JQWidgets. This used to work fine with our initial tests, however the charts keep taking very long times to load when they are presented with large data volumes.

N2 - We present the first competitive drawing agent Pixelor that exhibits humanlevel performance at a Pictionary-like sketching game, where the participant whose sketch is recognized first is a winner. Our AI agent can autonomously sketch a given visual concept, and achieve a recognizable rendition as quickly or faster than a human competitor. The key to victory for the agent's goal is to learn the optimal stroke sequencing strategies that generate the most recognizable and distinguishable strokes first. Training Pixelor is done in two steps. First, we infer the stroke order that maximizes early recognizability of human training sketches. Second, this order is used to supervise the training of a sequence-to-sequence stroke generator. Our key technical contributions are a tractable search of the exponential space of orderings using neural sorting; and an improved Seq2Seq Wasserstein (S2S-WAE) generator that uses an optimal-transport loss to accommodate the multi-modal nature of the optimal stroke distribution. Our analysis shows that Pixelor is better than the human players of the Quick, Draw! game, under both AI and human judging of early recognition. To analyze the impact of human competitors' strategies, we conducted a further human study with participants being given unlimited thinking time and training in early recognizability by feedback from an AI judge. The study shows that humans do gradually improve their strategies with training, but overall Pixelor still matches human performance. The code and the dataset are available at

AB - We present the first competitive drawing agent Pixelor that exhibits humanlevel performance at a Pictionary-like sketching game, where the participant whose sketch is recognized first is a winner. Our AI agent can autonomously sketch a given visual concept, and achieve a recognizable rendition as quickly or faster than a human competitor. The key to victory for the agent's goal is to learn the optimal stroke sequencing strategies that generate the most recognizable and distinguishable strokes first. Training Pixelor is done in two steps. First, we infer the stroke order that maximizes early recognizability of human training sketches. Second, this order is used to supervise the training of a sequence-to-sequence stroke generator. Our key technical contributions are a tractable search of the exponential space of orderings using neural sorting; and an improved Seq2Seq Wasserstein (S2S-WAE) generator that uses an optimal-transport loss to accommodate the multi-modal nature of the optimal stroke distribution. Our analysis shows that Pixelor is better than the human players of the Quick, Draw! game, under both AI and human judging of early recognition. To analyze the impact of human competitors' strategies, we conducted a further human study with participants being given unlimited thinking time and training in early recognizability by feedback from an AI judge. The study shows that humans do gradually improve their strategies with training, but overall Pixelor still matches human performance. The code and the dataset are available at

Well, I think first it's obviously the historical side. I think the Americans look to catch up often on the lack of history that they have. The wine industry obviously has been present in the Old World, as we call it, starting in Georgia 12,000 years ago. In the US, it's, at maximum, a couple of hundred, and so they're looking for a gap in that lack of experience that they have and so they love to import that European knowledge, that French knowledge. Because when people think about wine, of course, they speak about and think right away about France. That's one of the things.

Well, it's really like any industry. I think you have to divide almost all the industry in a couple of different segments. Of course, you have the very large volume segments and you have the high end segments. The financial situation of these companies are completely different, the margins are completely different. But it goes everywhere from the owner of LVMH to Pinot, so there's a big French presence. There's a big French presence in Napa Valley at all different segments of the industry. That is quite interesting because in general, the French wine industry, the French business industry has looked over Napa Valley, kept it in a corner of their eyes constantly over the last 25, 30 years, because they were really looking at it. Tried to ensure over time that what was going on was the right thing. ff782bc1db

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