Time Machine will automatically make hourly backups for the past 24 hours, daily backups for the past month and weekly backups for all previous months. The oldest backups will be deleted when your backup disk is full.

The first backup may take longer than expected, but you can continue using your Mac while a backup is underway. Time Machine will only back up the files that have changed since the previous backup, so future backups will be faster.

How To Download Time Machine Back Up

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Time Machine automatically makes hourly backups for the past 24 hours, daily backups for the past month, and weekly backups for all previous months. The oldest backups are deleted when your backup disk is full.

The first backup might take longer than you expect, but you can continue using your Mac while a backup is underway. Time Machine backs up only the files that changed since the previous backup, so future backups will be faster.

Time Machine automatically makes hourly backups for the past 24 hours, daily backups for the past month and weekly backups for all previous months. The oldest backups will be deleted when your backup disk is full.

The first backup may take longer than expected, but you can continue using your Mac while a backup is underway. Time Machine only backs up the files that have changed since the previous backup, so future backups will be faster.

If I decide to backup EVERYTHING and things go south can I just grab a brand new MacBook, connect my external hard drive with TM backup and it will import EVERYTHING meaning it will work just like my system before crash?

Time Machine by default backs up nearly everything in your macOS partition. It excludes log files, Spotlight indexes, caches, temporary files and trash (have a look: On OS X, what files are excluded by rule from a Time Machine backup?). The backup includes docker files, npm packages, your personal files etc. When the backup is completed, the hard drive will NOT be bootable, meaning that you can't run macOS from your Time machine backup.

No, time machine has several sorts of exclusions so it does not even back up everything, let alone restore everything. The good news, everything that gets backed up will restore to the same or newer OS.

For maximum security, I recommend using Apple Disk Utility to make periodic bootable clones. Once my wife's Mac laptop was stolen. She could immediately boot my MacPro from her laptop's clone and be back in business. A week later she could buy a replacement laptop and clone the clone to it. Does Time Machine offer such certain salvation?

Apple Disk Utility's cloning function is rock solid, with automatic verification. Its only limitation is that the clone volume can't be smaller than the original volume (and then to go back it can't be larger). Possibly Apple Disk Utility got a bad name for cloning when, between OSX 10.10 and OSX 10.12, its GUI changed. Before, choosing a volume and pressing "Restore" set that volume as the source volume. After, choosing a volume and pressing "Restore" set that volume as the destination volume. Someone used to the earlier GUI could make a huge mistake of wiping what he wants to save. But pull yourself together and enjoy the reliable Apple Disk Utility for perfect cloning. Time Machine takes too long, and you never quite know what it's done, or will do when you're in trouble.

The Wayback Machine is an initiative of the Internet Archive, a 501(c)(3) non-profit, building a digital library of Internet sites and other cultural artifacts in digital form. 

Other projects include Open Library & archive-it.org.

reading the full article Timothy linked in his post shows that you can access the public share of the my cloud home using Finder. from there you could delete the old time machine backup folder and then reconfigure it.

if you look at the MCH via finder using the mounted drive WD discovery mounts you will not see the time machine share. The mounted drive via WD discovery is the user storage space not the share where the time machine backup goes. You would need to look under network at the side of finder to see the samba share and you should see the time machine backup folder there.

Time Machine will not back up partitions that are not formatted Mac OS Extended (i.e. HFS+). Therefore, the dual-boot partition will not be backed up automatically. Having said that, programs that back up the entire drive including the partitions should typically used for a one-shot cloning of an entire drive and not for regular backup, in my opinion. A great backup tool if your dual-boot OS is Windows is Winclone. Use it in combination with Time Machine and your system should be sufficiently backed up. Despite the picture below showing Macintosh HD, Winclone specializes in FAT32/NTFS partitions.


In the case that the dual boot OS is Linux, my suggestion would be to format an external hard drive with 2 partitions with the same filesystems as the OS's. Then backup each OS independently with tools available in the host OS. Again, I think that it is much more reliable to backup changed files on a regular basis rather than cloning the entire drive. So e.g. rsync in Linux and Time Machine in OS X.

