How to Earn Money Online Through Internet Marketing

The global pandemic has encouraged all of us to embrace the great indoors. No surprise that many of us are now looking to make money from the safety of our homes. People are now finding the ways to make money through Internet marketing. For more related articles visit internet providers in Florida.

The path to make money from internet marketing has become much clearer now. Most of people are working remotely and have enough time flexibility to spend time with family. Working from home and earning a meaningful amount of money is a no longer a dream.

The magic of the internet is that it serves as a sales channel, community hub, marketing network, and so much more. You can earn money online from numerous creative skills. In this guide, we will talk about different ways to make money through internet marketing.

How to Earn Money by Internet Marketing

1. Become a Content Writer

Content writing is about planning and writing content for blogs, websites, or other online platforms. It is usually a part of digital marketing strategy. Content writing involves a wide range of content types, including articles, blog posts, scripts for videos, posts for social media, and more.

In order to become a content writing specialist, you’ll need to master a variety of skills and meet specific qualifications. This includes:

· Writing Skills

· SEO Skills

· Keyword Research Skills

· Analytical Skills

If you are looking to work for a company, you need to have a college degree, usually in marketing, journalism, or communications. College degrees are not important to become a good freelancer.

Moreover, it is also a great idea to start your own blog. It will help you further develop your skills and serve as a selling point when looking for a job or win projects.

Earning of a Content Writer

Your salary depends on the job position and various other factors. For instance, if you work for a company, the average base salary for content writers is $3,509/month.

However, if you work as a freelancer, you can get paid for each article. You can expect anywhere between $0.10 and $0.50 for each word you write. The rate depends on the type of content and expertise.

2. Become an SEO Expert

SEO is one of the most critical areas of internet marketing. It can be helpful in a lot of different roles. To become an SEO expert, you will need to learn how search engines work.

After that, you need to develop your SEO skills. There are a lot of SEO learning resources available on the internet. It is recommended to find a good SEO course that helps you build SEO skills.

As your skills and knowledge grow, you’ll want to get familiar with the popular SEO tools. SEO tools will help you streamline the way you work. SEO is changing rapidly, so it is important to stay up to date about all the latest SEO changes. Learning new and advanced skills will be helpful to adjust your projects accordingly.

You will need to build a network of clients to sell your services successfully. Create a website to offer your SEO services. You can also start a blog and put your skills to work by generating traffic for your website.

As you start getting clients, you need to keep detailed records of your work to create case studies that can be used to win more business.

Earning of an SEO Expert

The average hourly rate of SEO consultants varies between $50 to $125. However, prices vary according to your country and experience.

The average salary of SEO manager working with a company is around $77K per year.

3. Earn Money With Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a business that helps earn commissions by selling other people's products. The process is simple. You find the products you want to promote and create a website to promote the products. There are two major types of affiliate partnerships. Standalone programs where you build an account directly with a company. Or you can join affiliate networks where you can join and manage multiple partnerships on a single platform.

Your blog will be the primary source of promoting affiliate products. It is vital to perform keyword research before choosing a niche. It will be helpful to check the monthly search volume for related terms and get an idea about the amount of traffic you will be able to generate.

You want to pay attention to keywords having transactional intent. These search terms indicate that someone is looking to buy a product. They often include words like buying, get discount, etc.

Moreover, you can also search for terms having commercial intent. These keywords show that someone is in the process of buying and hasn’t decided on a particular product yet. They include words like review, best, product a vs. product b.

Earning Through Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing has excellent earning potential, but you must build your online presence. Your online presence will help generate massive traffic to your website to get positive results.

If you have the patience to build your business, you can easily make six figures per year from affiliate marketing.

4. Earn Money By Selling Ads

Running ads on your website is a popular way of monetizing your website traffic. Keep in mind that to make good money with ads, your website needs to have a lot of traffic.

There are several advertising programs that are helpful to monetize your web traffic. Google Adsense is the most popular. When you are building your audience, you can boost your monetization efforts with the help of affiliate marketing or by selling your own digital products.

You need to sign up for AdSense and add the correct code to your website. Google will start running ads on your web pages. You can earn revenue through clicks and views. However, Google pays a very small amount for views.

The amount you will earn through ads will vary significantly depending on your website category, audience, demographics, and more. You need a tremendous amount of traffic to generate some good income.

