In the Music app , the library includes music you added or downloaded from Apple Music, music and videos you synced to iPod touch, TV shows and movies you added from Apple Music, and your iTunes Store purchases.

The music won't play out of my IPod touch. The speaker works just fine when I am on Youtube or an App the uses sound effects. When i try to play music the pause/play button will work, but I cannot hear the music. And, Common sense I did already try to turn the Volume up and down. I recently updated my IPod to the IOS 5 update and then the day after i whent to ITunes and got all my picture/Files that i had ITunes back up. Once i tryed to play music after that i couldnt get it to play. Thinking that it was a speaker problem I tryed going to Youtube and the songs/Videos played just like Normal. I whent to ITunes and conncected my IPod to see if that had anything to do with my problem and it did not. I've have also tryed turning it off and turning it back on, and that didnt help. Then the last thing is I also tryed to play music through Headphones and the music still didnt play, and i connected it to a docking station and tryed to play music and that still dindt work. Help?

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I have done this, using 16.04.You are correct. Though it is possible to connect to your iPod Touch in Ubuntu, you will be unable to sync music via any of the normal libgpod based strategies, listed in other answers.

I jailbroke my iPod touch (ios 6.1.6) and then installed (and paid for) PwnTunes on the iPod. This sets up a new 'My Music' folder on the ipod. When you add music to this folder, PwnTunes will sync it to the ipod Music library, including metadata and cover art (which can be embedded or in the form of a cover.jpg file in each folder).It's a good solution, and works even better across ssh!

I am one of those people who still uses my iPods for certain situations. Much prefer them to using my iPhone for music in these contexts. When I buy new music on the iTunes store (again my preference), I can download most files to my iPod Touch also, and transfer them to my other iPods.

However, I have some music files on my iMac that are, for example, songs written and played by my son. I want these also on my iPod Touch. When I try to transfer them manually through the Music program (dragging them over from my library window of Music when it is open on my iMac to the icon of the iPod in the left pane of the Music program) sometimes the transfer is successful, and sometimes not. A song will show up in the Song list of the iPod on the iMac screen (when I click on the the iPod icon in the left pane of the Music program open on my iMac), but not appear in the Library on the iPod itself. It seems arbitrary whether it works or not.

iTunes Match can significantly reduce the amount of manual intervention needed to synchronize your music library across multiple devices. The current cost of an iTunes Match subscription in the US is $24.99 per year.

Based on your requirements and the moderate complexity of your device echo system, I don't think there is an obvious or straightforward solution to your challenges. That said, with a bit of effort, it likely is possible to manage your music to your specifications across all of your devices.

iTunes Match gives you access to your entire music library from any device, regardless of whether or not that music exists in a public database. You can rip a CD, add metadata to it, and iTunes Match will ingest the music and treat it as a part of your overall collection.

If you add your son's music to an Apple Music library with iTunes Match enabled, the tracks will be uploaded to iCloud. Any metadata and artwork associated with the tracks will be uploaded to iCloud as well. The same music will then be available to all of your devices for download on a per track or per album basis (from any device).

iTunes Match was one of the better decisions I've made concerning managing my music library. It turned an oftentimes tedious and manual library management process into a largely automated exercise requiring little intervention on my part. My entire music library (including non-iTunes tracks), containing some 10,000 songs, is available to any of my devices via iCloud. I download the albums and or tracks I wish to have locally on my device to avoid streaming over cellular or WiFi networks. This arrangement makes the question of which device my music is on almost irrelevant. Any device I sign into has access to all of my music regardless of whether or not I purchased it from Apple.

Apple will also swap your low-res tracks for higher quality files for music you didn't purchase via their service (if the music is available in Apple's library). I've always thought that was a nice perk of the service.

