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Hi, i'm a newby in this argoment, i spent some time reading and trying by myself on how ti configure, and made stable diffusion work on my PC, after a lot of errors and fails, It seems ti be working even if it' really really slow, preatty sure i'm doing something wrong, judging by the informations of task manager while trying to generate a picture, 64x64 px steps=5 cfg scale 2,5 , model juggernautXL , method dpm++ 2M Karras, it's not using the gpu (amd RX 480 8gb) Memory and HDD (not system disk) are actually at 100% usage, and to generate this simple Pic required like an hour.

How To Download Stable Diffusion Reddit

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Now all that you need to do is take the .dll files from the "bin" folder in that zip file and replace the ones in your "stable-diffusion-main\venv\Lib\site-packages\torch\lib" folder with them. Maybe back the older ones up beforehand if something goes wrong or for testing purposes.

Howdy and welcome to r/stablediffusion! I'm u/Sandcheeze and I have collected these resources and links to help enjoy Stable Diffusion whether you are here for the first time or looking to add more customization to your image generations.

Have we saved the best for last? Arguably. If you're looking for a singular good image to share with your friends or reap karma on reddit, looking for a good seed is very high priority. A good seed can enforce stuff like composition and color across a wide variety of prompts, samplers, and CFGs. Use DDIM:8-16 to go seed hunting with your prompt. However, if you're mainly looking for a fun prompt that gets consistently good results, seed is less important. In that situation, you want your prompt to be adaptive across seeds and overfitting it to one seed can sometimes lead to it looking worse on other seeds. Tradeoffs.

The actual seed integer number is not important. It more or less just initializes a random number generator that defines the diffusion's starting point. Maybe someday we'll have cool seed galleries, but that day isn't today.

Seeds are fantastic tools for A/B testing your prompts. Lock your seed (choose a random number, choose a seed you already like, whatever) and add a detail or artist to your prompt. Run it. How did the output change? Repeat. This can be super cool for adding and removing artists. As an exercise for the reader, try running "Oasis by HR Giger" and then "Oasis by beeple" on the same seed. See how it changes a lot but some elements remain similar? Cool. Now try "Oasis by HR Giger and beeple". It combines the two, but the composition remains pretty stable. That's the power of seeds.

I have a few questions on how to train stable diffusion. I started working with it last night, and I am completely new to the technical aspects of AI, particularly Stable Diffusion. Please excuse any technical misnomers and incorrect language.

I'm a big fan of stable diffusion and its capabilities, but I have a weak graphics card (3 GB VRAM) and can't afford to buy a new computer right now. Is there any way I can take full (or at least a large portion) of the advantage of SD features, models, and add-ons like InvokeAI without purchasing new hardware? I'm willing to pay for a subscription every month, but I don't want to spend around $1000 on new hardware all at once. I've looked at a few online sites, but it seems like they don't have all the capabilities that people with a local version have.

AFAIK you can download and run FULLY Functional stable diffusion totally locally, totally OFFLINE... Is that true...? ANd this version of Stable Diffusion is totaly 100% fully functional with all its full capability? Correct?

Hey everyone :) I've been using stable diffusion fro some weeks and I'm having the time of my life. I'm using invokeAI since it has a user friendly interface perfect for newbies like me. But i keep hearing talks about control net and automatic GUI, which seems much more powerful and complete, and I wanted to take a step further. I'm even interested in learning how to train models myself but I don't know where to start. Do you have some suggestions of in depth tutorials or books to buy to reach this goals? Thanks in advance :)

With recent events unfolding live there has been a movement within the community to create different subreddits now that this one has been allegedly taken over by official staff of stable diffusion. There has been worry from within the community what impact that with have on this Reddit and some are bailing. I wanted to make it easier for those searching for the new communities by posting this. These communities are new as of today or last night depending. As a community member I wanted to not only share where you can find them but also throw in my two cents and open this for the community at large to discuss.

As a personal note, if this current sub IS going to become the new official subreddit for StableDiffusion ran by StableDiffusion employees then I support having a new sub. I also would like to see other subreddits being created like the art one above tailored for different end user experiences for example.

From my POV, I'd much rather be able to generate high res stuff, for cheaper, with a CPU/RAM setup, than be stuck with 8GB or 16GB limit with a GPU. Am I misunderstanding how it works or something? If those figures people were saying is really true, and like what I read on the subreddit that people are constantly running up against 8GB/16GB constraints for high res, or animations, why aren't people using CPU?

I got acquainted with and the Playground option it had back in May 2023 and made some good use of it from there to mid-July or so. Got busy, hadn't used it until late August, now I come back and see the Playground is a different thing entirely now that it's "Stable Diffusion XL 1.5" or something. Not only does it now only output 1 image as opposed to 4 images, it takes 8 times longer and the art that it outputs is very different and, IMO, greatly reduced in quality. Before, I was doing experiments to have it recreate artwork by a very uniquely stylized horror illustrator and it did a pretty good job of outputting it's own consistent spin on a similar style - now it just gives very bland, CGI-looking art when using the same prompts.

Question is: is there any way I can access the older version of Stable Diffusion that was used in's online Playground plugin/thing before it upgraded to Stable Diffusion XL 1.5?

I've been seeing a lot of piecemeal upscaler model comparisons on the subreddit. Some old, some with models that aren't in the SD WebUI, some only focused on a single image type. I really needed to figure out which is the right one in the right circumstance. So, here it is...

(2) RealESRGAN 4x Plus is a popular option but it can be kind of cartoony on some images. I recommend downloading some alternate models and putting the .pth file for each model in the "stable-diffusion-webui\ESRGAN" folder, then restarting the app. I've found that "Universal Upscaler v2", "Remacri", and "NMKD Siax" all work well for most things and generates good details. "Lollypop" tends to work the best for people. There are many types of upscalers for specific use cases as well.

I got tired of dealing with copying files all the time and re-setting up pods before I can enjoy playing with Stable Diffusion so I'm going to build a new stable diffusion rig (I don't game). I'm planning on buying an RTX 3090 off ebay. Does anyone have an idea what the cheapest I can go on processor/RAM is?

I have created a free bot to which you can request any prompt via stable diffusion and it will reply back with a 4 images which match it. It supports dozens of styles and models (including most popular dreambooths).

SAD EDIT2: I think I may be caught in the automated spam filter. I am trying to open an appeal with reddit admins. I'll inform all if/when it's back. If any of you can help to make this have a better chance please do so.

Now instead of investing in flashy PR projects Apple has always been focused in leveraging AI behind the scenes, which is an approach I appreciate as an end user. However it seems that Apple continues to completely ignore emerging AI markets like voice and image generation, most prevalently diffusion models and similar technologies. As a long time Apple user I'm still forced to either buy a Nvdia card along with a PC running Windows or Linux, or rent some colab space at Google or Paperspace. It's just strange that Apple seems to completely miss the boat in such an exciting and quickly growing niche.

Note: This is assuming you are using the Stable-Diffusion repo from here: -diffusion. If using a fork (or a later version of it), the line number might be different so just search for the one I mention below. They may also have been already removed in a fork.

My main question is, does stable diffusion run well on amd graphic cards as I have heard that they perform really poorly(compared to nvidia). The 6800m comes with 12gb vram and I'm hoping that stable diffusion figures a way to run well on amd gpus. What do you suggest? 006ab0faaa

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