How to Gain Weight Fast & Safely?

Eat More Often

If you eat five or six smaller meals a day instead of three big ones, you may be able to get more calories in, and that can help you whey protein . This is especially true if you don’t have much of an appetite or you get full quickly, which can lead to your being underweight.

Drink calories

Instead of beverages like diet sodas, coffee, and tea, use whey protein powder to reach for milk, juice, or a smoothie with full-fat dairy and fresh fruit or vegetables. They’ll give you calories and nutrition those other drinks don’t have.

Avoid junk food

Too many “empty” calories with added salt, sugar, and unhealthy fats can be bad for you, no matter what you weigh. Nutritious foods like fruit, dairy, meat, beans, and certain vegetables can help you On whey protein in a more healthy way.

Choose healthy food

Not all fruits and vegetables are low in calories. Take dense fruits like mangoes or avocadoes, for example, or starchy vegetables like potatoes and corn. And fatty fish, like salmon, is a great way to get Mass Gainer into your diet.