Bitly has enabled us to build trust with clients by giving them branded short links that carry the main message of the link and that carries our brand. Bitly also gives us data analytics on who is clicking our links which helps us carry the clients forward in the advertising process.

How many people can even remember a long web address, especially if it has tons of characters and symbols? A short URL can make your link more memorable. Not only does it allow people to easily recall and share your link with others, it can also dramatically improve traffic to your content.

How To Make Download Links


There are several benefits of branding your short links. Branded links build trust between your audience and your business, drive more clicks, give your audience a preview of where they are being taken and increase brand awareness.

Yes, you can! We offer plenty of ways to sell products and monetize your audience. You can collect tips, request payments for services, collect revenue from affiliate links, and sell your products right in your Linktree.

Sharing your Linktree on every social platform you have makes it easy for your most important content to be seen and engaged with by all of your followers. You can even use QR codes to generate online traffic in offline places, and drive people to your links.

This depends on two things. If your priority is click-throughs and conversion, we recommend having 3-7 links on your Linktree at once (based on our most successful creators). Including too many options for your visitors slows down their course of action.

That said: for certain creators whose priority is display, education and showcasing (e.g. a record label with a library of new releases to promote, or a management company looking to showcase their full roster of clients), including more than seven links fulfils their purpose perfectly.

The button turns into color purple and it is underlined. (I know this is how links are shown) But is there a way that I can make these buttons stay color orange like in the picture without them turning blue and underlined. Thanks

If you want the orange to be on every link throughout, just remove the ".nav-link" part of the classes and remove the class="nav-link" from the link tag. This will make all links orange unless you have defined a another class and explicitly applied it to a link tag.

This can help improve user experience (UX), though if the links are in the header it may be naturally apparent that they are links. (UX design is more complex than this of course, because you have to consider things like touchscreen users that have no "hover". :) )

ShortURL allows to shorten long links from Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Linked In, WhatsApp, TikTok, blogs and sites. Just paste the long URL and click the Shorten URL button. On the next page, copy the shortened URL and share it on sites, chat and emails. After shortening the URL, check how many clicks it received.

Google uses links as a signal when determining the relevancy of pages and to find new pages to crawl. Learn how to make your links crawlable so that Google can find other pages on your site via the links on your page, and how to improve your anchor text so that it's easier for people and Google to make sense of your content.

Generally, Google can only crawl your link if it's an HTML element (also known as anchor element) with an href attribute. Most links in other formats won't be parsed and extracted by Google's crawlers. Google can't reliably extract URLs from elements that don't have an href attribute or other tags that perform as links because of script events. Here are examples of links that Google can and can't parse:

Good anchor text is descriptive, reasonably concise, and relevant to the page that it's on and to the page it links to. It provides context for the link, and sets the expectation for your readers. The better your anchor text, the easier it is for people to navigate your site and for Google to understand what the page you're linking to is about.

Remember to give context to your links: the words before and after links matter, so pay attention to the sentence as a whole. Don't chain up links next to each other; it's harder for your readers to distinguish between links, and you lose surrounding text for each link.

You may usually think about linking in terms of pointing to external websites, but paying more attention to the anchor text used for internal links can help both people and Google make sense of your site more easily and find other pages on your site. Every page you care about should have a link from at least one other page on your site. Think about what other resources on your site could help your readers understand a given page on your site, and link to those pages in context.

Linking to other sites isn't something to be scared of; in fact, using external links can help establish trustworthiness (for example, citing your sources). Link out to external sites when it makes sense, and provide context to your readers about what they can expect.

If you were paid in some way for the link, qualify these links with sponsored or nofollow. If users can insert links on your site (for example, you have a forum section or Q&A site), add ugc or nofollow to these links too.

Once generated, a Static Code cannot be edited and its scans cannot be tracked. Dynamic Code, on the other hand, is very flexible and is virtually indestructible. You can update its content, change/add links, and fix typos; even after print. You can also track the number of scans, including where and when.

We strive to make our use of language as inclusive as possible to support our commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DE&I). As we continue to learn and develop this framework, some of our older content may need to be updated. Read more about our core values here.

You can create internal links to any content on the website: pages, views, taxonomy term, images, media, etc. Instead of entering the full URL of the content, use the Linkit function of the Insert Link tool. The Linkit tool will insert the internal Node ID (for example, node/6). The internal Node ID does not change, whereas the friendly URL will change if the page title changes.

Anchor links are generally used to create a table of contents on a long document to make it easier for visitors to navigate the page (this page has a table of contents at the top). It is best practice to format the destination text using Heading tags.

Below, there is an example showing two links at the top that serve as the table of contents: Introduction and About the Institute. In the main body of the page, there are H2 formatted destinations for Introduction and About the Institute.

You can find out the link to a page heading by clicking on link icon that appears when you hover over a heading. After you click on the link symbol, the url to that heading will be in your browsers address bar. Copy the link and strip off the method and domain to make a relative url.

As an instructor, you can control which links appear in Course Navigation. Canvas includes a set of default Course Navigation links that are shown by default and cannot be renamed. Depending on your course configuration, other links may be available and may be customizable.

Links to sections that don't have any content and that students cannot create content for will be automatically hidden for students and will display the Visibility icon to instructors. For example, if there are no learning outcomes set for the course, you will see the Outcomes link with the Visibility icon, but students will not see the link at all. Configured External Apps may create additional Course Navigation links.

Reordering and hiding Course Navigation links for Announcements, Assignments, Discussions, and Files also affects the course tabs in the Dashboard course view for all users. Additionally, disabling the Files link will hide the Files tab in the Content Selector in the Rich Content Editor for students.

The following course navigation links will still be visible to instructors even if they have been hidden or disabled: Home, Announcements, Assignments, Collaborations, Conferences, Discussions, Files, Grades, Modules, Outcomes, Pages, People, Quizzes, Rubrics, Settings, and Syllabus.

Accessible hypertext links are one of the most important aspects for accessible web pages and documents. Fortunately, by following a few guidelines, it is relatively easy to make links accessible and that can be easily navigated by all users including those using assistive technologies such as screen readers.

Using concise and meaningful text for links benefits all users by making it easier to more quickly navigate documents. The text for links should be descriptive for where the link will go and it should make sense if read out of context from the rest of the text on the page. This is important because screen reader users can have the software read just the links on a web page. For this reason, do not use the following phrases as link text as they are ambiguous and make no sense out of context:

While we want links that are fully descriptive of their destination, we still want to be sure they are as concise as possible. Screen reading programs have functions to skip text or paragraphs on web pages, but this cannot be done with links. The screen reader will read the entire link! Therefore, a good starting point is to keep links under a maximum of about 100 characters.

Link text in all capitalized letters is more difficult to read for all users, but particularly difficult for users with reading disabilities. In addition, screen readers may read all capitalized links letter by letter which can be very difficult to comprehend.

Hypertext URLs (such as -on-new-york-s-annual-professional-performance-review-law-and-regulations) should be avoided. Screen readers will read the URL letter by letter which would be very difficult to interpret for a user. Short URLs may be used occasionally if the point is to convey what the URL is to the user, such as for website homepages such as or However, if this is not necessary, then it's better to display links as readable text such as the New York State Education Department website. e24fc04721

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