You can update your Android apps and the Play Store app one at a time, all together, or automatically. Updating your apps to the latest version gives you access to the latest features and improves app security and stability.

ah crap theres a manual to this, bleh who needs to read it anyways! but lol thanks for answering though that does make a bit more sense than my theory XD I can understand them having a slight auto aim i guess for following the combos path when attacking.

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Hello, I have a HA pair of NSa 5650's we just received some SWS14-24 switches. Following the quickstart guide it shows to go to the interface I will plug the switch and check "enable auto-discovery of sonicwall switches" that option simply does not exist on my firewall GUI. Is there a setting that needs to be enabled somewhere to get that to show up? The firewall is on the latest firmware.

I find it very annoying though, since a big autocomplete block is always coming up and I would just like to see autocomplete when I press tab or a key combination. I am fairly new to Notepad++ though. If you know of such a key combination, please feel free to reply. I found this question via Google, so we can always help others.

For basic autocompletion, have a look at the files in %ProgramFiles%\Notepad++\plugins\APIs. It's basically just an XML file with keywords in. If you want calltips ("function parameters hint"), check out these instructions.

Check Enable auto-completion on each input. By default the radio button for Function completion gets checked, that will complete related function name as you type. But when you are editing something other than code, you can check for Word completion.

I have seen the SEPM report stale data for this piece, so i would Remotely connect VIA Computer Management to one of those systems, services, Symantec Endpoint...etc and see if RTVSCAN (Realtime) is running. Next check to make sure that its set to automatic, also make sure the Firewall/ICS service is off if using SEPs NTP. The windows firewall can cause issues with reporting to the SEPM, meaning it might show rtvscan is NOT reporting in as running BUT it really is.

Are Automatic Updates selected in the Screen Options section? If the answer is yes, and there is no

add_filter( 'auto_update_plugin', '__return_false' ); code in the wp-config.php file, then disable all plugins, enable a WordPress Twenty* theme and test again.

So I just installed raspbian jessie lite on my pi 2. But I can't get it to login automatically. I first tried with raspi-config, which didn't work. Then after googling a bit, I found a tutorial which I'm suppose to edit inittab but when I try to access it, it's empty.

What I learned from this is that my changes to /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf were not affecting my autologin as expected because I was missing a file called /etc/systemd/system/[email protected]/autologin.conf

Which will be set to the username that raspi-config wants, not the one that you want. So you have to change the $USER in /etc/systemd/system/[email protected]/autologin.conf to match the username you are setting in the /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf parameter autologin-user

If you enable auto-merge for a pull request, the pull request will merge automatically when all required reviews are met and all required status checks have passed. Auto-merge prevents you from waiting around for requirements to be met, so you can move on to other tasks.

After you enable auto-merge for a pull request, if someone who does not have write permissions to the repository pushes new changes to the head branch or switches the base branch of the pull request, auto-merge will be disabled. For example, if a maintainer enables auto-merge for a pull request from a fork, auto-merge will be disabled after a contributor pushes new changes to the pull request.

Note: The option to enable auto-merge is shown only on pull requests that cannot be merged immediately. For example, when a branch protection rule enforces "Require pull request reviews before merging" or "Require status checks to pass before merging" and these conditions are not yet met. For more information, see "Managing a branch protection rule."

When you use the AWS Management Console to create a new table, Amazon DynamoDB auto scaling is enabled for that table by default. You can also use the console to enable auto scaling for existing tables, modify auto scaling settings, or disable auto scaling.

For more advanced features like setting scale-in and scale-out cooldown times, use the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) to manage DynamoDB auto scaling. For more information, see Using the AWS CLI to manage DynamoDB auto scaling.

In AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM), the AWS managed policy DynamoDBFullAccess provides the required permissions for using the DynamoDB console. However, for DynamoDB auto scaling, users require additional permissions.

