Your browser (and possibly your OS) ships with a list of trusted CAs. These pre-installed certificates serve as trust anchors to derive all further trust from. When visiting an HTTPS website, your browser verifies that the trust chain presented by the server during the TLS handshake ends at one of the locally trusted root certificates.

Root certificates do expire, but they tend to have exceptionally long validity times (often about 20 years). You can expect that with an update of your browser or OS, you will get fresh root certificates before the old ones expire.

How To Download Root Certificate From Browser

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For Google Chrome, the root certificate policy can be found here. From within Google Chrome, you can go to the settings, click Show advanced settings... and under HTTPS/SSL you click Manage certificates to view all installed certificates.

Updates include, but are not limited to:future-dated applicant requirements for dedicated TLS-hierarchies and key-pair freshnessclarification of audit expectations requirements for cross-certificate issuance notificationdescription of and requirements related to an annual self-assessment processan outline of priority Chrome Root Program initiativesĀ  1.2 2022-09-01 Updated to reflect the launch of the Chrome Root Program.Updates include, but are not limited to:removal of pre-launch discussionclarifications resulting from the June 2022 Chrome CCADB surveyminor reorganization of normative and non-normative requirements 1.3 2023-01-06 Updated to include the CCADB Self-Assessment 1.4 (current) 2023-03-03 Updates include, but are not limited to:alignment with CCADB Policy Version 1.2 and the Baseline Requirementsclarify requirements related to the submission of annual self assessmentsclarify requirements to better align with program intent (e.g., CA owner policy document freshness)updated audit and incident reporting requirements to promote increased transparencyrequire subordinate CA disclosures in CCADBclarify CA certificate issuance notification requirements Minimum Requirements for CAsThis policy considers a CA owner to be the organization or legal entity that is either:

CA owners with self-signed root CA certificates included in the Chrome Root Store must satisfy the requirements defined in this policy, including taking responsibility for ensuring the continued compliance of all corresponding subordinate CAs and delegated third parties participating in the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI).

Google includes or removes self-signed root CA certificates in the Chrome Root Store as it deems appropriate at its sole discretion. The selection and ongoing inclusion of CA certificates is done to enhance the security of Chrome and promote interoperability. CA certificates that do not provide a broad service to all browser users will not be added to, or may be removed from the Chrome Root Store. CA certificates included in the Chrome Root Store must provide value to Chrome end users that exceeds the risk of their continued inclusion.

It is expected that a future version of this policy will identify a phase-out plan for existing root CA certificates included in the Chrome Root Store that do not satisfy the requirements above to align all included CAs on these principles.

The browser you're using right now trusts a bunch of certificate authorities. Which bunch of certificate authorities - properly called a 'root certificate store' - is determined by your OS and browser:

The major root certificate stores are Apple, Microsoft, Mozilla, and Android. When you visit a website, the website presents a certificate that's signed by another certificate, which is signed by another certificate, until you reach one of the certificates in the store you're using.

Occasionally CAs violate the WebTrust requirements: the Chinese government (CNNIC) and Symantec both recently issued fake certificates for In CNNIC's case, they gave their private key to a third party that issued the fake certificate. CNNIC was removed from the Android and Mozilla root stores, but the Microsoft root store - used by Chrome on Windows and Edge on Windows - only revoked the misissued certificates. Symantec's case was less severe: an accidental, but still troubling, misissuance: in this case the root stores kept their certificates and the employees responsible were fired.

If you're using Chrome or Edge on Windows, you'll be using the Windows certificate store. Windows downloads and installs root certificates as needed, but you can actually blacklist a certificate to stop it being installed later.

iOS seems to be the only device which doesn't allow removal or disabling of it's inbuilt root certificates. There's no way to remove or not trust a certificate included in Apple's root certificate store.

HTTPS leverages public-key encryption to safeguard browser communications from being intercepted or altered during transit across the Internet. Visiting browsers are supplied with a public key by servers, which is then utilized to set up an encrypted connection for all following data transfers. Nevertheless, the receipt of a functional public key does not assure that the corresponding server is genuinely owned by the legitimate entity, individual, company, or organization. Man-in-the-middle attackers have the capacity to tamper with networks to distribute their own keys, thereby jeopardizing any communication.

To thwart this form of tampering, browsers authenticate HTTPS servers using certificates. These digital certificates are machine identities that link a public key to a specific subject. This linkage is affirmed by a trusted Certification Authority (CA), which confirms the identity of the certificate holders, through both automated and manual verification against approved databases.

Certificates are digital files and they follow a file format to store information (e.g. signatures, keys, issuers, etc.). Publicly-trusted PKIs, which are trusted by the browsers, must conform to RFC 5280, which requires the use of the X.509 v3 format. X.509 v3 allows certificates to include additional data, such as usage constraints or policy information, as extensions. Each of these extensions is either critical or non-critical, with browsers being required to process and validate all critical ones.

Certificate Authorities (CAs) use a private key to cryptographically sign all certificates they issue. This signature serves as an unchangeable verification that a particular CA issued a certificate and that there were no modifications after the signing. The CA asserts ownership of this signing key by possessing a root certificate, also known as a trust anchor, that corresponds to the public key. The creation, management, and usage of a root by CAs are strictly regulated and audited, in compliance with the Baseline Requirements set by the CA/B Forum.

All certificates beneath the root certificate place their trust in it and use the root certificate's public key to sign other certificates. The trustworthiness of the root certificate forms the basis for verifying SSL/TLS connections by numerous software applications, including browsers. Given the high value of these root certificates and the potential risks associated with their compromise, they are seldom used to issue end-entity certificates. Instead, intermediate certificates are typically used. These intermediate certificates are then used to issue certificates for their clients. An intermediate certificate forms a "Chain of Trust" between an end-entity certificate and a root certificate.

Having a closer look at the chain of trust, and keeping in mind the X.509 v3 certificate format, the candidate certification path must "name chain" between the recognized trust anchor and the target certificate (i.e., the end-entity certificate). Working from the trust anchor to the target certificate, this means that the Subject Name in one certificate must be the Issuer Name in the next certificate in the path, and so on. Image 2 below helps to illustrate this concept. In this example, the path begins with a self-signed certificate that contains the public key of the trust anchor. The path ends with the end-entity certificate. All other certificates within the path are referred to as intermediate CA certificates. Note that every certificate in the chain except for the last one is a CA certificate.

Once a potential certification path has been established, browsers authenticate it by utilizing the data embedded within the certificates. A path is deemed valid if browsers can cryptographically confirm that, originating from a trust anchor, the private key corresponding to each certificate was employed to generate the subsequent one in the path, leading all the way down to the end-entity certificate. RFC 5280 provides a conventional algorithm that browsers adhere to when validating a certification path of X.509 certificates.

Essentially, browsers verify all certificates in the path, starting from the trust anchor, and authenticate each certificate's fundamental data and vital extensions. Once the process reaches the final certificate in the path without any discrepancies, the path is deemed valid. If inconsistencies arise, the path is labeled as invalid.

An alternate method is the Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP), outlined in the standard document RFC6960. This protocol allows a browser to request the revocation status of a specific certificate from an online OCSP server. When properly set up, OCSP is far more immediate and circumvents the issue of CRL update latency mentioned earlier. Moreover, OCSP Stapling enhances both performance and speed.

Following the above steps, browsers check the certificate constraints, if these have been defined by the CA. Every certificate in the path can impose additional constraints that all subsequent certificates must obey. These constraints might be a name, policy, and key usage. ff782bc1db

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