I want to encourage you to put your faith to work. The bible teaches us that God gave us the faith to believe when we were first saved. We have all been given a measure of faith and God wants us to use this faith to fulfill the plans and purposes He has created us for.

As His people we are given this faith to enable us to live by faith and not by sight. I want to challenge you to put your faith to work and believe God to do all He promises in His word. Living by faith is not difficult but I want to help you by giving you 5 practical steps that will help you put your faith to work.

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This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. Joshua 1 v8

Just reading the word is not enough, God instructed Joshua to read and mediate on it. Meditation is the act of chewing over a thought in much the same way as a cow chews the cud. As I meditate on the word I start to imagine what my life could become. Similar to the person who thinks about how they might look in a particular outfit when I meditate on the word I see myself in the fulfilment of the promise that I am considering.

Faith has a language and it is the language of the word. God wants me to speak the things He says about me and not the circumstances I find myself in. Faith stops declaring what is happening and starts declaring what the word says. We need to hold fast to our confession because the devil will do all he can to cause you to speak doubt and unbelief. Hold fast to your confession, God is good, He will turn all things to good and goodness and mercy follow you all the days of your life.

The Bible says faith without works is dead. The works of faith involve acting on the word we are trusting. For Abraham he had a word and then acting on it by leaving his homeland and simply following the call. As you start to live by faith you will be stretched to do what the bible tells you to do. As you take the next step of faith you will find that your red sea will open.

As I read the words of the Lord, I am getting to know him and pray that I put my faith to action. I pray also to have a spiritual mentor in my life that will lead me in the right path to Jesus Christ my Lord.

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Before I wrote this article, I conducted a little experiment. Inspired by my friend, Mike Ebbers, I posted a brief spiritual message on LinkedIn on Palm Sunday. To my surprise, I received a significant amount of engagement on the post. That told me that people out here in workland are looking for a spiritual connection. They are looking for leaders that are willing to wear their faith on their sleeve. Even if just a little bit.

First, it tends to be theologically nerdy. That is always a temptation with any spiritual topic of interest, but seems particularly ironic when it comes to something as practical as work, affecting almost every Christian. We risk ending up catering only to the intellectual elite, as a recent Christianity Today article by Jeff Haanen has warned.

Let me say that while I think over-examination of incidental theological issues is an issue, deep biblical reflection is not. And that would solve problem two, which is that where the movement is practically useful it can be very superficial. While there has been an explosion of books on faith and work in the last two decades, rarely do they move beyond Faith and Work 101: a basic theology of work and some superficial practical responses.

This is partly a mea culpa, because I have contributed two books in the space. I would contend, however, that I have sought to address some under-developed areas in the movement: spiritual formation, and biblically-thoughtful practical responses.

In response to these issues, there will be a Transforming Vocation Conference in Sydney next year focused on bringing together those three groups in dialogue with each other and presenting rigorous and biblically informed contributions.

Kara Martin is the author of Workship: How to Use Your Work to Worship God, and Workship 2: How to Flourish at Work. She is also a lecturer with Mary Andrews College. Kara has worked in media and communications, human resources, business analysis and policy development roles, in a variety of organisations, and as a consultant. Kara has a particular passion for integrating our Christian faith and work, and helping churches connect with the workers in their congregations. She is currently conducting research on how to effectively equip workplace Christians to integrate their faith and work.

But I was intrigued by the idea from my businessman friend that God called me to my job for a greater purpose. I wondered if work really could be more than just putting in my hours and honoring God with my actions.

When you believe God has put you in your workplace for the sake of his gospel, you will not view sharing your faith as a surprising and rare experience. You can expect him to regularly use you in the lives of your co-workers.

So these six individuals met every week to provide solidarity, accountability, and prayer for intentionality in reaching co-workers. Meeting with this group catapulted me into an incredibly fruitful season of missional living at work.

Though we had aspirations of seeing our workplace transformed with the gospel, my group decided to start small. We each identified three people God had placed on our hearts. These were the people we prayed for individually, talked about as a group and prayed for as a group.

Then the following week, Rea was flustered because she had a meeting that overlapped with needing to pick up her son from school. I recognized the opportunity to serve her and offered to pick him up, which built trust between us.

Pray for wisdom and discernment to know when doubt is trying to take root in your heart. And most importantly, remember who God is: faithful, loving, merciful, gracious, just. Trusting in Him means trusting in His character as well as His promises.

As you put your faith into action, expect to see results. Your relationships will improve as you practice forgiveness and love towards others. Your financial situation will improve as you honor God with your finances and trust Him for provision.

Therefore, I say unto you, that whatsoever things ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them. [Mark 11:24] To attain healing, or anything you believe God for, simply believe you have received it already by acting accordingly and giving thanks just like Abraham. This is How you make your faith work

This is the true power and freedom of Christians in the workplace. Marketplace culture incentivizes cutthroat competition; it is dominated and constrained by profits and losses, by desire for acclaim and self-protectionism. Even for those who do succeed, the resources any career can offer you are finite.

Your responses to difficult situations and your attitude toward work will say more to people about your faith than words ever could. God is with you in every step of your workday, whether you realize it or not, and His presence in us changes everything.

Now my point is that there is another way to understand Romans 2:13 that also coheres with Romans 3:28 understood that way and the doctrine of justification by faith alone apart from works of the law, meaning that the only foundation of our justification is Christ, his blood and righteousness, and that the only instrument that unites us to Christ and his righteousness is faith and faith alone. And I believe that is what the Bible teaches.

I want you to know that loneliness is not the end of your story. My words will encourage you to embrace love over fear, action over inaction, and pleasing God over pleasing people. We are all made for community, even those of us that love solitude! Follow me on Instagram for regular encouragement to make connections.

tag_hash_112As a social work educator, I find that I use my faith every day as a social worker even though I am not doing direct practice. I use my faith for personal strength as I go about my job as an educator. I need the Lord to guide me in my interactions with students and in my role as a mentor and role model for them. I need to rely on my Christian values as I work with colleagues and other professionals both within and outside the university setting. As a Christian, I want to be respectful, act in a dignified manner, and treat others with dignity, and I know that I need help in doing so because of my strong personality and passion for social work and life in general.

I often find myself discussing issues related to faith in the classroom, even when I am not intending to do so. Certainly I discuss the integration process on a formal basis in practice courses and field seminar. Working with clients who challenge our belief system or dealing with issues related to the immoral behavior of administrators in a placement agency are typical discussions that often arise in those classes. But I find that questions and discussions regarding faith issues, values, and ethics constantly arise regardless of the course and often outside the classroom.

Thanks for your thoughtful blog entry, Jerry Jo. I especially appreciated the application of the discussion about integration to the way many of us interact with social workers (and other staff) we supervise in our work. This is an area we are hoping to see NACSW pay more attention to in the future (including a full day preconvention institute at our 2014 convention in Annapolis on November 6th, 2014). Thanks for helping lead the way! 152ee80cbc

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