One of the activities that I do when I'm in other places is that I review hotels. Sites such as Tripadvisor allow me to attach pictures that i've taken of the rooms and the areas, and in the same way, I wish that I would be able to do the same on Airbnb. But it seems that all of the reviews that I've read do not have photos in them so I assume that guests do not have the ability to attach photos.

I really would like to accompany my reviews with photos so that I would be able to help prospective customers in convincing or dissuading from renting an apartment. On the other hand, I also think that pictures could boost the reputation of the host if his or her apartment deserves better attention.

How To Download Pictures On Airbnb

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I just stayed at a country home i TN, hosted by **. It was terribly disappointing. Rotten food in the fridge, dirty dishes in the cabinet and in the oven, a mouse, cockroaches, a musty odor in the house, a collapsing floor in front of the refrigerator, plumbing that gurgled whenever you flushed the toilet, and a leaking hot water heater. I was very descriptive in my review, I also contacted the host while we were there, she offered an apology. The hosts response to my review was nothing short of complete denial and deflection. Furthermore I believe she is having ppl post fake reviews, IF it is possible. My stay was complete three weeks ago and she has an additional 3-4 reviews from guests already? I do find it hard to believe. And yes I did contact Airbnb* to have this home flagged for review and upon giving them all my details INCLUDING pictures AND video, they have chosen to allow the host to continue to offer this house to guests. Which tells me they don't hold anyone accountable and as guests that go through any vacation rental site we really are taking a gamble. This is not my first AIRBNB experience however this is the first bad experience I have had. Health and safety should be of the utmost importance. Unfortunately it is clear from

I had a horrible experience in Hillsdale NY The second bathroom was dilapidated ... the shower was corroded and mildewed. I have pictures of the ceiling peeling and the plastic shower curtain --- OMG it had clearly been eaten on by rodents! How can I show these to future guest? The host is a superhost but clearly guest are only using the downstairs master bath!

I just had a terrible experience of staying at a property that is using completely false pictures of the site (older pictures) - I have pictures of what the site really looks like when we stayed there. Any suggestions on how I can get help using these pictures? Not only is the property inaccurate, it is unsafe as there was construction work going on while we wer there and the crew told us they had no idea someone was in the house!

Hi, Just wanted to join this thread by saying that it is my understanding of the law that the legal definition of 'private property' is that it is anything owned by a private individual and so your home is NOT public domain. An Airbnb host is inviting guests to stay in their own (private) home (property). Anyone wanting to take photos of your home should first ask for the owners permission. My neighbour decided to fly his drone across my property and could view into my home. He received an official warning letter telling him that he must not do this or he will be prosecuted. Posting something online and making it available to others (even just friends) is breaching the privacy laws. I would suggest writing a very firm letter to these guests informing them that they have breached privacy laws and unless they remove all unauthorised pictures of your property then you will take further action against them and will be claiming for damages. Although these guests may think they can behave in this way, the Law is actually on the side of the property owner. I would be interested to know how these guests would react if you had gone into the bedroom and taken photos of something like their underwear and dirty clothes and then posted the pictures online with some comment! In some countries, taking unauthorised photos could end up with you being arrested, fined or even imprisoned.

If you don't like facebook you're not going to be a happy bunny when someone puts you on google maps, with all the social media and review sites every business is open to abuse from customers, airbnb customers are no different.

1A I would be very careful on this. If the owner has his property broken into, you could be attributed to assisting, if the owner believes your posted photos gave info on entry points of the property and he never gave you permission to post those photos. Even Google grants owners privacy for this reason and will block access to pictures from its street view info at the owners request.

4 If he publishes the pictures then you may have a claim for invasion of privacy and the revelation of your private life. Without such "publication", you have no claim. The poster maybe held responsible for any legal or economic consequences from his actions and\or you might sue him for your damages if you are fired or you are slandered or defamed.

