You see, some sites/blogs/forum posts fail to mention the fact, that this annotation has nothing to do with the page load, instead it is based on your backing beans lifecycle: it is called each time the bean is created, constructed (hence the name). So it will be executed on each page load only if your bean is request scoped, and even then it may behave in unexpected ways.

@Autowired's magic however can only be used on Spring managed beans (instantiated objects that are managed by Spring). However, there are many situations where you might need access to a Spring bean from non-Spring manged classes and POJO's (Plain Old Java Objects).

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I happened across a very cool article on the coDippa blog. It covered an approach where you essentially create a static reference to a special Spring bean (ApplicationContext) from which you can then access any other Spring managed bean. Since it's a static method, any POJO or non-Spring managed bean can access said instance of ApplicationContext and use that to get the desired Spring bean(s).

So what's going on here? Well you should note that SpringContext IS a Spring managed class so it should be scanned by your @SpringBootApplication or @Component scans). During application initialisation the method setApplicationContext will be called with a Spring bean instance of ApplicationContext passed to it. The important thing is this instance provides access to any other Spring bean. We then expose a simple static getBean(Class ...) method which returns the Spring managed bean instance of a service class (in this case) that any POJO class can access.

In CDI, a normal scoped bean must always declare a no-args constructor (this constructor is normally generated by the compiler unless you declare any other constructor).However, this requirement complicates constructor injection - you need to provide a dummy no-args constructor to make things work in CDI.

The optimization can be disabled by setting quarkus.arc.remove-unused-beans to none or false.Quarkus also provides a middle ground where application beans are never removed whether or not they are unused, while the optimization proceeds normally for non application classes.To use this mode, set quarkus.arc.remove-unused-beans to fwk or framework.

However, it is also possible to select alternatives for an application using the unified configuration.The quarkus.arc.selected-alternatives property accepts a list of string values that are used to match alternative beans.If any value matches then the priority of Integer#MAX_VALUE is used for the relevant bean.The priority declared via @Priority or inherited from a stereotype is overridden.

There is no standard concurrency control mechanism for CDI beans.Nevertheless, a bean instance can be shared and accessed concurrently from multiple threads.In that case it should be thread-safe.You can use standard Java constructs (volatile, synchronized, ReadWriteLock, etc.) or let the container control the concurrent access.Quarkus provides @io.quarkus.arc.Lock and a built-in interceptor for this interceptor binding.Each interceptor instance associated with a contextual instance of an intercepted bean holds a separate ReadWriteLock with non-fair ordering policy.

In certain situations, it is practical to obtain a bean instance programmatically via an injected jakarta.enterprise.inject.Instance and Instance.get().However, according to the specification the get() method must identify the matching bean and obtain a contextual reference.As a consequence, a new instance of a @Dependent bean is returned from each invocation of get().Moreover, this instance is a dependent object of the injected Instance.This behavior is well-defined, but it may lead to unexpected errors and memory leaks.Therefore, Quarkus comes with the io.quarkus.arc.WithCaching annotation.An injected Instance annotated with this annotation will cache the result of the Instance#get() operation.The result is computed on the first call and the same value is returned for all subsequent calls, even for @Dependent beans.

a package name with suffix .**, i.e. org.acme.**, matches a package that starts with the value If any element value matches a discovered type then the type is excluded from discovery, i.e. no beans and observer methods are created from this type.

To deploy CDI beans, you must place a file called beans.xml in a META-INF folder on the classpath. Once you do this, then every bean in the package becomes a CDI bean. There are a lot of features in CDI, too many to cover here, but as a quick reference for JSF-like features, you can define the scope of the CDI bean using one of the scopes defined in the javax.enterprise.context package (namely, request, conversation, session and application scopes). If you want to use the CDI bean from a JSF page, you can give it a name using the javax.inject.Named annotation. To inject a bean into another bean, you annotate the field with javax.inject.Inject annotation.

