Mezzio is the fourth iteration of what was originally known as Zend Framework.I say fourth iteration, because Zend Framework had two initial versions, after which it was rebranded as Zend Expressive.So Mezzio, effectively, is the fourth iteration of the framework.

It starts off by getting your development environment ready; on Linux, macOS, and Windows.It then gets in to some of the essential concepts and theory, such as what is PSR-7, PSR-15, and Middleware; some of the key concepts which the framework is built upon.

How To Download Pluralsight Videos On Pc


After that, you learn how to build an application by hand, without any tooling or automation support.The intent here is so that you learn about all of the moving parts that are required to have a working application.Then, you learn how to use the Skeleton Installer project to rapidly bootstrap the application which was just built by hand.

So, after much discussion, the decision was made to re-home the framework at The Linux Foundation.Because of that, it needed to be rebranded.After some discussion, Zend Expressive was rebranded as Mezzio, and the Zend Framework libraries (which Zend Expressive is built upon) were rebranded as Laminas; e.g., zend-mvc was renamed laminas-mvc, and zend-servicemanager was renamed as laminas-servicemanager, etc.You can read the full story of what happened on the Laminas Blog.

So, for all of these reasons, my ASM and I decided to create a new course, which is effectively a refresh of the existing course.We discussed it in some really funny and silly sessions, often late into the evening here (Berlin time), to flesh out what the course structure would be, what my key aims for course attendees were, etc.

I often have great respect for organisations where I have to sign contracts.This is because contracts clearly spell out what the responsibilities of both sides are, but most importantly for me, what I have to live up to, when I have to have the work completed.Based on that, I can clearly track my progress, through to completion.

You can see that the root folder is named after the course, and under there is another directory, named module-1.Under module-1, there are five directories (audio, exported, images, slides, and videos) and a file, script.adoc.Each of these five directories is named after the content which it will contain.

With that done, I then script an introduction video to be the first video in the module, and a conclusion to be the last video in the module.At a module level, this helps set and manage expectations of what will be taught.

I tried to batch each component in the process, but found that my productivity dropped like a stone as I had to keep remembering where I was up to in each respective video, each time I came back to work on it.The mental context switch took forever and left me really drained and deflated.

I think this was from some form of corruption or misconfiguration in my original Linux Mint installation.After buying a new graphics card, the Geforce GT 1030 and installing Ubuntu 20.04, everything changed!All of a sudden, the quality of the recordings shot up, and the effort dropped right off.

Up until now, all of the work that has gone in to creating the course is reasonably straightforward.Sure, it takes time and effort to plan, write, record audio, live demos, and slide decks, but editing or fixing mistakes is relatively straight-forward.

So it can be a challenging time trying to figure out if you need to add a transition between two points in a demo, cut out some of the demo, add more audio, cut some of the demo, etc, so that the two fit professionally together.

Actually, if there is too much going on, I believe that you can negatively impact information absorption, as the user likely becomes distracted by too much change occurring.Conversely, if the time between something changing on screen takes too long, then I run the risk of the user tuning out.

Pluralsight has a clear set of audio and video requirements that your videos have to comply with.Similar to Audacity, I have a preset in Screenflow setup for that, which saves a stack of time and potential human error.

Someone must have a streamlined way to pull down Pluralsight videos without using a mobile device or screen capture utility. In the middle of watching a video, Pluralsight's site went down... they posted something about a power outage. Watching their videos, cached or not, on a mobile device is inconvenient. Having to stream it every time, in a browser, is even worse.

On a side note, I tried finding a certain course on an iPad and it was NOT found. The same course IS available on their site (I WAS watching it). So, that's another reason for wanting to cache it to a desktop.

Updated Answer

As it stands, youtube-dl ended up being my defacto utility for pulling down Pluralsight videos locally (as well as loads of other content). The command I use is...

Found a solution! Using Firefox and Flashgot it is possible to download all of the video segments in a course. Once the Flashgot plugin is installed, simply launch the course and click "next" through the all of the segments. Flashgot will have logged all of the video URLs. Click download and they are all sequentially stored in the folder of your choosing. MP4Joiner is an app that easily grabs all of the segments and splices them together to create a single MP4. This one video can then be dtopped into the viewer app of your choosing.