@Elizabeth10 If you open your home up to the public, there is no expectation of privacy, and there is certainly nothing about posting pictures on the internet in the terms and conditions. In fact, many hosts are now providing "instagrammable features" in their properties with the express purpose of trying to get guests to take and post pictures, the theory being that it will promote the Airbnb.

I'm about to leave a terrible review of a home in which I stayed for 8 nights. Can I include pictures from within the home? I want to show the filth of the house, the trash left under beds, etc., the mice in the kitchen...

Before you begin shooting, make sure your vacation rental is spotless and pristine. Nothing puts guests off faster than pictures of a messy, unclean vacation rental. Follow these steps to clean up your Airbnb:

Choose one photo from every room and area to upload first. This gives viewers an idea of what they can expect to see in your rental before browsing the pictures. Uploading your most attractive photos first will draw viewers in, and entice them to look at more.

Now that you know the basics of Airbnb photography and have prepared your rental for shooting, you need to ask yourself who will be taking your Airbnb pictures. Remember that your photos will be one of your primary factors driving bookings.

Even if your vacation rental is in a fantastic location and is a good value for its price, your potential guests will judge your home based on the Airbnb pictures. Travelers tend to choose Airbnb listings that have inviting, captivating photos. The ideal Airbnb pics present the rental space to feel like home.

Still, too few Airbnb pictures might not be enough to give travelers a good idea of what your rental offers. So ideally, you should upload between 20-30 high-quality photos in total for your listing. You may take several pictures for each room in your rental space and upload the best ones.

This is my first booking using the Airbnb app and when I signed up I had to take pictures of me and my government ID. I invited all my friends who are staying with me and they went through the same signup process.

In the most recent version of the law, the host must fill in an online form to register the guests. From what I read (I don't have a hotel/airbnb myself, so maybe others with first-hand knowledge can confirm), the host must provide name, surname, gender, birth date and place, nationality of all occupants, but document details are required only for one of the guests (the "group leader").

Must just be me but we get into the strangest situations. We are planning to visit grandchildren in California this September. We had been looking for an Airbnb place to stay. The one in which we usually stay was booked long term until January 2022. We thought we found one; it was a mini farm with small animals, and thought it would be fun for the kids. With the pictures online, the inside looked clean and nice and the reviews were good.

In addition to selecting and implementing a theme, make your home look as professional as possible. Make the bed, fluff your pillows, and ensure couch cushions have been placed neatly. These small details can significantly elevate the pictures of your home.

Airbnb allows up to 100 pictures to be published to your listing. However, it is unlikely that guests will need this many images. Instead, aim to include 20-30 photos of your listing, focusing on quality versus quantity.

Make sure to have a few pictures of each room, capturing different angles and views. Do not repeat images as they will be repetitive and invaluable. Airbnb recommends that you not only take pictures of the inside of your home but of your backyard and neighborhood as well.

Each Airbnb listing is a sales package, and the pictures within the listings are what bring your pitch to life. So using them wisely is important. The idea is to deliver the feeling of an open house tour as much as possible through only visuals; you want users to feel confident in their expectations when booking your Airbnb.

One important factor in taking professional Airbnb pictures is paying attention to the brightness and time of the day. In general, we are aiming towards natural rather than artificial light. Using the flash in your photos might bleach or flatten the photo. Instead, use mirrors or reflectors to brighten up space, or open the curtains to make most of the daylight brightness.

If you have iPhone 11 Pro or iPhone 11 Pro Max, then you will be able to use the wide-angle feature and go even wider. Tap on 0.5x to use the ultra-wide lens and 1x to use the wide lens on your iPhone. These features will enable the iPhone camera to capture a wide-angle and include more in your photo. Keep in mind that your Airbnb pictures look realistic and not deceiving.

We are aware of how much is involved in managing a successful short-term rental listing. And taking great pictures for your property can be challenging, especially considering the amount of pictures available nowadays. Another challenge when listing your property on booking platforms is property styling. You can read more about this topic here. ff782bc1db

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