If your website already has a steady amount of traffic and you need more control over the ads that appear on your website, you can sell direct ads on your website. There are other ad networks like, Ezoic, and Propeller Ads. You can use any of the suitable networks according to your needs.

How Much Can You Earn by Selling Ads on Your Website?

No matter which ad network you use, you will need to get 100,000s of page impressions every month. A huge amount of traffic ensures that you will earn meaningful income.

Google AdSense pays $0.25 to $3 per 1,000 impressions.

5. Working as a Social Media Manager

Working as a social media manager is an excellent way to use your skills to make money through internet marketing.

As a social media manager, you will work for growing a brand's online presence. You can write, schedule posts, run ads, create graphics, reply to followers, and more.

There are multiple ways to find works as a social media manager. You can also work with a company or as a digital marketing freelancer.

Earning of a Social Media Manager

Social media managers earn average salary of $62,000/year. However, experienced individuals can earn up to $75,000.

As a freelancer, your earnings will be dependent on the number of clients you have and your experience level. Moreover, new social media managers can earn from $15 to $50/hour, and experienced managers earn $50 to $100/hour or higher.

6. Creating and Selling Your Own Digital Products

You can use your internet marketing experience to create and sell your own digital products. An advantage of digital products is creating them once and selling them repeatedly. It will provide extremely high-profit margins and the ability to automate your business with ease.

There are numerous types of digital products, and more popular options are:


E-books are the simplest digital products, and you can also use the previously published content on your blog.


E-learning is the future of education because more and more people are turning to online sources to learn something new. Creating and selling online courses helps to share your expertise with others. Moreover, you can also list your courses on markets like Udemy to reach more audiences.

Web Templates

If you know how to design web templates, you can make templates for platforms like Shopify or WordPress. You will be able to offer products on your website as well as other marketplaces like Themeforest.

While selling digital products, one important thing to keep in mind is that you’ll compete with all the free content on the internet. Ensure that you perform thorough research on the product you offer. Good products can add value and convince people to buy them.

How Much Can You Earn by Selling Digital Products?

Selling digital products online offers the opportunity to make a good amount of money. You can easily sell your products for hundreds or thousands of dollars. There will be no need to worry about generating sales for a meaningful income with this price.

7. Become YouTube Advertising Partner

If you want to earn money by internet marketing through videos, you can create a YouTube channel. A YouTube channel can be helpful to become an advertising partner.

It is a simple process to earn through YouTube. You just need to create and publish your videos on your channel and promote your videos to build an audience. Every time your video plays, a different type of ad will show.

You will earn income when someone views or clicks your video. However, to get approved as an advertising partner, you will need to fulfill their requirements.

Earning of YouTube Advertising Partner

As an advertising partner, you will get paid for ad views. Not everyone will watch the ads, so that the ads views will be lower than your video views. To know your potential income, you’ll need estimate the number of views on your video.

YouTube partners make around $0.01 to $0.03 per ad view. That makes somewhere between $3 to $5 per 1,000 views.

8. Becoming an E-commerce Specialist

E-commerce is growing rapidly, and the need for E-commerce specialists is also growing with it.

An E-commerce specialist is responsible to create and execute a marketing strategy that helps businesses to sell products online.

Some of the daily activities of an E-commerce specialist are:

· Website Management

· Managing Marketing Campaigns

· Adjusting On-page Elements for Improving Conversion Rate Optimization

· Optimizing the SEO of store

· Running Up-selling and Cross-selling Campaigns

· Setting Up Email Marketing Funnels

How Much Can You Earn as an E-commerce Specialist?

The average salary of an E-commerce specialist is $58,000/year. However, it will vary based on location and experience. Moreover, an E-commerce manager can also earn up to $103K/year.

Key Learnings

There are various ways for earning money with internet marketing. Moreover, you can also learn a variety of skilling, including SEO, E-commerce, PPC management, Social media management, Content marketing, and sell these services to clients.

Creating a website with a blog will be helpful to polish your skills. Moreover, it can be helpful to attract new customers.

If you are looking to sell products, you can create digital products of your own or join affiliate programs. You can use your website as a business hub and add extra monetization by running ads on your website.

Moreover, if you are looking for a steady job, there are plenty of companies hiring for internet marketing positions. You can join a company and work full-time to earn a decent amount of money every month.

If you want to run your own marketing business, you can start your own digital marketing agency. You can offer a range of services to your clients.

Internet marketing is only going to grow. Take time to develop your skills and earn a significant amount of money.