Federal law (18 U.S.C.  2511) requires one-party consent, which means you can record a phone call or conversation so long as you are a party to the conversation. If you are not a party to the conversation, you can record a conversation or phone call only if at least one party consents and has full knowledge that the communication will be recorded. The statute also prohibits recording conversations with criminal or tortious intent.


It is a misdemeanor in Alaska to record an oral or telephone communication without the consent of at least one party. The Alaska Supreme Court has held that the eavesdropping statute was intended to address only third-party interception of communications and thus does not apply to a party to a conversation.

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Under California law, it is a crime punishable by fine and/or imprisonment to record a confidential conversation without the consent of all parties, or without a notification of the recording to the parties via an audible beep at specific intervals. The California Supreme Court has defined a confidential conversation as one in which the parties have a reasonable expectation that no one is listening in or eavesdropping. In addition to criminal penalties, illegal recording can also give rise to civil damages.


Under Connecticut criminal law, it is a felony to record an oral or telephone communication without the consent of at least one party. In the civil context, Connecticut law prohibits recording phone calls without obtaining consent from all parties either in writing or at the beginning of the recording. A notification at the start of the call recording, or a warning tone at 15-second intervals will also suffice. Violations can lead to damages, costs, and/or attorney fees in a civil suit.

District of Columbia

Recording or intercepting in-person or phone conversations without the consent of at least one party is punishable by fine and/or imprisonment, and can also lead to civil liability in the form of actual and punitive damages.


The state eavesdropping statute formerly required all parties to consent to the recording of any conversation or communication, or potentially face felony charges and/or civil liability. In 2014 the Illinois Supreme Court declared the law overly broad and unconstitutional. The statute was amended later that year to allow recording in public places, but still requires all parties to consent to recording conversations where there is a reasonable expectation of privacy.


Under the state eavesdropping statute, it is a serious misdemeanor to record an oral, telephone, or other communication without the consent of at least one party. The state wiretapping law provides that it is a felony to intercept or record any oral, wire, or electronic communication without the consent of at least one party. Wiretapping offenses can also lead to civil liability.


Maine law prohibits the recording or interception of oral or phone conversations without the consent of one party. Violations are criminally punishable by jail time and/or fines, and can also be the basis for civil liability.


All parties must consent to the recording of oral or telephone conversations under Maryland law, though the courts have interpreted this to be limited to situations where the parties have a reasonable expectation of privacy. Recording with criminal or tortious intent is illegal regardless of consent. Violating this law is a felony punishable by fine and/or imprisonment, and can lead to civil damages as well.


Under Massachusetts law it is illegal to record any oral, telephone, or wire communication without the consent of all parties. Violators are subject to felony charges, fines, jail time, and/or civil damages.


Minnesota law makes it legal to record an oral or telephone conversation with the consent of one or more parties, provided there was no criminal or tortious intent. Unauthorized recording in violation of this law can lead to jail time, fines, and/or civil liability.


It is illegal to record in-person or phone conversations under Mississippi law without the consent of at least one party, or with the intent of committing a criminal or tortious act. Violations can result in fines, imprisonment, and/or civil damages.


Under Missouri law it is illegal to record a phone conversation without the consent of one party, or to record any conversation with criminal or tortious intent. Illegal recording is a felony punishable by fine and/or imprisonment. Offenders are also subject to potential civil liability.


Montana law prohibits recording a conversation with a hidden device that reproduces a human conversation without the knowledge of all the parties to the conversation. (Consent is not specifically required.) There are some exceptions, such as public officials and public meetings. A violation may lead to fines, jail time, or both.


It is legal to record an oral or telephone communication under Nebraska law with the consent of at least one party provided that the recording is not made with criminal or tortious intent. Illegal recording is a felony except for in specifically enumerated circumstances under which a first offense is a misdemeanor; it can also lead to civil liability.


Under Nevada law it is illegal to secretly record an oral communication without the consent of at least one party. The Nevada Supreme Court has held that all parties must consent to the recording of a telephonic conversation. Illegal recording is a felony and carries the potential of civil damages as well.

New Hampshire

New Hampshire law provides that it is illegal to record an in-person or telephone conversation without the consent of all parties. However, the New Hampshire Supreme Court has held that a party essentially consented to a recording when the overall circumstances demonstrated that they knew they were being recorded. Illegal recording is a felony unless the person recording was a party to the conversation or had the consent of a party, in which case it is a misdemeanor. Violators may also be subject to civil liability.

New Jersey

Under New Jersey law, in-person or telephone conversations may be recorded with the consent of at least one party as long as the recording is not made with criminal or tortious intent. Illegal recording is a crime in the third degree and can also provide the basis for civil damages.

New Mexico

New Mexico law does not appear to prohibit recording in-person conversations without consent. However, the consent of one party is required to legally record electronic communications. Illegal recording is a misdemeanor, and can subject offenders to civil damages as well.

North Carolina

In-person or telephonic communications may legally be recorded under North Carolina law with the consent of one party. Illegal recording is a felony that can also give rise to civil damages.


Under Ohio law it is legal to record an oral or phone conversation with the consent of one party barring any criminal or tortious intent. Illegal recording is a felony and can also lead to civil liability.


In Oregon it is legal to record telephone conversations with the consent of at least one party, but recording in-person conversations requires the consent of all parties except for in certain circumstances, such as when all parties reasonably should have known they were being recorded. Illegal recording is a misdemeanor that can also give rise to civil damages.

Rhode Island

In Rhode Island it is legal to record an in-person or phone communication with the consent of at least one party if the recording is not made with criminal or tortious intent. Illegal recording is punishable by imprisonment and can also be the basis for civil damages.

South Carolina

South Carolina law provides that it is a felony to record an in-person or telephone conversation without the consent of at least one party. Illegal recording can also give rise to civil liability.


It is a felony in Tennessee to record an in-person or phone conversation without the consent of at least one party, or with criminal or tortious intent. Offenders may also be subject to civil damages, an injunction, and/or a restraining order.


Under Texas law it is a felony to record an oral or electronic communication without the consent of at least one party, or with the intent to commit a crime or a tort. Illegal recording may also be the basis for civil liability.


In Utah it is lawful to record oral or telephone conversations with the consent of at least one party barring any criminal or tortious intent. Illegal recording in this context is a felony except as it relates to the radio portion of cell phone communications, in which case it is a misdemeanor. The statute also provides for civil liability.


Washington law requires the consent of all parties to legally record in-person or telephone conversations. Consent is considered obtained via a reasonably clear announcement made to all parties during the recording. Violations are considered a gross misdemeanor and can also lead to civil damages.

West Virginia

In West Virginia it is a felony punishable by fine and/or imprisonment to record an oral or phone communication without the consent of at least one party, or with criminal or tortious intent. Victims may also seek civil damages.


Under Wisconsin law it is a felony to record an oral or telephone communication without the consent of at least one party, or with the intention of committing a crime or a tort. Illegal recording may also give rise to civil liability.

Important: Only certain devices and carriers support recording calls. This feature isn't available on Pixel. Some laws require all people on the call to consent to being recorded. Before the call begins, call participants are notified that the call is recorded. ff782bc1db

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