Data loggers from DATAQ Instruments address a wide range of applications, both for general- and special-purpose situations. Special-purpose data loggers are available for temperature and humidity, voltage, thermocouple, and event applications to name just a few. These are usually single-channel devices that feature low cost. Other multi-channel product solutions can measure a variety of measurements at the same time, like voltage, ac rms, 4-20 mA process current, and many more. Our full range of data logger solutions means a product to fit any application or budget. Read our reviews and testimonials.

Data loggers use a microprocessor, an internal memory for data storage, and a sensor to collect data. They are generally small and battery powered devices. Data loggers can either interface with a computer and use software to view and analyze the collected data or be used as a stand-alone device with a local interface. There are also wireless data loggers available.

The advantage of data loggers is that they can operate independently of a computer, unlike many other types of data acquisition devices. Data loggers are available in various shapes and sizes. The range includes simple economical single channel fixed function loggers to more powerful programmable devices capable of handling hundreds of inputs.

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Data loggers can accept different input types. There are also multi-input data loggers that can accept two or more types of input, such as temperature and humidity or temperature and pressure. Some data loggers can even accept all types of input.

The most common input types include:Pressure: Pressure data loggers measure the pressure of gases and liquids, including atmospheric and water pressure.Temperature: These loggers can be used to measure extremely high and low temperatures as well as liquid temperatures.Humidity: Humidity data loggers can collect data on relative humidity, dew point, and water vapor concentration in standard or metric units.Voltage: Voltage data loggers can adapt to any voltage measurement, including pressure to torque and load to force.Current: Current data loggers include a range of AC and DC data loggers and are often used to monitor building equipment.

The recording duration depends on the memory capacity of the data logger and the desired sample rate. To determine the duration, divide the memory capacity (number of samples the device can record) by the sample rate. As an example, assume that a given data logger can store 10,000 samples. If you want to record two samples every minute, the data logger can run for 10,000/2 or 5,000 minutes (about 3.5 days).

Depending on the type of data logger, you can either access the data directly within the data logger and even print it out, connect the data logger to a computer to extract the data, or data can be wirelessly transmitted in real-time to any connected device.

Data loggers are normally more economical than chart recorders. They offer more flexibility and are available with a greater variety of input types. Most data loggers collect data which may be directly transferred to a computer. Although this option is available with some recorders, it normally adds significant expense to the recorder price. 

Data acquisition systems offer a great deal of flexibility and are certainly attractive when high sample rates are required. However, since they require connection or installation into a computer, the computer must also be present and active when collecting the data. Data loggers can collect data independently of a computer. Data is normally collected in non-volatile memory for later download to a computer. The computer does not need to be present during the data collection process. This makes them ideally suited for applications requiring portability.

A data logger (also datalogger or data recorder) is an electronic device that records data over time or about location either with a built-in instrument or sensor or via external instruments and sensors. Increasingly, but not entirely, they are based on a digital processor (or computer), and called digital data loggers (DDL). They generally are small, battery-powered, portable, and equipped with a microprocessor, internal memory for data storage, and sensors. Some data loggers interface with a personal computer and use software to activate the data logger and view and analyze the collected data, while others have a local interface device (keypad, LCD) and can be used as a stand-alone device.

Data loggers vary from general-purpose types for a range of measurement applications to very specific devices for measuring in one environment or application type only. It is common for general purpose types to be programmable; however, many remain as static machines with only a limited number or no changeable parameters. Electronic data loggers have replaced chart recorders in many applications.

One of the primary benefits of using data loggers is the ability to automatically collect data on a 24-hour basis. Upon activation, data loggers are typically deployed and left unattended to measure and record information for the duration of the monitoring period. This allows for a comprehensive, accurate picture of the environmental conditions being monitored, such as air temperature and relative humidity.

The cost of data loggers has been declining over the years as technology improves and costs are reduced. Simple single-channel data loggers cost as little as $25. More complicated loggers may cost hundreds or thousands of dollars.

Standardization of protocols and data formats has been a problem but is now growing in the industry and XML, JSON, and YAML are increasingly being adopted for data exchange. The development of the Semantic Web and the Internet of Things is likely to accelerate this present trend.

Several protocols have been standardized including a smart protocol, SDI-12, that allows some instrumentation to be connected to a variety of data loggers. The use of this standard has not gained much acceptance outside the environmental industry. SDI-12 also supports multi-drop instruments. Some data logging companies are also now supporting the MODBUS standard. This has been used traditionally in the industrial control area, and many industrial instruments support this communication standard. Another multi-drop protocol that is now starting to become more widely used is based upon CAN-Bus (ISO 11898). Some data loggers use a flexible scripting environment to adapt themselves to various non-standard protocols.

The terms data logging and data acquisition are often used interchangeably. However, in a historical context, they are quite different. A data logger is a data acquisition system, but a data acquisition system is not necessarily a data logger.

Data Loggers are changing more rapidly now than ever before. The original model of a stand-alone data logger is changed to one of a device that collects data but also has access to wireless communications for alarming of events, automatic reporting of data, and remote control. Data loggers are beginning to serve web pages for current readings, e-mail their alarms, and FTP their daily results into databases or direct to the users. Very recently, there is a trend to move away from proprietary products with commercial software to open-source software and hardware devices. The Raspberry Pi single-board computer is among others a popular platform hosting real-time Linux or preemptive-kernel Linux operating systems with many

Data loggers are electronic devices which automatically monitorand record environmental parameters over time, allowing conditionsto be measured, documented, analysed and validated. The data loggercontains a sensor to receive the information and a computer chip tostore it. Then the information stored in the data logger istransferred to a computer for analysis.

Data acquisition is the sampling of the real world to generatedata that can be manipulated by a computer. Sometimes abbreviatedDAQ, data acquisition typically involves acquisition of signals andwaveforms and processing of the signals to obtain desiredinformation. The components of data acquisition systems includeappropriate sensors that convert any measurement parameter to anelectrical signal, which is acquired by data acquisition hardware(such as data loggers). Acquired data typically is displayed,analysed, and stored on a PC.

Data logging can be done manually by constant human observation.An example of this might be recording the temperature changes overthe course of an hour in a centrally heated room using a timer,thermometer, pen and paper. However, using an electronic datalogger is much more effective, accurate and reliable than takingperiodic manual readings. It does the job of all the toolsmentioned above, saving time and expense.

The time taken to see the benefits of using data loggers willdepend on the way in which the units are used. However,quantifiable benefits from the using loggers may often be seenwithin a very short time. Typically, only one or two logging runsare required to pinpoint areas that would benefit from extraattention.

Measures rainfall to determine rainfall rates, times, and duration; for deployment with most standard tipping-bucket rain gauges. Efficiently gather and store momentary contact events and temperature data. Additionally, gain access to detailed event data, which is only stored at the time of event, for better memory usage. For accurate temperature measurement in sunlight, a solar radiation shield is required (assembly-required RS1 Solar Radiation Shield or pre-assembled M-RSA Solar Radiation Shield).

A data logger is a device used to record and store the output of one or more sensors. In some cases, the data logger interprets the electrical signal from the sensor and converts it to units. In cases where a smart sensor provides digital output, the data logger simply records the data. Early data loggers were strip chart recorders that recorded measurement data onto paper. Over time, data loggers evolved to store data digitally on various types of media. Today, data is typically stored on modern flash memory and often transmitted via a variety of telemetry methods. 006ab0faaa

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