(2) Time Machine will back up two Mac (HFS+) partitions, but the story is completely different if they're FAT (neutral), EXT3 (Linux), or NTFS (Windows). These details about what the two partitions are matter heavily.

(3) In regards to the specific example of backing up source files, I've never liked that, as it always seems to get very kludgy very fast. A private repository hosted by a premium source code repository provider kept continually in sync is a wonderful off-site backup. Examples; GitHub, BitBucket, and... forgive me but I can't think of an SVN host that allows private repositories. Potentially SourceForge but I don't know first hand.

What is less well known is that you can use a single Time Machine backup drive with multiple Macs. If you have a large disk, you can partition it and use part of it for regular data and part of it for a Time Machine backup.

If you have the option "Optimize Mac Storage" turned OFF under System Preferences, Apple ID, then yes. If you have that option ON, then some of your files will be on your local drive, and some not. Time Machine can only back up files that are available, so it can't back up ones that are not on the drive.

I have been told that one should also backup your icloud files, not just your local drive "Documents" folder. Two copies is not safe enough - you need 3. So, storing Word Processing files in "icloud drive" instead of "Documents" would seem to be preferable to if you have a Time Machine backup to an external hard drive and Optimize mac Storage settings are "off." That way you have 3 copies - on your Mac's main hard drive, on the iCoud drive, and via Time Machine, on your external disk. Agree?

Harold: If you are not using the "Optimize" function in iCloud Drive then all of your iCloud Drive files are also on your Mac, so a Time Machine backup is backing up everything. As for how many backups you need, that depends on a lot of factors. I know people who have virtual no files at all. And others have many files that are critical to their work. There is no one-size-fits-all advice for that. For some, a single Time Machine backup is fine. It really depends.

Brian: No, DON'T do that. That's not a valid backup. If you back up your data to the same drive, then if that drive fails you lose both the data and the backup of the data. Get an external drive and use that.

Time Machine backs up all the files on your computer, including apps, music, documents, photos, emails, and system files. When enabled, it will automatically back up your files on your Mac hourly, daily, or weekly.

Time Machine will check your computer for new, changed, and deleted files every hour to make new backups of your Mac. The application keeps a daily backup for the past month. It will also keep weekly backups as long as the storage device still has space. Once the storage device runs out of space, the oldest backups will be deleted.

Parallels Desktop for Mac includes improved integration with Time Machine. When your machine is backed up, only the most recent changes are saved (the latest snapshot), so the backup process takes less time and uses less space on your Time Machine storage device. However, if you are not an advanced user a manual backup once in a while is recommended instead of SmartGuard.

Parallels Desktop SmartGuard feature automates snapshots' creation. You can set a snapshot to be taken within a 48 hour period starting from an hourly creation and keep up to 100 snapshots at the same time.

We recommend having this option enabled along with SmartGuard if you use Time Machine. When this option is enabled, during the Time Machine backup only the latest snapshot will be backed up, not the entire virtual machine. This reduces the backup time and the amount of data that the Time Machine backs up. It also minimizes the risk of a data loss or corruption when restoring the virtual machine.

Time Machine is a great backup feature that has saved my ass on more than a couple of occasions, but it has severe issues when it comes to copying the backup files to a new location. The Apple support document makes things sound easy, but in my experience, you can run into a host of problems if you try and follow the instructions. If you then happen to post a query on the Apple support forum, no matter how concisely you explain your issue, you just get bombarded with people who simply quote the Apple instructions back to you. *sigh*

Time Machine keeps a copy of everything on your Mac. It makes hourly backups for the past 24 hours, daily backups for the past month, and weekly backups for each month. It also creates local snapshots on your Mac. One daily snapshot is saved every 24 hours, beginning from the time you start or restart your computer. One weekly snapshot is saved every week. These snapshots will only exist if you have set up Time Machine to back up to a separate drive, but they are on your Mac, rather than that drive. 006ab0faaa

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