When I connect my USB 2.0 drive to Xubuntu and try to transfer large files, transfer speeds are good at first but drop after a few seconds to 1-2 Mib/s. From what I read, the fast transfer at the beginning is just until the cache is full, then the real USB transfer speed is used.

It seems this is a common issue in (X)ubuntu. I haven't found a clear solution yet. It seems that the stick needs to be mounted as async instead of flush but I'm not exactly sure how to achieve this. I don't mind if I have to unmount the stick each time before disconnecting it as long as the transfer speeds are better.

How To Increase Transmission Download Speed In Ubuntu

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To increase FTP speed, start by knowing your resources; this includes your machine, the network throughput, and the ISP Internet plan. In the end, all those network resources will make the difference between slow and fast FTP download speeds.

Concurrent downloads are also known as multi-thread downloads. This feature allows you to download multiple files from multiple remote servers via simultaneous connections. Concurrent downloads increase FTP speed by allowing many concurrent connections to the server. The purpose of this feature is to download many files simultaneously.

Another way to increase Filezilla transfer speed is to check whether you have defined an FTP speed limit for your FTP client. FileZilla FTP client comes with unlimited transfer speeds by default. Check whether a transfer speed limit is defined.

I get slow transfer speed if I have too many torrents running or any software that you are using the hard drive, IE I use emby. I never used deluge, but I use haugene/transmission-openvpn:latest-armhf docker which is good for openvpn and transmission.

The second stage of my investigation measures the raw data transmission speed between a wirelessly connected Raspberry Pi and a stationary, ethernet connected Linux workstation (running Ubuntu 20.04). The variables in this investigation are:

In order to detect the root cause of slow image data transmission between a Raspberry Pi and a Linux workstation, I did three sets of measurements with different parameters: a) Using a Raspberry Pi Model 3B+ and Raspberry Pi Model 4, b) running the Raspberry Pi with either Raspberry Pi OS 2021-05-07 or Ubuntu Server 20.04, and c) Wi-Fi connection to a 2.4 Ghz and 5 Ghz network. The first measurement was done with the online tool Speedtest, and it showed that my Raspberry Pi 3B+ achieves the maximum upload speed of 40MB/s. The second measurements used the tool iperf to compare streaming data between two Raspberry Pi and/or a Linux workstation. I was shocked to see that Wi-Fi connections were limited to 18 MB/s. The final measurement just switched from a general router to a dedicated access point. Using the 5GHz Wi-Fi, I could achieve 58.0 MB/s. These results show that my router is just very busy with managing the network traffic of all other devices in my home, and that adding a dedicated access points removes this burden.

With the increase in people staying at home and spending more time on the Internet, ISPs have seen traffic loads higher than ever. If you noticed your network speed was slower at times, this global overload is the reason.

yes, to host PC via USB.

after some experimenting it seems like I can transmit with Serial.begin(250000);

I tried increasing it to 251000 but failed to receive any data.

MEGA can accept practically any number ( I tried up to 2048000), but real transmission speed is like 40% less then maximum speed of DUE

If you increase speed to, say, 252000 or even 251000, Putty shows garbadge.

I played for couple hours trying to find any combination of Arduino/terminal program speed settings >250000 which does not produce garbage, and I failed.

With Arduino MEGA same code generates correct transmission up to 2048000 May be even with bigger numbers, but I feel it does not make sense to go further, because it is not the actual transmission speed. It is just some correct handling of parameters, like, if speed>2500000 then speed=250000.

Using an rsize or wsize larger than your network's MTU (often set to 1500, in many networks) will cause IP packet fragmentation when using NFS over UDP. IP packet fragmentation and reassembly require a significant amount of CPU resource at both ends of a network connection. In addition, packet fragmentation also exposes your network traffic to greater unreliability, since a complete RPC request must be retransmitted if a UDP packet fragment is dropped for any reason. Any increase of RPC retransmissions, along with the possibility of increased timeouts, are the single worst impediment to performance for NFS over UDP.

A new feature, available for both 2.4 and 2.5 kernels but not yet integrated into the mainstream kernel at the time of this writing, is NFS over TCP. Using TCP has a distinct advantage and a distinct disadvantage over UDP. The advantage is that it works far better than UDP on lossy networks. When using TCP, a single dropped packet can be retransmitted, without the retransmission of the entire RPC request, resulting in better performance on lossy networks. In addition, TCP will handle network speed differences better than UDP, due to the underlying flow control at the network level.

