A Smart Stack is a pre-built collection of widgets that displays the right widget based on factors like your location, an activity, or time. A Smart Stack automatically rotates widgets to show the most relevant information throughout the day.

We have just switched over to Enterprise (2 weeks ago) and I was using experience builder to create an app. I want to add the search widget to my map (not the basic one you can select in properties). But, it appears there is no search widget in Enterprise EB. In fact, there seem to be fewer widgets in Enterprise over all as compared to AGOL. See Screen shots below. It seems like a search widget would be a basic tool to include in the original build of EB. Does anybody know why it's not there? Or of a "work around" so that I can use it in my project? So far I'm not impressed with Enterprise!

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It kinda depends on which version you're using. So as an example from my deployment, if I'm using experience Builder right from the app launcher in my Enterprise Portal (10.8.1) I do not have access to the search widget:

I've added a layer to my Map, and it appears as a layer in my 'Layer list' widget in the application I've built through Web AppBuilder. However, when I try building a Query on this layer, it doesn't appear and so I can't use it to build my query. I know that I can pull the layer in from Portal, but then you can't select the results to appear like your pop-ups, which is very restrictive.

This may or may not be related, but now when I go in to create new queries, the widget keeps failing saying 'Please set filter correctly' because it has lost the filter details I input last time. If I cancel, wait a minute or so and go back in, it's all there, or not. Has anyone else had this issue? Is this related to the original non-display?

I downloaded an example dashboard which tracked multiple projects. Looked good and decided to build my dashboard to match example. Example dashboard has a Rich Text Widget which has multiple formats within. However when I try to use the rich text widget it does not allow me to have varied formats (different text sizes, bold or underline). It defaults to making all text the same format. How was this done on the example I downloaded? How can I achieve the varied formatting in my dashboard?

The formatting available, and the assumed formatting that is not user accessible in this widget, is sub-optimal. For instance, I'm unable to create a text widget that contains multiple independent lines of entry and force them to be single spaced.

Yes. Problem is, it doesn't look like that in the widget. Text is not lined up properly and if I hit the "return" key for a new line it adds more than single space. I am not seeing a way to change the spacing to single line spacing instead of whatever it turns out to be.

The work around I've found is to paste from something line Notepad back into the widget. But, if I later need to edit it I have to do the edits somewhere other than the widget and paste again. For example, in the snippet you show, if you add an entry between names 3 and 4 there is extra space that cannot be edited out in the widget. See screen shot. Also notice that the "-" is not aligned from one line to the next and tabs are not supported to accomplish this.

Everything looks good on the client-side. Have you tried in another browser if yes and still experiencing the same thing? Can you restart the client and server services? If this doesn't work, can you install another dev edition and copy those widgets into the extension directory and see if they load? I have never seen this issue before so just troubleshooting here. If the new install works please don't delete the original one. I would like to take a look at it.

The SSL certificate is working fine, so no SSL errors in the console. There's a long list of workbox instances for the widgets, but none of my widgets are inside that list... I was hoping to dive into the libraries but its all minified.

The MyScaffold widget organizes its children in a vertical column.At the top of the column it places an instance of MyAppBar,passing the app bar a Text widget to use as its title.Passing widgets as arguments to other widgets is a powerful techniquethat lets you create generic widgets that can be reused in a widevariety of ways. Finally, MyScaffold uses anExpanded to fill the remaining space with its body,which consists of a centered message.

Now that the code has switched from MyAppBar and MyScaffold to theAppBar and Scaffold widgets, and from material.dart,the app is starting to look a bit more Material.For example, the app bar has a shadow and the title text inherits thecorrect styling automatically. A floating action button is also added.

Notice that widgets are passed as arguments to other widgets.The Scaffold widget takes a number of different widgets asnamed arguments, each of which are placed in the Scaffoldlayout in the appropriate place. Similarly, theAppBar widget lets you pass in widgets for theleading widget, and the actions of the title widget.This pattern recurs throughout the framework and is something youmight consider when designing your own widgets.

Many widgets use a GestureDetector to provideoptional callbacks for other widgets. For example, theIconButton, ElevatedButton, andFloatingActionButton widgets have onPressed()callbacks that are triggered when the user taps the widget.

So far, this page has used only stateless widgets.Stateless widgets receive arguments from their parent widget,which they store in final member variables.When a widget is asked to build(), it uses these storedvalues to derive new arguments for the widgets it creates.

The example above accepts user input and directly usesthe result in its build() method. In more complex applications,different parts of the widget hierarchy might beresponsible for different concerns; for example, onewidget might present a complex user interfacewith the goal of gathering specific information,such as a date or location, while another widget mightuse that information to change the overall presentation.

Notice the creation of two new stateless widgets,cleanly separating the concerns of displaying the counter(CounterDisplay) and changing the counter (CounterIncrementor).Although the net result is the same as the previous example,the separation of responsibility allows greater complexity tobe encapsulated in the individual widgets,while maintaining simplicity in the parent.

The ShoppingListItem widget follows a common patternfor stateless widgets. It stores the values it receivesin its constructor in final member variables,which it then uses during its build() function.For example, the inCart boolean toggles between two visualappearances: one that uses the primary color from the currenttheme, and another that uses gray.

When the parent receives the onCartChanged callback,the parent updates its internal state, which triggersthe parent to rebuild and create a new instanceof ShoppingListItem with the new inCart value.Although the parent creates a new instance ofShoppingListItem when it rebuilds, that operation is cheapbecause the framework compares the newly built widgets with the previouslybuilt widgets and applies only the differences to the underlyingRenderObject.

To access properties of the current ShoppingList,the _ShoppingListState can use its widget property.If the parent rebuilds and creates a new ShoppingList,the _ShoppingListState rebuilds with the new widget value.If you wish to be notified when the widget property changes,override the didUpdateWidget() function, which is passedan oldWidget to let you compare the old widget withthe current widget.

Use keys to control which widgets the framework matches upwith other widgets when a widget rebuilds. By default, theframework matches widgets in the current and previous buildaccording to their runtimeType and the order in which they appear.With keys, the framework requires that the two widgets havethe same key as well as the same runtimeType.

Keys are most useful in widgets that build many instances ofthe same type of widget. For example, the ShoppingList widget,which builds just enough ShoppingListItem instances tofill its visible region:

Use global keys to uniquely identify child widgets.Global keys must be globally unique across the entirewidget hierarchy, unlike local keys which needonly be unique among siblings. Because they areglobally unique, a global key can be used toretrieve the state associated with a widget.

Thanks!, like how would anyone know that is the chat widget? Maybe I should push every other random non-white pixels on the screen to see what they do. That is even lower than the fine print copyright notice on the page, and has no label.

I have included the printer widget in my webapp and want to give my users the option of printing whether using ESRI's basemaps such as the World Imagery, or for the Ordnance Survey basemaps. I've had difficulty printing to either the World Imagery or GB Cartographic when using different default output spatial references with either WKID 3857 (WGS 1984 Web Mercator auxiliary sphere) or WKID 27700 (OSGB). My datasets can translate to either WGS1984 or OSGB within the webapp, but not on print, so currently I have two printing widgets, one for ESRI using WKID 3857 and one for OS using WKID 27700. As my end users won't fully understand about the two different co-ordinate systems, I'm worried that they may use the incorrect printing widget for whichever basemap and then start showing information in the wrong place. Is there anyway to work at this properly, rather than my work around of having two printing widgets? Any recommendations would be highly appreciated! 2351a5e196

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