Thanks for the response, and recommendation. I bridle a bit at paying for an extra service to restore functionality that should be basic to the devices, and that has always worked reliably until now. It still sometimes seems to work, and sometimes not, which is so frustrating. I like having manual control because I have a fair amount of music in my iMac Apple Music library that I don't want on any of my iPods. So I don't want to have to be constantly removing music from the iPods after they sync. And a fair amount of the music is not available on any web based service. The other issue is that we live in a place with unreliable internet access or cell service. So I want the actual song files on my iPod to be able to listen to them... not stream from my library on a web based service (though perhaps iTunes Match allows this?).

I was able to get this last song over via a manual file transfer, and it now shows in the iPod Touch music library. However, it does not have the "album artwork" which is not something available for download, as this is a "home recording."

The iPod Touch has been the difficult one... working sometimes, but sometimes not with manual transfer. I can download songs to it that I buy on the iTunes Store, no problem. I do have over 13, 000 songs on it (and this is just a small portion of my music). So it could have been an issue of space, though it seemed to have 2.5 gigs of free space on it.

I did figure out a work around, or a solution though for now. On the iPod's window in the Finder on my iMac (when it was mounted, obviously), first, in the General window, I deselected "Automatically Sync" and selected "Manual Manage" which had been selected before anyway (though it seemed to revert to "autosync" by default. Then I went into the Music pane (menu) and selected "Sync" and "Manually Manage". I went through and selected all the artists I wanted (leaving out some borderline to save space), and selected the two Playlists that were critical to me. Bit of a pain, but so it goes. Shift or command clicking doesn't allow you to select multiple artists. You have to select one at a time. Then I hit "apply". Took a bit, but not too long, and everything including artwork and artists that I manually put on my iMac were transferred, including my son's music.

For some reason my ipod touch keeps deleting songs that I had or put on it. I always make playlists like folders on my ipod touch, and I usually drag and drop each music track/tracks into it's corresponding folder. Since I was having this problem a day or so ago, I reformatted and manually put EVERYTHING back on it, which took around 6 hours. But it's still having the same problem! Someone please help me! I want my music set up in it a certain way, the same way I always set it up, and I don't want it to keep getting deleted!

Same issue, only happened since updated my iPod touch 5g to ios 8.1.1. Tried to sync through iTunes to add some new songs, ended up seeing just over 1gb of my capacity increase. Many album images have disappeared. Attempted restarting computer, restarting iPod touch then resynched.

As I write this my iPod Touch was stuck on the final 'waiting for bla lala to sync', then all of a sudden 2000 songs are being synced to my iPod touch of which all of them are already on. What's happening Apple?

My ipod has the same problem. I called apple support and they wouldn't as usual. This is the fourth of three ipods I have own that has not lasted two years due to bugs and technical failers. I'm done with this garbage. Next Mp3 player isn't gunna be an apple product.

So, all three of my Sonos devices have dirty addresses assignments.... ?

They all have sticky address assignment, and I'm sure they didn't change with the router and device resets.

I'll use a static address assignment for the PlayBase and see if anything changes with the connection to the iPOD.

Meanwhile, I did some Airplay 101 reading. The article mentions the basic items needed for AirPlay operation.

iTunes was a topic in the article, and I started poking around the newest version of iTunes and found I could "cast" directly to the Sonos devices from my PC.

Using iTunes is less flexible, but my problem is basically solved, and it works great. I can control the music from my phone after starting the connection, and iTunes allows you to select multiple Sonos devices in the network.

It says on my desktop iTunes: To play Apply music on your iPod, turn on iCloud Music Library on your iPod. What does this mean? My iCloud show 52.1MB of 5GB used, iCloud Backup is on, iCloud Drive is on, is this something different?

Update: On May 10, eight days after this article was published, Apple announced the end of the iPod era. The iPod touch, the last of the legendary product line, was now discontinued. If you want to get one, they will be available from Apple while stocks last, and from plenty of other retailers.

That update did more than just increment the processor, which moved from 2 cores to 4 cores and nearly doubled the clock speed. It increased the RAM from 1 GB to 2 GB; it includes a better graphics chip; and it has four cores instead of two. It also ensured that the device runs with more recent versions of iOS. The 6th generation iPod touch is limited to iOS 12; the 7th generation runs the current iOS 15. ff782bc1db

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