Reading Progress is a free tool that helps students practice their reading fluency. Students read a passage out loud while recording video and audio, then turn in their recordings to you. Create Reading Progress assignments in Microsoft Teams and track student progress over time in the Insights tab.

Reading Progress is a free tool designed to support educators in creating personalized reading experiences that build confidence and reading fluency in their students. Built into Assignments in Teams, Reading Progress passages are easy to create and differentiate for impactful instruction. Reading Progress has now fully rolled out globally!

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Navigating time constraints while also managing a class full of students is no small undertaking. This year, educators face the additional challenge of building a supportive and rigorous school experience for students who are entering the classroom without some of the skills they would have developed in a normal year. A recent study from Stanford shows Oral Reading Fluency growth dropped during the pandemic. In a broad sample of districts, second and third graders performed about 30 percent behind expectations, with the most severe impact concentrated in already struggling schools. As students, families, and educators continue to navigate uncertainty, we are excited to introduce Reading Progress in Teams as a flexible resource that can build opportunities for students and educators to get back on track in a non-stigmatizing and highly customizable way.

Whether educators used the Auto-detect feature for quick review, or manually code errors, valuable data is collected in Insights. Teams Education Insights dashboards help visualize class and individual progress. Insights provides a holistic view of trends and data including accuracy rate, correct words per minute, most challenging vocabulary, mispronunciations, omissions and insertions.

2) Student reading and recording: When students receive the Reading Progress assignment, they open it to see a recording experience. By default, video recording will be enabled, but teachers can approve audio-only if needed. Similar to Flipgrid, the student will start the recording, get a countdown, and then the reading passage will open for the student to read.

4) Powerful insights to track student progress:  Fluency data from Reading Progress is collected in Insights to support educators in taking evidence-based action for literacy in their classrooms. Insights dashboards help visualize progress and trends such as accuracy rate, correct words per minute, mispronunciations, omissions, and insertions. Reading Progress also highlights actionable insights for educators, synthesizing common challenges across the entire class or per student. Educators can share Insights dashboard access to collaborate with literacy coaches, speech pathologists, and reading specialists and more to holistically curate student-centered approaches.

In October, education leaders will be able to access Reading Progress data by opting into our new Education Insights Premium. Designed to compile organization-wide data for intentional and impactful leadership, Education Insights Premium will allow leaders to aggregate and roll up Reading Progress data into broader dashboards and analytics with views on entire schools and districts. To learn more about this new Insights offering, visit the Education Insights Premium page.

A huge THANK YOU to all of the educators, students, and reading experts who have worked with us and given us feedback along this exciting journey. We look forward to collaborating with you as we continue!

I need to track complex tasks with multiple subtasks which may be being worked on by multiple team members simultaneously. I need to dashboard of sorts be able to view the overall task progress (maybe in a progress bar) and also some sort of similar view of the subtask progress or status.

Can you have a look and see if you have any ideas for how to make this work and how to add progress bars for each screen plus overall progress? And how to make it so I can actually enter data into this?

@LaurensM is an exceptional contributor to the Power Platform Community. Super Users like Laurens inspire others through their example, encouragement, and active participation. We are excited to celebrated Laurens as our Super User of the Month for May 2024. Consistent Engagement: He consistently engages with the community by answering forum questions, sharing insights, and providing solutions. Laurens dedication helps other users find answers and overcome challenges. Community Expertise: As a Super User, Laurens plays a crucial role in maintaining a knowledge sharing environment. Always ensuring a positive experience for everyone. Leadership: He shares valuable insights on community growth, engagement, and future trends. Their contributions help shape the Power Platform Community. Congratulations, Laurens Martens, for your outstanding work! Keep inspiring others and making a difference in the community! Keep up the fantastic work!

We are excited to share that the all-new Copilot Cookbook Gallery for Power Apps is now available in the Power Apps Community, full of tips and tricks on how to best use Microsoft Copilot as you develop and create in Power Apps. The new Copilot Cookbook is your go-to resource when you need inspiration--or when you're stuck--and aren't sure how to best partner with Copilot while creating apps. Whether you're looking for the best prompts or just want to know about responsible AI use, visit Copilot Cookbook for regular updates you can rely on--while also serving up some of your greatest tips and tricks for the Community. Check Out the new Copilot Cookbook for Power Apps today: Copilot Cookbook - Power Platform Community. We can't wait to see what you "cook" up!

Reading Progress in Teams is an app that supports students in building fluency through independent reading practice, educator review, and educator insights. Educators can upload a single reading passage as a Teams assignment or differentiate for their students' many levels. Students read the text out loud, creating an audio and video recording that educators can assess at any time. Creating recordings allows educators to check student progress more regularly while also freeing up time for active instruction.

The APR, or Academic Progress Rate, holds institutions accountable for the academic progress of their student-athletes through a team-based metric that accounts for the eligibility and retention of each student-athlete for each academic term.

The first penalty level limits teams to 16 hours of athletics activities per week over five days (as opposed to 20 over six days), with the lost four hours to be replaced with academic activities. A second level adds additional athletics activities and competition reductions, either in the traditional or non-championships season, to the first level penalties.

While postseason bans are commonly applied as a penalty in the NCAA enforcement process, they are not considered as a penalty for poor academic performance. Instead, the requirement that teams achieve a minimum APR is simply a benchmark for participation in championships. Just as teams must win in competition to be eligible for championships, they must also achieve in the classroom.

As part of the APR, the NCAA established a public recognition program for the top-performing teams in each sport based on their most recent multiyear APR. These awards are given each year to teams with APRs in the top 10 percent, plus ties, in each sport.

We have teams that do little bits each then put it all together in a single board so we have progress for each team, but when everyone has completed, it would be good to be able to move that item into a completed section and notify someone about it!

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The science of team training in healthcare has progressed dramatically in recent years. Methodologies have been refined and adapted for the unique and varied needs within healthcare, where once team training approaches were borrowed from other industries with little modification. Evidence continues to emerge and bolster the case that team training is an effective strategy for improving patient safety. Research is also elucidating the conditions under which teamwork training is most likely to have an impact, and what determines whether improvements achieved will be maintained over time. The articles in this special issue are a strong representation of the state of the science, the diversity of applications, and the growing sophistication of teamwork training research and practice in healthcare. In this article, we attempt to situate the findings in this issue within the broader context of healthcare team training, identify high level themes in the current state of the field, and discuss existing needs.

It is important to note that Work in Progress is not a concept that is incorporated into the definition of the scrum framework. However, given that scrum is built to inherently incorporate the lean principles of software development, it makes sense (though not mandatory) for a team to complement their use of scrum with lean concepts such as work-in-progress limits.

A team that has a well-managed WIP is a team that understands its capacity. This ensures that work flows through the scrum process more smoothly. No one is overloaded, and there are fewer bottlenecks.

Nothing dampens a team's spirit like the weight of unfinished work hanging over their heads. By controlling WIP, each team member knows they have a manageable load, which increases job satisfaction and decreases stress.

Limiting WIP usually leads to higher-quality work. Quality naturally improves when developers focus on completing fewer tasks with fewer interruptions and less task overhead to manage (note: "developers" in this case means anyone who is using their skills to add value to the increment; in alignment with the Scrum Guide, "developers" is not technology-specific). 152ee80cbc

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