Firefox securely stores your usernames and passwords for accessing websites, automatically fills them in for you the next time you visit a website, and lets you manage your stored logins with its built-in password management feature. This article will show you how to remember, view, edit, manage, remove and protect your logins in Firefox and also how to disable this feature.

If you want to back up your saved usernames and passwords or move them to a different application, you can export this data to a .csv (comma separated values) file. See Export login data from Firefox for more information.

How To Download Passwords From Firefox

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If you use the same simple password for everything, you will be more susceptible to identity theft. The Create secure passwords to keep your identity safe article shows you an easy method for creating secure passwords and managing your passwords, as described above, to help you remember them all.

Even though Firefox stores your usernames and passwords on your computer in an encrypted format, someone with access to your computer user profile can still see or use them. The Use a Primary Password to protect stored logins and passwords article shows you how to prevent this and keep you protected in the event your computer is lost or stolen.

One advantage of using Firefox password management is that it stores all your logins - your usernames and passwords - in one single place. You can find your logins in Firefox and not worry about forgetting where they are.

On the other hand, putting all your logins in one place, unprotected, can be risky. Theoretically, someone who has access to your computer could open and view your logins in Firefox and go on an Amazon shopping spree! Fortunately, Firefox lets you use a Primary Password to prevent others from accessing your logins without your permission.

If you want the most secure method for storing your login information, then you should rely on your memory. It's easier than you think. Choose a different login for every website and memorize them. See Create secure passwords to keep your identity safe for details.

For me the import is now supported but I get an error now, saying a field was missing. From Chrome export I have the fields: name, url, username, password) Does anyone know, what the required fields for import in firefox are? How can I fix this?

Firefox securely stores your usernames and passwords for accessing websites, automatically fills them in for you the next time you visit a website, and lets you manage your stored logins with its built-in password management feature.

Do you ever get to a website while you are surfing the Internet and you forget what your password is to log into an account? Yeah, it happens all the time. Luckily you can view saved passwords in Firefox.

Am I stupid or is there no way to import Chrome passwords to Firefox without using 3rd party software/service? I mean, it's such a silly little task. I don't want to use LastPass. I found how to export Chrome passwords to .csv file but how do I import that into Firefox?

A bit late maybe, but on linux you can import from .csv file if you activate a certain flag from about:config called Then you can see the option to import from file.It's explained in a footnote in the mozilla support -US/kb/import-login-data-file

I have exported my passwords with LastPass and it created a file (no extension, but I think it's CSV).I have installed the Password Exporter extension ( -US/firefox/addon/password-exporter/) and I tried to import that file, but it say that it can't import that file.So I tried to convert it to XML using this python script, also I imported that file to KeePass v2 and exported to both XML and CSV. Again I tried to import those files and the CSV file can't be imported, instead, with the XML files the extension does not throw any error, still it does nothing because no passwords are actually imported.

I just started using NC passwords on my android phone. I moved away from lockwise and deinstalled that app. I installed Passwords in my Nextcloud server and I imported all passwords from firefox/lockwise into the Nexcloud app. As far as I can tell it looks good.

Managing your passwords is a lot like managing your finances. Some people like checking a monthly statement, and others prefer checking it weekly or daily. Whatever your preference, check your passwords often to keep your personal information safe, and the Lockwise dashboard, now powered by Firefox Monitor, makes that easier.

The important thing is, you have to remove all of your devices in Connected Services, including the one with the synced passwords (passwords won't disappear). And them sign in again, starting with the one with passwords.

I have FireFox 99.0 and it seems that 1Password is not letting me use the password manager in FireFox. I do keep a handful of passwords in FireFox, although the vast majority of my passwords are in 1Password.

I completely understand where you're coming from on this. When you install the 1Password browser extension, it basically takes over as the active password manager by default. While it can sometimes be difficult to 'juggle' more than one password manager, everyone has their own personal workflow, and we certainly respect that.

Surprisingly, importing firefox paswwords is not supported. I've found a "password exporter" extension for firefox, it exports passwords in XML or CSV. But either format won't be recognised by enpass. I'm sure I could import these files in Keepass, then export as a keepass file, and then import the keepass file, but it's a bit complicated.

Thanks for showing interest in Enpass.

Currently Enpass doesn't support direct import from Firefox browser, although app supports import via Generic CSV. But due to users database's safety and security we can't recommend to export any of your database using a third party extension, as the extension may access your information.

On linux (probably the same on mac, don't know on windows), just type python -t and it will dispaly in the terminal window all your passwords. Select all the lines and copy them in a txt file.

Firefox will continue to fill saved passwords even after you turn off the built-in password manager. To fill your passwords with 1Password instead of Firefox, delete your saved passwords from Firefox.

I know I can export from Firefox, that is what I did before manually removing unneeded entries from that file. What I am looking for is a way to IMPORT these entries into Bitwarden into a specific category easily.

My Avast premium virus detector programme has blocked MBAMService.exe from accessing passwords in Firefox and I would like to know if the programme has been compromised with a trojan or virus I have run the support tool and will attach the logs. I told Avast to block the programme do I need to make any changes to either programme having done this?

Like all malware scanners, Malwarebytes scans the configuration files for your web browsers to check for PUPs (Potentially Unwanted Programs), Trojans and other malware or signs of compromise (something especially important for web browsers since they are the most frequently attacked application on a system) which means that it also must scan the encrypted files where your saved passwords are stored. Malwarebytes cannot actually see/decrypt your passwords so it is not a compromise of your security, however it shouldn't do any harm to have Avast block Malwarebytes from scanning those files, assuming none of them contains information that should be scanned such as your installed plugins and other at-risk areas/components for attack by infections and exploits, though were it me I'd just allow Malwarebytes to scan everything that it normally would, particularly since Malwarebytes' default scan and databases are written by Malwarebytes' Research team to look specifically at all known locations where infections like to install and hide themselves.

I have set up a master password on firefox and the browser asks for it at unexpected time. Not every time in the start (so it isn't useful to "lock" the browser. Someone may auto-login to a website without typing the master password), just at "random" time.

I don't really care about "locking" my browser, I just want to protect my set of passwords from unauthorised view. How can I make firefox ask for the master password ONLY when trying to show passwords?

Changing security.password_lifetime to a large value didn't work as a semi-solution, because it will ask again at random time if I restart firefox. I would also like to avoid using a separate password manager software.

If you have a master password, then Firefox will need you to input that password in order to use any of your stored passwords. There is no way around this, because the stored passwords are actually encrypted using a key derived from the master password.

Or, you can disable the master password. Your passwords will still not be shown visibly by default when you are using them, only when you go in and view them in the password manager. There is nothing wrong with finding the right balance between security and convenience for you - if you are annoyed by needing to put in your master password too much, and don't mind if Firefox can use your saved passwords without it, then a master password is not for you. Unfortunately it won't then be able to make the passwords invisible to users of your browser, though.

I was recently working from home and needed a saved password from Firefox on my dev machine at work. Seeing as the only connection I had with the remote machine was through ssh, this meant the only option I had was to retrieve the password through the commandline.

Well, if you are really curious like I was and don't mind reading a bit of ocaml, the main code is right here. It's been a minute since I read OCaml code, but a cursory glance through the code reveals that it looks in your firefox profile folder (the -d option) to find a file called logins.json or signons.sqlite:


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