I am new to TouchGFX, so I am starting with something simple, displaying an image on the screen. I am using a custom STM32H753 board, where the display is hooked up through the LTDC interface. The display is working properly; when I write manually to the frame buffer, then the data gets displayed correctly. I was using the TouchGFX designer to create the screen with the image, and I set it as boot display. However, the image never appears on the screen. I checked that the task for touchgfx is created and also entered. Also the LTDC line interrupt is generated correctly. I am not sure in which part of the code, which TouchGFX is generating the actual drawing take place. So far I could not locate any code, which actually draws to the frame buffer. I found some shells for drawing functions, but they are all doing nothing. So something seems to be fundamentally wrong here, and I am missing the starting point where I can look. Can someone give me a hint why I am not getting anything drawn on the screen?

Thanks, but is a little bit more complicated. I put a break point on the signalVSync function, and I know that the LTDC interrupt calls this function repetitively. Then I put a break point inside the OSWrapper::waitForVSync functions, and I am getting a different behavior dependent on if DMA2D is activated or not. If it is not, then this function is being entered repetitively, but nothing ever gets written into the frame buffer. If DMA2D is activated, then this function is entered exactly twice, and then never again. I cannot trace down what happens inside the code which calls the waitForVSync function, since this is part of the library, for which there is no source code. Something goes wrong inside the library, and I have no way to find out what it is. I suspect that something is configured wrongly, but I have no hint what it could be. I set my the STM32H753 with CubeMX from within the STM32CubeIDE as development system. In my system I have an 8MB SDRAM attached, but no external FLASH, so TouchGFX is configured for internal FLASH only.

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Thanks for your suggestion. I will try it as soon as I can. Right now I cannot do anything. I upgraded STMCubeIDE to version 1.4.0 (to see if this makes a difference), and since then I cannot debug any more. I can set up my ST-LINK as the debug probe, I can upgrade the firmware of the ST-LINK to the latest version using STMCubeIDE 1.4.0, but when I try to start a debug session, I window pops up "ST-LINK firmware verification" "No ST_LINK detected! Please connect ST-LINK and restart the debug session". Evidently ST broke something when releasing version 1.4.0. Brilliant. I think I need to de-install 1.4.0 and go back to a 1.3.x version.

Hi steps to activate touchgfx is more or less complicated. When you have project with framebuffer with single layer and it works, touchgfx need hal initialization to set same framebuffer adress and maybe double buffering... Every version CubeMX from 5.3 to 6.0 have different way to do working project...

Update: I just lost a day on STM32CubeIDE Version 1.4.0. Not only the ST-LINK does not work any more, but to make matters worse, the CubeMX deleted the entire project when "updating" the code. After the "generating" the code the project directory was completely empty and the project removed from the IDE workspace. Fortunately I made a backup just before I upgraded to version 1.4.0, otherwise all my work would have been lost. I de-installed and re-installed the entire environment, but the behavior still remained the same; ST-LINK not functioning and CubeMX deletes the code. I have no idea what is going on here, but something is terribly wrong with 1.4.0. So I re-installed 1.3.0, and now the ST-LINK is back and CubeMX behaves in the expected manner. Nevertheless, for one week now I am treading water. I should be working on my code, but I am still struggling with getting anything on the screen. I know that the SDRAM and the LTDC are working properly, because I can write to the frame buffer using my own code. Works. Only when I use TouchGFX, nothing is ever displayed. Therefore a couple of questions:

I was in the middle of doing that when I had the idea of trying of 1.4.0 behaves different. Big mistake. Hopefully I can continue on this today once my environment is fully restored after the 1.4.0 disaster.

When I started back into a drawing routine I found myself following (and stalking!) artists I deeply admired. I found that I went right back to their beginnings perhaps to glean encouragement that if they could do it so could I.

My third point with regards to mindset is that you must de-mystify the perceived art of drawing. Essentially drawing revolves around the process you employ and how you decide to put a mark down on paper. That is it. Your personal alchemy on the page will emerge as your confidence grows. You will establish your own process of drawing and build step by step on your foundations.