I use a lot of video resources to keep up to date with .NET, JavaScript and other tech like Docker, Kubernetes etc. I've compiled here a list of these resources and my impressions of using them and often paying for them out of my own pocket. There is something useful in all of them but I tend to find that some cater for certain technologies better than others.

PluralSight is the service that tries to be all things for all people. It tended to be more .NET focused in the past but things are changing on that front. In more recent times, the breadth of topics covered has definitely gotten a lot wider. They've added IT operations courses for example (I recently watched a really good course on Bash which is not something that's easily available on the internet strangely), as well as courses on Adobe products and like Photoshop and Illustrator which is handy.

In terms of software development, the courses are very high quality but they also take a lot of time for the authors to produce, so don't expect long in-depth courses on newer technologies e.g. the courses on Kubernetes and Vue.js have only recently been added and are certainly more on the 'Getting Started' end of the spectrum. However, in time I expect the portfolio to fill out.

There is also definitely still a .NET bias to the site, there aren't as many in-depth frontend JavaScript courses as I would like for example. The ones that do exist are not from the well known frontend developers in the community. Also, some of the courses can be quite old (The tech world does move so fast). You'd think you would find some decent courses on CSS for example but the courses available are pretty ancient.

They have apps for all the usual platforms that let you download video offline which is a must for me, for when I travel on the London underground. The monthly cost is not prohibitive for the quantity of courses available at $35 per month. I've paid for it in the past but get it free right now as a Microsoft MVP.

I only discovered that LinkedIn Learning existed last year when I learned that Microsoft MVP's get it for free. Apparently LinkedIn Learning used to be called which I had heard of and trialled in the past. I've always thought of Lynda as a 'How to use X software' kind of resource. They've literally got hours and hours worth of courses on Adobe Photoshop for example.

I was surprised at how much content they actually have. The ground is a bit thin when it comes to .NET content however and the courses that I have ended up watching are pretty short and to the point with not a huge amount of depth. However, I think this varies a lot, I've seen Adobe illustrator courses that are 14 hours long!

In the end I've used LinkedIn Learning for learning Kubernetes, due to PluralSight's library being a bit thin on that subject and also GraphQL.NET where LinkedIn Learning has the only course available on the internet.

Frontend Masters does exactly what it says on the tin. They get industry leading frontend professionals to present courses on HTML, CSS, and JavaScript mainly, although they also delve into the backend with Node.js, Mongo and GraphQL courses.

The quality and depth of these courses is extremely high. The format is unusual in that the expert is delivering the course to an actual audience of people and there are also question/answer sections at the end of each module. This means that the courses tend to be quite long. If you're like me and you want to know every gritty detail, then that's great.

The library of courses is not very large but I'd definitely recommend this service to anyone interested in frontend or GraphQL Node.js development. The price is quite steep at $39 per month, considering the smaller number of targeted courses available. I'm waiting to see if they have a sale at the end of the year to drop hard cash on this learning resource. is a unique learning resource. It's USP is that it serves a series of short two minute videos that make up a course. If you run the videos at 1.5x or 2x speed, you can be done learning something in 15 minutes! In the real world, I found that each video was so concise and full of useful information, I found myself having to go back and watch things again. This is definitely the fastest way to learn something.

The content is similar to Frontend Masters i.e. it's mainly focused on the frontend, with a few forays into Node.js, ElasticSearch, Mongo and Docker. Although, they tend to have a focus on JavaScript frameworks.

The cost of this service is 300peryearbutifyouwaituntilthesaleattheendoftheyearlikeIdid,youcanbagasubscriptionfor300 per year but if you wait until the sale at the end of the year like I did, you can bag a subscription for300peryearbutifyouwaituntilthesaleattheendoftheyearlikeIdid,youcanbagasubscriptionfor100 which I think is more reasonable. I'm coming up for renewal time and I'm not sure I will renew because I've pretty much watched all of the courses that I was interested in. Because the courses are very short and fairly limited in number, you can get through them pretty quickly. That said, it was definitely worth investing in a years subscription. I might purchase a subscription again in a year or two when they add more content. 152ee80cbc

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