Category: airplane, birthday, clouds, father's day, graduation, happy face, hearts, holidays, made in the usa, miss you, occasions, paper airplane, plane, seasonal, sentiments, summer, summer 2017, thanks,

First connect a variable to your tessellation multiplier, the higher the number you set, the higher the polycount will be, which will give you the result you are looking for. However UE4 has a cap on the tessellation multiplier, therefor you cannot tessellate the mesh enough to get the resolution you are looking for. You can tessellate your plane in your 3d modelling application.

How To Download Simple Plane


The section on "distance the CoL is behind the CoM" is correct up until "Too Far" which doesn't equal flip-happy; if the CoL is too far behind the CoM that should be "Lawn Dart / LOL how does pitch up?" "Flip happy" should correspond to "Anywhere in front of" which would help make the information a little more consistent for new airplane designers.

You missed a point on dihedral angle though. Even with its primitive drag model positive dihedral will tend to roll a plane back level again which is key if you want to fly without SAS (which i find makes landings much easier).

One easy way to to draw the circle in the intended plane is to use the cursor keys. Left cursor will make the center axis of the circle align with the green axis, Up, with the blue and right with the red.

Obviously this formula describes a plane in R^3. I would like to plot this, but I fail to see how to do this efficiently. Obviously, what I need to do is to create a sort of grid on which I compute the values of my regression polynomial.

But the output for this is very, very, very ugly and far from what I expected. Could someone help me out? It surprises me that plotting a plane in 3D seems to be so difficult, because after all, all that we need to uniquely determine a plane are three points in space. And yet all frameworks require me to use fairly complicated function calls?

I am sorry if the solution to my issue is trivial. I've checked out quite a few similar threads, but I still can't quite wrap my head around what I need to do as the issue at hand should be so simple.

In rgl it's much simpler: just use planes3d. That function defines planes using the parameterization a x + b y + c z + d = 0, so if we assume x1, f(x) and x3 in your notation are x, y and z in rgl notation, you would plot the plane using

I love airplanes. As you are reading this, you probably have at least a little interest in planes as well. And as any kid will tell you, arguably the best kinds of airplanes are of the "paper" variety. They are simple in construction, cheap in materials, and most importantly, a helluva lot of fun. At least, all the ones I ever enjoyed making and flying as a kid were. 

Millions of paper airplane designs exist; every kid seems to know a different one. But by far the best paper airplane I have ever flown was taught to me by my dad, who learned it from his dad when he was a kid in the 60's. In fact, my grandpa invented this design (he was a draftsman, an airplane mechanic in WWII and the Korean War, and holds several patents). So I made this sound like my family's secret paper airplane legacy, but we've taught it to tons of people over the decades so it can hardly be called a secret. Now I'm going to teach it to you.

One more thing: This instructable is an entry in Paper Airplane Contest 3 ( -Airplane-Contest-3-Open/).

A. Single. Sheet. Of. Paper. 8.5' x 11'.

That's it. This isn't one of those fancy cut-cut-tape-tape-fold-fold paper airplanes; this is pure old-fashioned paper folding. 

If you are fanatical about your creases, you could also use the edge of a ruler to run along them, but your fingers should do well enough for most people.

Fold the plane in half along the reference crease, such that the small triangle is facing outward. The small triangle is now holding the plane together. [Pic. 1]

Fold the first wing down [Pic. 2]. It should be slightly at an angle from the keel of the plane body (the part formed by the reference crease), tapering toward the front of the plane. A good rule of thumb is that the keel should be a quarter inch tall at the snub nose, and 3/4's of an inch at the tail. I know this sounds confusing, just look at the fold marked in red in Pic. 3 and hopefully what I mean will be clear [Pic. 3].

Make an identical fold on the other side to make the other wing [Pic. 4].

The snub nosed little plane is now finished. It should look like this [Pics. 1 & 2].

Now you can experiment with flying this resilient little guy, or you can continue reading this instructable to garner a few hints about achieving stable flight, a loop-de-loop, and a wingover maneuver (all requirements for the Paper Plane contest 3).

