What are Integrated Care Systems (ICS's)?

What were Clinical Commissioning groups (CCG’s)?

Clinical commissioning groups replaced primary care trusts in 2012. They were responsible for the commissioning of health services in their local area. In July 2022, they were dissolved and their duties taken on by integrated care systems.

There were previously 106 CCG’s. There are 42 integrated care systems.

Figure 1: Integrated care systems in England. Taken from The Kings Fund (2022)

What are Integrated Care Systems (ICS's)?

Integrated care systems are comprised of:

Both integrated care boards and integrated care systems work together and influence one another, they are directly accountable to NHS England. 

ICB’s are responsible for allocating the NHS budget for their area. They also set out a five year plan for meeting the health needs of their population. The integrated care board consists of a chair, a CEO and at least three other members from local authorities including general practice and Foundation and NHS Trusts.

ICP’s plan to meet wider public and social health and care needs but does not commission services. ICP’s include representatives from the ICB, the local authorities within their area and other partners such as NHS providers, public health, social care, housing services, and voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) organisations.