My users will create a lot of rich text, and my app will be doing lots of concatenation of that text with plain text, hence the most important thing for me is that the editor works in bbcode rather than HTML. But then I want to email that text, and it seems it needs converting to HTML to do that!

So currently, in development, I am using the Bubble Rich Text editor as it works in bbcode. It sometimes introduces a few extra line feeds, and you have to be careful to only paste plain text into it, or things can go a bit odd if you forget that. But it generally works okay.

How To Download Text Editor On Mac


I was wondering if anyone has ever tried to embed a text editor (i.e. Notepad++, Emacs, etc...) into a string control on a front panel GUI. By this I mean instead of a 'dumb' string control on the front panel, it is another program like notepad++ being shown in the front panel, with all of the functionality and finesses that the original program includes. I could create a notepad++ light edition using the string control and whole bunch of events, but it would be much easier if I could just show a finished program inside of the front panel 'container'. I have another program that is an analysis program in which I do this very thing... that program exposes an active x object that I then use in another VI. Currently I have used the system exec function together with the command line command codes to perform the functionality that I need. It just isn't as good as having control remain in LabVIEW. This VI launches notepad++ and waits for the user to complete editing the text and saving the file. Any help is appreciated, thanks!

I have used the .NET Rich Text control before to implement a simple text editor, but you still have to do quite a lot of coding to handle the events thrown up by the control. On the last project i was working on I simply used a string control because i did not need any formatting. Ctrl-X and Ctrl-V work in a string control without any programming, and using property nodes such as text.selection allow you to do stuff with your own toolbar. You can also do a custom shortcut menu for the control. The windows clipboard can be accessed using th Application Method Clipboard.Read or Write.

Thanks for your replies. I was wondering where I could find the .NET rich text control you mentioned? You also mentioned that there are alot of active x text editors to be had cheaply... Do you have one or more specifically in mind (and a link to that as well), preferably one that you have personally tried and think that it works well.

Now, when I click on the name of the text file, it opens in Dropbox's editor. In order to make it open in my preferred editor, I have to click on the three dots, right of the text file name, then click "open with" and select my editor. I tell it to make my editor default; the result is, in the future, I don't need to select my editor. However, I always need to click on the three dots, then click "open with". If I click on the file name it still opens in Dropbox's editor.

Not only that, but when I do an Open With on my android, it gives me a very limited set of choices. I tried installing a variety of text editors (since the new version of the Dropbox one is so horrible) and it would not let me choose any of them to be my default editor.

The Atto text editor (sometimes referred to as the 'HTML editor') has many icons to assist the user in entering content. Many of these icons and functions should be familiar to anyone who uses a word processor.

Text typed into the Atto editor is automatically saved if you leave the page. The default of 60 seconds may be changed by the administrator in Site administration>Plugins>Text editors>Atto HTML editor>Atto toolbar settings. If the user accidentally closes the tab or otherwise leaves the form without submitting, the text in the editor will be restored next time he opens the page. To discard a restored draft, the user needs to cancel the form or press the "Undo" button in the editor.

One of the tools available in the text editor is an automated accessibility checker which checks for some common errors in the text. These are usually things in the way the text is constructed that can prevent all users from having equal access to information and functionality. The list of problems that the accessibility checker looks for is:

The following keyboard shortcuts will work in the Atto text editor in most browsers. Note that for many of these commands to work you need to either click in the text editor or select content in the text editor.

The emoticon plugin inserts text representations of the emoticons in the content. The emoticon filter is responsible for converting these text sequences into proper smiley images. The emoticon filter is not enabled by default, which is why the emoticon plugin for Atto is not enabled by default.

