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According to their national projections, Member States foresee a continued increase in transport emissions in the coming years. Without the implementation of additional measures, emissions are expected to grow through 2024. The transport-related measures currently planned, but not yet implemented, by Member States are projected to reverse this trend, with emissions peaking this year.

Looking towards 2030, current policies and measures would deliver a GHG emission reduction from transport that remains 4% above 1990 levels. With additional measures, emissions from transport in 2030 would reach a level 5% below 1990 levels. Most planned policies and measures in the transport sector focus on promoting low-carbon fuels or electric cars, as well as encouraging a modal shift to public transport.

In addition to domestic transport, international aviation and international maritime sectors also contribute to transport-related emissions. Among the domestic transport categories, emissions from domestic navigation, domestic aviation and railway have decreased since 1990 and are projected to remain relatively stable in the coming years.

The aggregated level assessment uses historical and projected GHG emissions for the transport sector as a whole: this is a sum of IPCC categories 1.A.3 (transport), 1.D.1.a (international aviation) and 1.D.1.b (international maritime transport).

The disaggregated level assessment uses historical and projected GHG emissions for various transport modes: road transport (IPCC category 1.A.3.b), railway transport (1.A.3.c), domestic navigation (1.A.3.d), international maritime transport (1.D.1.b) and aviation (1.A.3.a and 1.D.1.a).

In the implementation of the 2030 climate and energy framework, commercial aviation (all airlines operating in Europe) is covered by the EU Emissions Trading Scheme, while the rest of the transport sector (excluding international shipping) is covered by the Effort Sharing Regulation. The indicator allows the contributions of the transport sector to meeting targets set out in both these pieces of legislation to be assessed in detail.

IEA, Global CO2 emissions from transport by sub-sector in the Net Zero Scenario, 2000-2030, IEA, Paris -and-statistics/charts/global-co2-emissions-from-transport-by-sub-sector-in-the-net-zero-scenario-2000-2030, IEA. Licence: CC BY 4.0

Nitrogen (N) is an essential macronutrient for plants and a major limiting factor for plant growth and crop production. Nitrate is the main source of N available to plants in agricultural soils and in many natural environments. Sustaining agricultural productivity is of paramount importance in the current scenario of increasing world population, diversification of crop uses, and climate change. Plant productivity for major crops around the world, however, is still supported by excess application of N-rich fertilizers with detrimental economic and environmental impacts. Thus, understanding how plants regulate nitrate uptake and metabolism is key for developing new crops with enhanced N use efficiency and to cope with future world food demands. The study of plant responses to nitrate has gained considerable interest over the last 30 years. This review provides an overview of key findings in nitrate research, spanning biochemistry, molecular genetics, genomics, and systems biology. We discuss how we have reached our current view of nitrate transport, local and systemic nitrate sensing/signaling, and the regulatory networks underlying nitrate-controlled outputs in plants. We hope this summary will serve not only as a timeline and information repository but also as a baseline to define outstanding questions for future research.

In 2022, the rebound in passenger and cargo transport activity following the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic led to a 3% increase in transport CO2 emissions compared to the previous year. Transport emissions grew at an annual average rate of 1.7% from 1990 to 2022, faster than any other end-use sector except for industry (which also grew at around 1.7%). To get on track with the Net Zero Emissions (NZE) by 2050 Scenario, CO2 emissions from the transport sector must fall by more than 3% per year to 2030. Strong regulations and fiscal incentives, as well as considerable investment in infrastructure to enable low- and zero-emission vehicle operations, will be needed to achieve these emissions reductions.

In 2022 global CO2 emissions from the transport sector grew by more than 250 Mt CO2 to nearly 8 Gt CO2, 3% more than in 2021. Aviation was responsible for much of the increase, as air travel continued to rebound from pandemic lows to around 70% of 2019 levels. Tempering this increase, EVs continued to gain momentum in 2022, with over 10 million cars sold globally, reaching 14% of all car sales. Emissions are still lower than in 2019, demonstrating the lingering effects of the pandemic on passenger and cargo activity.

Getting on track with the NZE Scenario would require transport emissions to fall by about 25% to around 6 Gt by 2030, even with an anticipated growth in demand. Achieving this drop will depend on the rapid electrification of road vehicles, operational and technical energy efficiency measures, the commercialisation and scale-up of low-emissions fuels, especially in the maritime and aviation sub-sectors, and policies to encourage modal shift to less carbon-intensive travel.

Motorised transport remains dependent on oil, and more generally, on combustion engines that run on liquids or natural gas. The share of biofuels consumed by such vehicles have increased from less than half a percent in 1990 to about 3.5% in 2022, as a result of decades of policy support, but the implications for GHG emissions on a well-to-wheels basis vary considerably, depending on the feedstock and conversion technologies.

The need to monitor the impacts of the pandemic on economic activity, as well as the impacts of response measures on mobility, led to an increase in availability of real-time or near real-time indices tracking mobility. Some track the movement of people, others compare trends in the number of weekly commercial passenger aviation flights, and others still track public transport use, or international shipping traffic.

The pandemic demonstrated the activity reductions that result from an acute public health crisis, but as activity is now rebounding, there may be lessons on how changes in lifestyle and behaviour can both reduce energy use and emissions and lead to healthier and more resilient societies outside of a pandemic context.

The share of energy covered by fuel economy and/or vehicle efficiency policies has more than doubled over the past two decades, from less than 25% of road transport energy consumption covered in 2000 to more than half in 2022. About 50 countries now have fuel economy and/or vehicle efficiency standards for light-duty vehicles in place, and nearly 40 (including EU member states) have such standards for medium- and heavy-duty vehicles.

Rapid and continuing progress in the electrification of road transport has been one of the bright spots of the clean energy transition. Policy momentum has been instrumental to the progress made to date, and is still building, shifting from an exclusive focus on demand-side subsidies to supply-side mandates, and to incentives and other forms of support to accelerate the scale-up, technological advancement, and resilience and diversification of EV battery value chains.

The resurgence in active modes of transport during and following the pandemic has provided governments with a policy window to improve and expand infrastructure (e.g. bicycle lanes and car-free zones) and make road re-allocation measures permanent.

At the subnational level, measures such as congestion charges, parking fees, road pricing and tolls can encourage a shift towards rail, public and active transport modes by reducing the appeal of private vehicle use.

Based on analysis solicited from multiple research and technical organisations (including the IEA), ICAO has developed a Long-Term Aspirational Goal that will inform future discussion on how in-sector emission reductions can be realised, on updating policies and targets for sustainable aviation fuel, technical and operational efficiency, and on introducing other decarbonisation measures.

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From 2022 to 2034, the amendments are expectedto reduce harmful PM2.5 and NOx emissions by approximately 1,258 tons and 3,515 tons, respectively, and result in estimated statewide health benefits (savings from avoided health care costs) of approximately $1.75 billion. The health benefits are more than twice the total estimated net cost of the 2022 amendments estimated at $850 million. Reductions of PM2.5 and NOx emissions will also reduce cancer risk to individual residents and off-site workers near facilities where TRUs operate, including those located in and near disadvantaged communities. 2351a5e196

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