If your organization allows, you can add external people to a shared drive as long as they have an email address associated with a Google account. Any content an external person contributes (for example, edits to, creating, or uploading a file) in a shared drive created by someone in your organization is transferred to and owned by your organization.

For people whose Google Workspace edition doesn't include shared drives, you can only add them with Viewer access. However, you might be able to give them comment or edit access to specific files in the shared drive, depending on folder permissions. See How sharing a folder in a shared drive works.

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* In Google Drive for desktop or files in the Chrome OS Files app, Contributor access gives only read access to files. To allow users to create, upload, and edit files in a shared drive in Google Drive for desktop and Chrome OS, give the user Content manager or Manager access.

Shared drives are special folders in Google Drive that you can use to store, search, and access files with a team. Shared drive files belong to the team instead of an individual. Even if members leave, the files stay in the shared drive so your team can keep sharing information and work anywhere, from any device.

Google One is a subscription plan that gives you more storage to use across Google Drive, Gmail, and Google Photos. Plus, with Google One, you get extra benefits and can share your membership with your family.

Unlike files in My Drive, files in a shared drive belong to the team instead of an individual. Even if members leave, the files stay exactly where they are so your team can continue to share information and get work done.

Hi all, I would be very grateful if soneone could explain to me in laymans language how I go about reading from files on a shared network drive. As far as I can tell it seems I need to reconfigure my user details within alteryx in order to enable connecting to local shared deives? Detailed steps would be appreciated. Essentially I need my WF to look at a table on a shared drive and pull the necessary data into the WF. The table itself will be static on this drive and will not be dropped into the workflow as an input file at any stage. Thanks in advance.

Are you the only one accessing the workflow or are other people? There are a few ways to do it. In the Input Tool you can use the entire network path which usually starts with \\\\....etc. Or you can map that network location to a drive letter, example would be mapping it to K:\. If you map it to a drive letter though, other users may have issues running the workflow unless their drives are mapped to the same letter, or you use relative file paths in the input tool.

A side note to option 1: if the data is mostly static but maybe updated once a year, or very infrequently, you could stick with the text input tool and just update it anytime the table data needed to be changed. I would only do this if the data changes are infrequent.

I am attempting to generate a Google Doc in a shared drive in our Google workspace. This works fine when I am having the Google Doc saved to my own Google Drive (the connected account is me). But when I attempt to pick a folder in a shared drive, I get the error:

Thank you for the advice. It's not ideal but it works. I think the drive team should move "My Drive" into a subfolder and make it available next to a "Shared drives" and "Shared with me" in order to make it work the same way as it works on macOS.

I have a folder on shared drive, that contains some subfolder, each subfolder allows a role to access, and I have a big group contain all groups (roles) as well. And now I want grant permission for the big group access to parent folder and the roles access to corresponding subfolder (the same way I have done on Active Directory). But when grant the big group to parent folder then all roles access all subfolder. So is there any way to fix it.

Hi all, the problem I experience with Shared Drives is that I wish to set it up like a directory tree of a server (old school possibly). I can do this in "My Drive" with folders, but not in Shared Drive. In My Drive, I can give "all_staff@school.com" access to the top level folder, then create a folder below like "Secondary School" and "Elementary School" then only give access to the "Sec_school_teachers" group (and same for Elem). That way the various teachers only get access to the main folder and then their folders. Super, BUT with "My Drive" it's tied to my account, or my generic account (like ict_director). So when either of those accounts are deleted all the files and fodlers are gone.....

Enter "Shared Drives" for the safety and longevity and continuity of folders and files being there even when the account (individual or generic) is deleted. Superb way to protect files and folders..... HOWEVER, using a "Shared Drive" I create a Shared Drive called "School Server" then add respective folders beneath that for the Schools, Finance, Board etc. Then at the highest level ("School Server") I add all_staff@school.com (which is a product of multiple groups) then I want to go and restrict access to the folders beneath that (within the "School Server" drive) and I cannot. Everyone who allowed "View access" to the "School Server" drive can click through each and every folder and open every file in the Shared Drive. ie. a top down permission levels setting within a Shared Drive does not work, but within "My Drive" it does.... Very frustrating.... Is my logic/thinking missing something. The very permissions structure that makes sense to me is possible within "My Drive" but not within "Shared Drives"

So then within "Shared Drives" and the "School Server" drive I did tried the opposite.... I gave no one permission to the Shared Drive called "School Server" but did give them permission to the folders within. This works HOWEVER, next problem, is that because they are not on the Shared drive, then cannot visibly see the "School Server". Now the shared folder (lets say "Secondary Schoo") needs to searched for (it doesn't even show under "Shared with me").... then, once found, needs be added as a shortcut to their My Drive....

I did think that maybe I ought to see the "Shared Drive" (highest level) as the "School Server" Shared drive, but only those who are Sec teachers see that their is a Secondary Folder etc. I really, really want everyone in the school to see all of the folder structure (in the "Shared Drives") but only have access to the ones relevant to them.....

A shared drive is an organizationalstructure within Google Drive that lives parallel to My Drive. Shared drivessupport files owned by an organization rather than an individual user. Anindividual file can be organized within a shared drive or My Drive, but notboth. However, Drive shortcuts can be used to point to files or folders from shared drives to My Drive, or vice versa.

Shared drives use a permission model similar to other content in Drive. Unlikefiles in My Drive, a group of users owns content within a shared drive. For more information about permissions, refer toShare files, folders, and drives.

Like items in My Drive, permissions on parent items propagate downwardto their children. However, within a shared drive, permissions are strictlyexpansive. For example, a user that has a role of commenter for a shared drivecannot have their access level reduced at another point within the folderhierarchy. However, their access can be increased for a certain set of files.

Shared drive files must have exactly one parent. This means that shared drive filesbelong to a single shared drive and are located in a single location withinthat shared drive. Having a single location simplifies permission rules forshared drive files.

An individual user may be a member of a shared drive and have file accesspermissions for files contained within the shared drive. A file accesspermission may be superseded if the user's membership in the shared drive grantsthem a greater level of access. These file permissions are revoked when the useris no longer a member of the shared drive, or their member access level isreduced.

Unfortunately, I'm experiencing an issue with google workspace shared drives. Google doesn't let me share drives with external users eventhough I'm working with the Workspace Standart package which allows shared drives. Everytime when I try to share with an external contact a message saying that "this function is not being supported yet" appears. Eventhough I checked all sharing permissions in the admin console I am still not able to proceed. Is it true that this feature hasn't been implemented yet?

If these people have a Google Workspace or Gmail Account, they should be allowed to access the shared drive. Check the settings of your shared drive by right clicking on the shared drive > Shared Drive Settings > Allow People Oustide of your domain to access files.

Thank you very much for your contribution and the approach to solve the issue. After playing with the UI of the shared drive I realized that what you've mentionned (as I can't grant access to external users on the Shared Drive level). However, I can create subfolders and share them with Non-Google-users. Really appreciate your help! 17dc91bb1f

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