Equipment comes into this. Pencil and paper are your starting points. Always aim for a softer pencil and a hot pressed or cartridge paper to be able to make your mark. Thats all you really need to get started.

If you are starting to learn how to draw anything I believe you need to re-define how you have perceived being creative in your daily life. No more hobbyist mentality. Allow your creativity to sprout wings and move across your days and week.

We spend too much time obsessing with how we mark our pages with our pencil. This may have been how you were traditionally taught. What I have realised as I have progressed is that I spend more time looking at my object now than at my piece of paper. You can master how to draw with your eyes and feel along the edges or contours of your object and translate it onto paper. (This comes with practice.)

As a culture we have become refined to produce output. We work daily to get things done, whether at work, decorating our homes, booking a holiday and so forth. I talk about the different performance zones directly linked to how productive our approach to practice is likely to be.

We also MUST challenge our pre-conceived notions of what being creative means. Re-programming our belief that we can create something we love on paper with our pencils as the outcome of a learning journey is part of the fun. There are no standards against which to measure yourself, just the want to create.

LIAN THIS RULES. It was so satisfying to read that list of different dragon traits??? Like it soothed my mind. This whole thing was so calming in its methodical-ness-- I'm gonna refer back to it in 2 months when I'm panicking about how to draw the DMV. CAN'T WAIT FOR MY COPY TO ARRIVE!!!

Whew, that was extremely long. I have gassed myself out and if you have made it this far, congratulations! You\u2019ve now learnt my method of learning how to draw things! Now all that\u2019s left to do is design 200 dragons!

Speaking of dragons, this book 100 Mighty Dragons All Named Broccoli written by David LaRochelle comes out TOMORROW! You can order a signed copy here or if you don\u2019t want a signed copy you can order it here instead.

I find it helpful to do just a few of these warm ups at the start of a drawing session, it helps me to create smoother line work. And for beginning sketchers it can be helpful to loosen up and learn pencil control.

Often you will draw several loose lines in the first explorative stage, now is the time to decide on one contour line and define it with a solid line. Try to stay true to what you see in front of you.

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Hello, my name is Julia. I'm an illustrator, naturalist and I love to sketch.

On this blog I share my sketching adventures in nature, ideas for building a creative practice, how to live without social media, and my thoughts about how to be (and stay sane as) an artist in this strange world. Dive deeper into what I write about or browse the archives.

I am pretty new to VBOs, VAOs and Indices. I was able to render a single cube and now I am trying to render a chunk of cubes. My goal is to slowly make a voxel engine. I have a problem with my chunk class. It doesn't display anything for some reason. Can anyone take a quick look and maybe figure out whats wrong and point it out to me? Cheers

After you create your FloatBuffer objects with BufferUtils and load data into them, you must call .flip() on all of them so that OpenGL knows they are ready to be used. (This is most likely the MAIN, possibly only, issue)

As general courtesy to the rest of your program, you should disable any attributes that you enable during your draw method and unbind any VAOS that are bound. (I believe when you bind a buffer object while a VAO is bound, that buffer is only bound when the VAO is ALSO bound. I can't find the documentation to back this up, so to be safe I would also unbind the buffer objects after you're done with them)

Hi, it will not be a question but rather an info for people, who are struggling with drawing anything like Shapes, Polyline etc. on the border of International dateline. So I was searching the Internet and there is a very little info about this stuff - rather there are always questions how to do it or that people get some artifacts while attempting to draw anything across International dateline.

One of the solution which I found on this forum and in the Internet is to separate a shape/line into several parts/legs. It is possible to do it but it is much more difficult and inefficient to the method which I would like right here introduce.

Probably you already know that in order anything on the map you have change mapPoint with Lat/Long into coordinates of WebMercartor using WebMercatorUtil.geographicToWebMercator method. So i.e. if we want to draw a trip from Barcelona to Osaka with following points: 152ee80cbc

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