DynamoDB auto scaling requires the presence of a service-linked role (AWSServiceRoleForApplicationAutoScaling_DynamoDBTable) that performs auto scaling actions on your behalf. This role is created automatically for you. For more information, see Service-linked roles for Application Auto Scaling in the Application Auto Scaling User Guide.

DynamoDB auto scaling requires the presence of a service-linked role (AWSServiceRoleForApplicationAutoScaling_DynamoDBTable) that performs auto scaling actions on your behalf. This role is created automatically for you. For more information, see Service-linked roles for Application Auto Scaling.

For best performance, we recommend that you enable Use the same read/write capacity settings for all global secondary indexes. This option allows DynamoDB auto scaling to uniformly scale all the global secondary indexes on the base table. This includes existing global secondary indexes, and any others that you create for this table in the future.

As your application drives read and write traffic to your table, DynamoDB auto scaling dynamically modifies the table's throughput settings. Amazon CloudWatch keeps track of provisioned and consumed capacity, throttled events, latency, and other metrics for all of your DynamoDB tables and secondary indexes.

You can use the AWS Management Console to modify your DynamoDB auto scaling settings. To do this, go to the Additional settings tab for your table, and choose Edit in the Read/write capacity section. For more information about these settings, see Enabling DynamoDB auto scaling on existing tables.

However, I used a workaround. I saved a recoverykey (a external key file) with the manage-bde command to a USB flash drive. Now whenever I want to unlock the drive, instead of typing in the password, I click on the text-button below it and it automatically checks existing USB devices and unlocks. So clicking instead of typing.

Normally the auto-unlock key is saved in the registry. The benefit of -RecoveryKey task in comparison to the -Password unlock task is that your weakest link is not the password mentioned in clear text in the Windows Task manager, but, the weakest link is the Windows' access rights applied to the folder/*.bek key file.

You can use the Exchange Online auto-expanding archiving feature to enable additional storage space for archive mailboxes. When auto-expanding archiving is turned on, additional storage space is automatically added to a user's archive mailbox until it reaches the storage limit of 1.5 TB. You can turn on auto-expanding archiving for everyone in your organization or just for specific users. For more information about auto-expanding archiving, see Learn about auto-expanding archiving.

Auto-expanding archiving prevents you from recovering or restoring an inactive mailbox. That means if you enable auto-expanding archiving for a mailbox and the mailbox is made inactive at a later date, you won't be able to recover the inactive mailbox (by converting it to an active mailbox) or restore it (by merging the contents to an existing mailbox).

If auto-expanding archiving is enabled on an inactive mailbox, the only way to recover data is by using the Content search tool in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal to export the data from the mailbox and import to another mailbox. For more information, see the Inactive mailboxes and auto-expanding archives.

You must be a global administrator in your organization or a member of the Organization Management role group in your Exchange Online organization to enable auto-expanding archiving. Alternately, you have to be a member of a role group that's assigned the Mail Recipients role to enable auto-expanding archiving for specific users.

After you turn on auto-expanding archiving, an archive mailbox is converted to an auto-expanding archive when the archive mailbox (including the Recoverable Items folder) reaches 90 GB. It can take up to 30 days for the additional storage space to be provisioned.

You can enable auto-expanding archiving for your entire organization. After you turn it on, auto-expanding archiving will be enabled for existing user mailboxes and for new user mailboxes that are created. When you create user mailboxes, be sure to enable the user's main archive mailbox so the auto-expanding archiving feature works for the new user mailbox.

Instead of enabling auto-expanding archiving for every user in your organization, you can enable it only for specific users. You might do this because only some users might have a need for a large archive storage capacity.

This additional space is added to prevent any storage issues that may occur before the auto-expanding archive is provisioned. Additional storage space is not added when you enable auto-expanding archiving for your entire organization, as described in the previous section.

Run the following command in Exchange Online PowerShell to enable auto-expanding archiving for a specific user. As previously explained, the user's archive mailbox (main archive) must be enabled before you can turn on auto-expanding archiving for that user. 006ab0faaa

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