This little plane, if made correctly, is naturally incredibly stable. To make it so, make sure the wings are angled up as to make a very slight "Y" when viewed from behind, maybe 10 degrees above the horizontal. You don't want a "T" shape, or even worse a "/|\" shape. [Pic. 1]

To throw it, use a standard paper airplane grip (I don't know how to explain it any simpler than that :-) [Pic. 2] and give it a gentle, level, throw.

Because this is such a stable (and nose-heavy) plane, making it perform tricks takes a bit of doin'. 

First I fold a set of flaps in series on both wings that are set at two angles (one shallow, one steeper) to get that nose up [Pic. 1]. Getting the angles of the flaps just right can take a few trys, so to aid you I've taken a picture to help show the angles that worked for me [Pic. 2]. With the flaps shown in profile it appears that the first (wider) flap is angled at 5-10 degrees, and the second (narrower) flap is angled 10-20 degrees from that, for a total of 15-30 degrees across both folds.

Secondly I put a medium-small paperclip about 2/3rds back on the plane body, to help balance out the heavy nose and allow for faster and better maneuvering [Pic. 2]. 

Loop-de-loop: For the loop, make the above mentioned folds, then grab the plane how you would normally and make a level throw as you would for straight flight, but with just slightly more force (gotta force that nose up). With proper force, planes made on heavy paper will achieve small loops and planes on lighter paper will achieve medium loops.

Wingover: I was surprised to find this out (I'd never tried a wingover before this contest) but to achieve a wingover with this plane you don't need to make any physical changes to the design or flaps from what you did to achieve the loop. Keep everything exactly as you did for the loop. To do a wingover, you just have to throw it differently. Instead of holding the plane upright (so the wings make a "Y" when viewed from behind), cock it slightly to the left such that the left wing is parallel with the floor (horizontal). Now throw the cocked plane straight ahead, level with the floor, and instead of performing a loop it will pull up and to the left until it stalls, turns around, dives, and then pulls out facing 180 degrees the other direction - the perfect wingover.

Hopefully this simple plane provides a bit of fun for some kid somewhere, just as it has for me over the years. And who knows, maybe it will win a contest for me too :-)

Happy Flying!

Try do this to the plane (first image) , if that doesn't work then do the same thing but the other way, this should stop the plane from spinning.

If you want it to go straight then do this (second image) 

but, since it's the first time I draw a 3d pic, I'm not sure about how to get the plane passing through the line X. The following code shows a first attempt. I tried to use \filldraw, with random points, but I'm sure this is not the best way to do that.

The plane H should intersect X and be perpendicular to p, which is why I defined first p, and then its orthogonal line X. Maybe should I define some coordinates on X , and then define somehow H? I'd like to get the "projection" of p also, as in the figure. That's not a projection in fact, it is there just to highlight that p is a vector of R3.

It will be small and a bit fragile but good enough for experiments. Remember that the drawing is based on a larger N style connector so the ground plane wires should be aprx 8 mm longer when using the SMA style chassis part.

Results are very encouraging. I stuck it to the drain pipe with three ground planes instead of four and two meters of coax cable to a single channel (Jaap Braam repo) wemos. Before the antenna was a vertical 868MHz whip behind the glass of the window to the right.

The range seems to have doubled but needs more testing 


UDOT can schedule and reserve flights for state agencies to St. George, Moab, Cedar City, Vernal, Richfield, Price, Logan, and Kanab. State agencies are billed a subsidized fee to use the plane, which goes toward expenses of operating the planes. In Fiscal Year 2023, operating and maintenance for both planes totaled $836,900 and UDOT collected $192,000 in user fees.

The Aeronautics Restricted Account primarily consists of funds from aviation fuel tax, aircraft registration fees, appropriations. The account can be used for the construction, improvement, operation, and maintenance of publicly used airports in this state, the payment of principal and interest on certain debt, operation of the UDOT Division of Aeronautics, promotion of aeronautics in the state, and UDOT administration costs. Per S.B. 166, the Aeronautics Restricted Account cannot be used to purchase an airplane or subsidize operating and maintenance costs after fiscal year 2027. e24fc04721

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