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Trademarked by their uncanny ability to sing songs of personal achievement while simultaneously failing to grant others the opportunity to do the same, they waste their time and energy building and living in a fabricated reality revolving around themselves. Generally, these people come across as genuine and kind, yet anyone willing to spend time them will quickly recognize the subtext of highbrow arrogance behind their friendly faade.

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In the course of a single day on the PCT you can literally spend every waking second with a complete stranger, and by the end of that day, you know more about this person than many people you consider to be friends (and you have watched them poop behind a tree).

The trail is a place for the lonely, the weary, the outcast, and the lost to find solace in nature, strength within themselves, and comfort in the selflessness of others. All (thru) hikers are created equal, and no person is ever singled out. Every hiker is a unique and autonomous individual, but every hiker is also a part of something more (like a magical PCT autobot).

After spending what feels like a lifetime with once strangers, not only hiking, but bearing witness to unbelievable feats of human spirit together, you now share a bond forged by genuine on-trial experiences that only fellow thru-hikers will ever understand.

And so, just as all second-graders at the local elementary school will not instantly be friends, the smaller sampling of homeschoolers in any given homeschool group might not be best pals either.

As we got older and found ourselves living way out in the country, it was far too complicated to attend group events 40 minutes from home. It was also a waste of our time. Our children enjoyed interacting with other homeschoolers, but, truth be told, they liked their own company just as well. They were free to pursue their own interests at home. They were free to invite friends over from time to time. This seemed to be enough. They certainly are all articulate and personable members of society.

So when people ask me how they can help, please know, I am touched by simply your question! Seriously, the thought/offer is so kind, and without generosity of various sorts, thru-hiking is near impossible.

I will be traveling to Thailand and Japan with my friend/roommate. We booked our tickets together. My question is, when going through Immigration and Customs at our destination, do we go through together as a 'single family' or is it okay to go through separately? We live in the same apartment, but we are not related.

When I travel together with someone (whether my mum or a friend), it's always been natural for us to approach together, including in the UK, France (including Guadeloupe and Martinique), Germany, Switzerland, Sweden, Bosnia, Macedonia, Turkey, North Cyprus and Georgia (in fact I will often hold both of our documents). So far no one has ever given us grief for that.

We always approach separately because it is faster. However, after landing in Japan (Tokyo-Narita), my girlfriend came to the officer and he asked if we had traveled together, then he prompted me to go, so we went through immigration at the same time. 

I can't see any problem with going separately: both of us had a form with address of hotel we planned to stay (actually, it was Airbnb apartment), passport and a ticket. Japan immigration is very professional and helpful, just asking about the purpose of a visit and sometimes inspecting luggage.

Prayer: Dear Jesus, please be with my friend during this time of need. Help her to feel you and your care. Take care of her needs. Increase her faith. In those quiet moments remind her to reach out to you to cry out to you, the lover of her soul. Make her faith secure. Thank you that you love her so much, In Jesus name, Amen

Faith is a muscle. It must be worked out. Year by year as we need to use faith we get stronger. When we see God answer prayer and make a way through the tough moments/seasons in our life, our faith grows.

Friends are a blessing. When they go through a tough time because we are close, we do too. Take care of yourself too through this process. Make sure you are not carrying more of this burden then you ought. Remember God is watching. He is right there with her. He is her savior and you are her friend. You see the difference.

I would love to pray for you too!! If you have a prayer need please fill out the two forms. You can put a category of your prayer and email. Press send then fill out the form where you can write out your request. I understand how difficult it can be to walk along side a friend considering a divorce or already going through a divorce. Reach out for prayer today.

Mothers are human too, and taking care of your needs strengthens you for the road ahead.AmazonBarnes and NobleChristianbookBooks A MillionLove Her WellMoms, our teenage daughters need us, and we need strength from God to love (and guide) them well.AmazonBarnes and NobleChristianbookBooks A Million10 Ultimate Truths Girls Should KnowThese 10 simple truths will make one big change in your life.AmazonBarnes and NobleChristianbookLikedWhat people say about you is opinion. What God says about you is fact. The way to know your worth is to focus on the facts.

I hope this post helps give you some good ideas of how to support a friend through a miscarriage, or how to ask others for help if you have had a loss yourself. The truth is, going through a loss just absolutely sucks, no matter what. But if you are someone who is looking to love on someone going through it, then you are already an amazing friend, and they are lucky to have you in their lives. Keep checking in. Keep showing up.

I started helping out my friend's business a couple of months ago as a part-time worker. He's been paying me hourly through square. Couple of days ago he told me that he'll be sending me $6500 from the company and just send it back to the company through quickpay. I'm wondering what this could possibly be for, if its for tax reasons or money laundering or anything. I'm asking here because when i asked him he just told me not to worry about it.

By the way this business was started by a group of friends of mine this year. I just started helping them out a few months ago while searching for a full time job. They're all new to this. If it's a crime, I don't think that they really understand what they're doing. They have a pretty good reputation in the city as well and the reason I'm using the words "business" and such without getting into detail is just my amateur attempt to be as anonymous as possible so that this post won't hurt their business in any way. I'm not trying to back them up. Crime is crime. Just wanted to share some more information.

Also I don't really need advice on whether to keep my friendship or not. I'm gonna admit he's not really a close friend of mine. But that's not really what I'm asking. I just wanna know what his exact intentions could be and what kind of trouble I could be in.

The most likely result is that you'll send your "friend" their money and they will disappear forever. A couple of weeks after you've sent the money, the bank will find out that the original deposit was bogus:coming from a stolen check, a forged money order, or someone else's hacked bank account. The bank will then want their money back, and you will be on the hook for it. If you search for 'scam' on this site, you'll see a dozen different variants of this con game.

Whether your "friend" is trying to cheat on taxes, trying to steal from you, trying to steal from someone else, trying to steal from the company they pretend is theirs, trying to launder money, trying to cheat a financial institution, trying to cheat a financial partner or investor is irrelevant. Something shady IS going on, there's absolute no doubt about that. There is NO legitimate business pattern which would justify this kind of back-and-forth with you in the middle.

Stop any of that immediately. Your "friend" is not your friend. It may be difficult to hear, but you've been conned. Whether you'll get in trouble because you'll be on the hook for some vanishing money or because the FBI will knock on your door is unknown, but you'll be in trouble. Don't hesitate. DO NOT talk to "your friend".

Again, DO NOT tell your "friend" anything. The authorities may want you to continue "collaborating" with them in controlled conditions, so don't close the door on anything, just don't talk to them at all until the authorities tell you what they want you to do.

It can be the case that your friend is just an idiot, who is trying to be smart by trying dumb business tactics. The chances of this are very small and your main focus should be your own financial health. Like people said before: contact someone at your bank or a lawyer. They wil probabily help you contact the cops, or help you quit your part-time job, or help you transfer the money safely. Seek advise from professionals. Don't hang around with, or contact, those guys until this whole thing has been properly handeled and you can be sure it was a mistake and that it won't happen again (obviously don't contact them again if they are indeed criminals). 006ab0faaa

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