When you have been on your feet all day long, you will need to relax your back. Sitting down on a sofa that does not meet the contours of your back will do nothing at all to help your back. You might find that you end up naturally slouching. A sofa may cause you to sit in a very unnatural or uncomfortable pose. Sitting on a couch might not help you manage your back pain as you might not be able to get comfortable. An indoor bean bag, on the other hand, will provide you with plenty of comfort and relaxation while supporting your back, shoulders, neck, and head. You can prop the bean bag in a more upright posture, or you can recline. Whatever position you are in, you will have the support that your back needs.

If you are concerned about your posture and preventing back pain, you should consider your bean bag purchase wisely. The right bean bag will help your back. Look for a bean bag that has shredded memory foam inside it. Having memory foam will allow the bean back to shape itself to your body comfortably. The amount of filling you put inside your beanbag cover will determine the level of support. While a baggier bean back may well be very comfortable, you will be looking for a bean bag that can give you the support that you are looking for. A full indoor bean bag will be able to provide you with that support. This ergonomic support will help to reduce the tension on your spine as you relax. You will be able to maintain a very comfortable sitting or lying position, without putting any undue stress on your spine.

In addition to the support that it will provide for your back, shoulders, neck, and head; an indoor bean bag has lots of other benefits too. Bean bags are easy to move around the home. That means that you can use in your living room, and then take it on up to your bedroom. Bean bags can be used indoors and outdoors too so that you can enjoy lounging in comfort on your patio. You can match a bean bag quite easily to any aesthetic in your home, and they look great wherever you place them. Even though they have been around since the 1970s, they have rarely been out of style. That means that an indoor bean bag will be a timeless addition to your home.

In conclusion, no one seating solution can guarantee to eradicate problems with your back. Whatever you choose to sit on, you should still do your best to maintain your physical posture yourself. While many people may look at a bean bag as a novelty seating item, it has some substantial benefits in terms of the health of your back. Bean bags provide exceptional comfort. They can contour to your body when you are in a relaxed position. And, assuming you have your neck, shoulders, and back in a comfortable posture, then it is possible to enjoy your bean bag without any cause for concern to your back. If you are concerned about back pain in any way, you should consider getting a fuller bean bag that contains memory foam as this will provide more significant ergonomic support. An indoor bean bag may be the way forward when it comes to finding something to sit on that supports your back while allowing you to relax in comfort.

Values for th:field attributes must be selection expressions (*{...}), which makes sense given the fact that they will be evaluated on the form-backing bean and not on the context variables (or model attributes in Spring MVC jargon).

Also note that if our features property contained some selected values in our form-backing bean, th:fieldwould have taken care of that and would have added a checked="checked" attribute to the corresponding input tags.

All containers must support managed beans, producer methods and producer fields. Java EE and embeddable EJB containers are required by the Java EE and EJB specifications to support EJB session beans and the Java EE component environment. Other containers are not required to provide support for injection or lifecycle management of session beans or resources.

Managed Bean is a regular Java Bean class registered with JSF. In other words, Managed Beans is a Java bean managed by JSF framework. Managed bean contains the getter and setter methods, business logic, or even a backing bean (a bean contains all the HTML form value).

Permission to copy, and distribute the contents of this document, orthe Eclipse Foundation document from which this statement is linked, inany medium for any purpose and without fee or royalty is herebygranted, provided that you include the following on ALL copies of thedocument, or portions thereof, that you use:

If the tags were to use value bindings instead of component bindings,the managed bean would not have direct access to the components andwould therefore require additional code to access the components fromthe FacesContext instance to change the components' renderedproperties.

A @Stateful bean could be injected into a @Stateless bean, but the outcome would be unpredictable. The injected @Stateful instance would be directly bound to a given @Stateless bean instance. The amount of stateful session bean instances would be dependent on the amount of pooled stateless beans. An automatic association between the HttpSession and a @Stateful instance cannot be achieved transparently with EJB. The developer would need to associate a bean with the HttpSession manually. Beans know nothing about the HttpSession and other concepts from the Servlet specification. e24fc04721

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