It seems I have given up after trying several blogs and following instructions to manually clean files in the library folder and then using the app cleaner tool and then following StackOverflow steps with no luck.

If you are using any kind of cloud service file sync like OneDrive (I use OneDrive) or perhaps even iCloud, copy the installer pkg to your desktop and try again. This fixed the installer issue for me. Hope this helps somebody!

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Hey @Oleksii_Kraievyi, there isn't currently a way to do this, but we are actively working on supporting more custom Python libraries. I can update this thread here when I have additional information on timing, etc. Thanks!

Hi @joeBumbaca

Is there any library to parse PDFs using Python?

I noticed an installed lib to create PDF files (python-pdf v0.39), but this library cannot parse PDF files.

If there isn't any available lib yet, could you install PyPDF2, please?

@Rodrigo_Zembrzuski I don't believe any of the currently imported python libraries are capable of parsing PDFs. I'll submit a feature request to add this one, and as mentioned above we are actively working on allowing custom libraries so you won't have to request one-offs such as PyPDF2.

Hi @vibes360 , for this, you're going to need your Alteryx Server Administrator load those libraries right on the Server itself (they'll have to remote into the server to do this). And for the local folder error (can't find path), the Server will need the full UNC path (\\server\folder\subfolder\subfolder2\filename.filetype) and have access to that location for it to work. Unless you only need the server to use a hard copy of the file, in which case when you upload the workflow to the gallery you can send it as an asset like this (however, this will be a hardcopy that the workflow will always reference and it won't change):

Thank you for your answer. I now have access to the Server/ VM but I don't know where / how to install the libraries. Please can you guide me on how to install the Python libraries and how to give Alteryx Gallery access to the local SharePoint.

Here, you'd just remove the # on the Package line of code, and overwrite pandas and numpy with whatever libs you need. Then click run. But warning, you may need your admin (or you) to whitelist '', ' ', and ' '. That part I don't know how to do (our IT did it).

Thank you for your reply. I already did the part of removing the # to install the python libraries in designer and Alteryx Gallery is still throwing the same errors. Please could you ask your IT how he whitelisted, etc and how he granted access to the Local SharePoint.

Sorry but I cannot ask my IT to give me details on their procedures. I put a ticket in, and they complete the task without giving details (we're a rather large corporation with several layers between myself and IT; so I can't help you there).

Check output #5 in the python tool and it will show you which packages you have installed. If you don't see the ones you think you installed, then they weren't installed. And if they weren't, you'd have to check for any errors when you installed them (should show you any errors right within the jupyter notebook on the canvas).

You should also be able to see the libraries you installed somewhere within C:\Program Files\Alteryx\bin\Miniconda3 on the server (sometimes they put them in different library locations so you'll have to really look).

Hi @06mickey

Did you follow the instructions on -06/python_installation_guide/index.html#setup_python_integration? If so you maintain your Python environment in conda. There you can check which packages are installed.

condas biggest advanatge is mostly on windows for packages that have binary and/or complex dependencies. On linux you usually have a compiler tool chain installed and can also install packages from pip that need compilation. So on linux (and mac) pip will most likely always work. And windows you could run into problems.

On running above code in Altyerx's Jupyter notebook, I got error messages as captured in the screenshot. Any good idea how I should resolve this issue? The error message said using "--user" option, I am not sure what it means.

I installed Admin version of Alteryx designer, with the help from our IT department colleagues. Unfortunately, I cannot run as admin, as I don't have admin right for my laptop. Is there any work around for me to install python packages on Designer? Thanks

My understanding is that you should be able to download additional Python packages without admin privileges if you are running the non-Admin version of Designer (refer to the Python tool documentation: Python Tool ( I tested this by running Designer Non-Admin 2022.1 on a machine without elevated rights and I was able to download the package without issue.