While these are very popular plugins, there are downsides to enabling their use on a site. Firstly - user specified colours may conflict visually with the site colours chosen by the theme designer. Even if the colours of the content do not conflict with the colours of the current theme, if the theme is changed in future, or the content is reused on a different site conflicts may be introduced. There are 2 possible types of conflicts, the first is just a visually unappealing combination of colours, the second is a combination of colours that may produce text that is hard to read for some people. It is preferable if the theme designer uses some interesting colours that meet the accessibility standards required for the site in the theme for the site, and the person creating the content simply uses the proper heading levels (for example) to make use of those styles.

There are a number of plugins that support importing text from other sources.The Paste special plugin minimises the amount of superfluous HTML markupincluded when pasting content from an external editor such as Microsoft Word.

I am a complete novice with MOODLE. All I know is that yesterday when entering content to a course I had the text editor toolbar; and today, there is no toolbar and content is now in plain text/HTML code. I have no idea what happened overnight or how to get back the text editor toolbar! Did I inadvertently do something? Is there a plugin bug (I haven't installed any plugins recently that would have caused the disappearance of the text editor toolbar)? I tried reading similar posts and responses and I am totally clueless on how to manage the administrative side of things. Is there anyone who can please explain to me or help troubleshoot in laymen terms?

On a side note, I have access to a different MOODLE site (same version, 2.9) and there the toolbar exists when entering content. Where can I pinpoint the difference in settings between the two MOODLE sites where one has the text editor toolbar and the other does not?

Hi Gorman, sometimes there is another option (pull down menu) directly below the text area on what kind of editor to use. Also try with a different browser like Chrome or Firefox. Check there, and let us know. 

I love gEdit. Is not nearly as powerful as NotePad++, but its ultra-lightweight, and the default text editor in Ubuntu (or any other Gnome distro). It has a huge list of templates for syntax coloring. And be sure to download its gedit-plugins companion, it shines even more.

Also, you might consider geany. It's meant to be a more than just a text editor, it's actually a multi-language IDE. But since it's so simple, easy-to-use one, and lightweight, it could be considered a good editor alternative. And its in the official repos.

You can use KDE's Kate, it is very powerful (search for it in ubuntu software manager). Also if you want to pay for powerful text/html/programming editor, you can use UltraEdit LX. It has more features than Kate.

A graphical text-editor and development environment, written in Elixir, using the Scenic graphics lib. - GitHub - JediLuke/flamelex: A graphical text-editor and development environment, written in ...

You can also add a link to text you've already entered by selecting the section of text that you want to turn into a link. The link text is automatically added based on the text that you've selected in the editor.

Users sometimes ask how to wrap text around images in Elementor. This is an excellent use of the Text Editor widget. Simply drag-in the widget, click Add Media and upload an image of your choosing to the media library of WordPress. Then click the image, and adjust the alignment settings to wrap the text around the image, with the image to the right or left of the text.

It would be nice to improve Toggle Comments, right now it just puts a # at the beginning of the line, while it should keep the current indentation level. And the indentation itself can also be improved, I would like to use Cmd+[ and Cmd+] for this, but the current implementation of the text.indent does not allow this.

For F36, the default text editor has been switched from gedit to gnome-text-editor. The new editor has some nice features, including GTK 4, autosave, and a dark mode. The new text editor is also available to install for F35.

gedit is good, because in terminal I can type ged+Tab with one hand to invoke it. Typing gnome-tex+Tab for gnome-text-editor requires both hands and multiple Tab presses until completion can finally get it right.

This is so disappointing. First, destroy a perfect text editor as it was gedit, to then fork it to GTK 4 and drop what is left of gedit. I use xed now, and no moving back, but thanks for the invitation to test

So after almost two weeks of (light) testing the only thing that bugs me is a bit worse text-background contrast in the default Adwaita color scheme in comparison to what gedit uses. A bit of something-is-off feeling shown on screenshot from @decathorpe is noticeable on my side as well, but I got used to it.

They essential said they are not prioritizing changing it at the moment. There is third party integrations available for the time being. They plan to work on changing the default rich text editor this year at some point. 2351a5e196

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