The overhead incurred by the TCP protocol will result in somewhat slower performance than UDP under ideal network conditions, but the cost is not severe, and is often not noticable without careful measurement. If you are using gigabit ethernet from end to end, you might also investigate the usage of jumbo frames, since the high speed network may allow the larger frame sizes without encountering increased collision rates, particularly if you have set the network to full duplex.

If you are already encountering excessive retransmissions (see the output of the nfsstat command), or want to increase the block transfer size without encountering timeouts and retransmissions, you may want to adjust these values. The specific adjustment will depend upon your environment, and in most cases, the current defaults are appropriate.

One leading DMS company used the iEPF-9010S Series through workload consolidation approach for phenomenal upgrades in its AOI system. One iEPF-9010S can process all AOI tasks for product quality inspection, replacing the traditional setting of using at least two IPC systems and improving overall images data transmission performance. The results show improved data transfer rate up to one hundred times for increased product inspection efficiency with fewer devices to manage, thus smaller system equipment footprint and lower system integration complexity.

Applications that use high-speed UDP bulk transfer should enable and use UDP Generic Receive Offload (GRO) on the UDP socket. However, you can disable GRO to increase the throughput if the following conditions apply:

In large-scale wireless sensor networks, massive sensor datagenerated by a large number of sensor nodes call for being stored anddisposed. Though limited by the energy and bandwidth, a large-scale wirelesssensor network displays the disadvantages of fusing the data collected by thesensor nodes and compressing them at the sensor nodes. Thus the goals ofreduction of bandwidth and a high speed of data processing should be achievedat the second-level sink nodes. Traditional compression technology is unableto appropriately meet the demands of processing massive sensor data with ahigh compression rate and low energy cost. In this paper, Parallel MatchingLempel-Ziv-Storer-Szymanski (PMLZSS), a high speed lossless data compressionalgorithm, making use of the CUDA framework at the second-level sink node ispresented. The core idea of PMLZSS algorithm is parallel matrix matching.PMLZSS algorithm divides the data compression files into multiple compresseddictionary window strings and prereading window strings along the verticaland horizontal axes of the matrices, respectively. All of the matrices areparallel matched in the different thread blocks. Compared with LZSS and BZIP2on the traditional serial CPU platforms, the compression speed of PMLZSSincreases about 16 times while, for BZIP2, the compression speed increasesabout 12 times when the basic compression rate unchanged.

(b) The Massive Sensor Data Compression Algorithm at theSecond-Level Sink Node. The algorithm improves the transmission bandwidthutilization and increases the processing speed of massive sensor datastorage. The LSWSN, which consists of a large number of nodes, is connectedwith and integrated into the dynamic network. Meanwhile a large number ofnodes in the network carrying out real-time data collection and informationinteraction have produced massive sensor data to be stored and processed. Asshown in Figure 1, massive sensor data would finally converge at thesecond-level sink node and would then be transmitted to the remote servers tobe calculated and processed through the network. Then the data preprocessingat the second-level sink node affects the value of application of the LSWSN[13-15]. Therefore, study of the compression of massive sensor data innetworks is a hot topic in the field of wireless sensor networks.

In this work, we study the challenges of a parallel compressionalgorithm implemented on a CPU and a GPU hybrid platform at the second-levelsink node of the LSWSN. As the matrix matching principle introduced, itdivides the compressed data into multiple dictionary strings and prereadstrings dynamically along the vertical and horizontal axes in the differentblocks of the GPU and then it forms multiple matrices in parallel. By takingadvantage of the high parallel performance of the GPU in this model, itcarries out the data-intensive computing of the LSWSN data compression on theGPU. Furthermore it allocates threads' work reasonably through carefulcalculation, storing the match result of each blockin the correspondingshared memory Thus it is possible to achieve a great reduction of the fetchtime. At the same time, the branching code is avoided as far as possible. Ourimplementation makes it possible for the GPU to become a compressioncoprocessor, lightening the processing burden of the CPU by using GPU cycles.Many benefits are shown through the above measures: the less energyconsumption of intercommunication and more importantly the less time spendingin finding the redundant data, thus speeding up the data compression. Itsupports efficient data compression with minimal cost compared with thetraditional CPU computing platform at the second-level sink node of theLSWSN. The algorithm increases the average compression speed nearly 16 timescompared with the CPU mode on the premise that the compression ratio remainsthe same. e24fc04721

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