Has anyone moved to Pro 2.3 yet and tried adding the Utilsolutions package via the python package manager? I was able to clone the environment (which I wasn't able to do in 2.2) but when i click the "Install" button, a status bar looks like it's doing something for about 5 seconds and then nothing, back to where I was with the "Install" button no longer grayed out. No error message.

Thanks Milco, I was worried this was the case and will be more hesitant when updating Pro from now on. I assumed ESRI wouldn't roll out a new version without add-in functionality. It would be nice if there was something that stated which add-ins will lose/maintain functionality or a prompt (other than the conda logs) as to why something didn't install. I'll ask our admin people to download 2.2 again so I can re-install unless you know of another way?

Since Slicer bundles its own python, it is generally NOT possible to simply copy python packages (especially the one including binaries) from your own site-packages into the one of Slicer.

On windows, it will currently work only for pure python wheels because the official package for python 2.7 are built with a compiler than the one used for the official wheels. Note that this will change as soon as we standardize on Visual Studio 2015 and switch to python >= 3.5.

a quick questions concerning this topic. I am developing with Slicer on Windows and was also trying to install a module with precompiled data, namely pywin32. After some try and error I figured out that pywin32 also uses precompiled data. Since Slicers Python is build with VS2013 but the module has precompiled with VS2008 I assume the runtimes collide here.

My plan was now to build Slicer on my own such that I also have a Python.exe build with VS2013. Afterwards I would go to pywin32 gitlab page and build the module manually as well. Building pywin32 requires the Python.exe file, thats why I need to build Slicer as well.

If the API is not available in Qt, or you need code to work outside the Slicer environment too, then you could also try pywincffi. That uses the CFFI module, which can construct calls at runtime via ctypes/libffi (in CPython), and avoid the need for dealing with compiled shim libraries.

Due to the way most Linux distributions are handling the Python 3migration, Linux users using the system Python without creating a virtualenvironment first should replace the python command in this tutorialwith python3 and the python -m pip command with python3 -m pip --user. Do notrun any of the commands in this tutorial with sudo: if you get apermissions error, come back to the section on creating virtual environments,set one up, and then continue with the tutorial as written.

virtualenv needs to be installed separately, but supports Python 2.7+and Python 3.3+, and pip, Setuptools and wheel arealways installed into created virtual environments by default (regardless ofPython version).

Managing multiple virtual environments directly can become tedious, so thedependency management tutorial introduces ahigher level tool, Pipenv, that automatically manages a separatevirtual environment for each project and application that you work on.

The most common usage of pip is to install from the Python PackageIndex using a requirement specifier. Generally speaking, a requirement specifier iscomposed of a project name followed by an optional version specifier. A full description of the supported specifiers can befound in the Version specifier specification.Below are some examples.

On Windows you can find the user base binary directory by running py -msite --user-site and replacing site-packages with Scripts. Forexample, this could returnC:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\Python36\site-packages so you wouldneed to set your PATH to includeC:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\Python36\Scripts. You can set your userPATH permanently in the Control Panel. You may need to log out for thePATH changes to take effect.

To install from other data sources (for example Amazon S3 storage)you can create a helper application that presents the datain a format compliant with the simple repository API:,and use the --extra-index-url flag to direct pip to use that index.

Also, I am glad to have discovered the Administration area to build new Environments for R and Python, after the installation process. This area would have been awesome to know ahead of time, but, it was not late in rescuing me or should I say increased my knowledge of the whole process (installing with Python or installing and then create the required environments with Administration). Personally, while looking at the process, I think the DSS Manged Environments are much better because one can upgrade, install, and maintain a nice set of environments (replacing the need to install and manage them with conda).

Visit the official Python website and download the latest version of Python 3.x for Windows. The website will automatically detect your operating system and offer the appropriate installer for your system (32-bit or 64-bit).

Locate the downloaded installer file (usually in your Downloads folder) and double-click on it to run the installation process. You may be prompted by the User Account Control (UAC) to allow the installation. Click Yes to proceed. 152ee80cbc

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