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How To Download Movies On Mac Reddit

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Im not sure if this is something thats been discussed anywhere else but I was watching the series and noticed how often the characters reference grief, loss and death & when watching all movies back to back the plots surround each of the stages of grief

See our Dreadit Movie Guide for hundreds of films voted on by our users. If that's not what you were looking for, include some movies that you liked so that we may better help you. I want to be scared/Something actually scary/etc are too vague and will be removed. Use the guide and/or give us some examples of things you'd like to see.

No links in comments or posts to pirated content or instructions on how/where to pirate. This includes but is not limited to: Full unlicensed movies or TV shows on YouTube or other streaming sites, and links to torrent or nzb files.

So I'm new to this series and I've just finished season 2 (absolute fire btw). I looked up a watch order of the series and I'm up to watching the first movie (excluding OVAs because I cant find them anywhere). Is this movie necessary to watch before going into season 3 and are the other movies also necessary? If so should I buy or rent the movies that aren't on streaming? Thanks for your help in advance.

Remember the days when movies would have these grand old themes that would make you feel like a kid again? Say, Back to the Future, Batman (1989), or Jurassic Park? After a lot of thinking, I realized why not too many movies have memorable music.

But his themes from the MCU were a bit difficult to remember the first time I watched those movies, proving my point. Don't get me wrong: there definitely is crappy music in modern movies these days, but there still is good music.

Aside from the obvious answer (run-time), why was TB left out of the cinematic release of Lord of the Rings? I remember, as a kid, reading the books then seeing the movie and being upset his character never appeared. I was even more upset when the extended editions came out with not even a mention of the master, Tom Bombadil. I had a the gd Tom Bombadil trading card from the LotR TCG yet still no sign of him in any of the movies. They got someone to portray him on a trading card so does that mean they had someone for the movie but were unable to get his scenes in when it came to final cuts? I always thought he was a somewhat integral character, at least in the first book, so it always puzzled me why the film creators decided not to include him.

Hi all, just wondering if anyone here buys movies through Apple. I bought Blu-ray for a long time, don't really care about 4K Blu-ray. I am a little reluctant to buy movies here because I've heard of stuff disappearing from peoples' collections, then the whole "you don't really own it" thing. Has anyone here lost movies they bought? I'm not too concerned about the lower quality.

Hi guys! First post in this subreddit! As one of my favourite genres, I love tycoon-style simulation games and I just need to get this off my chest. This isn't a rose-tinted glasses or "good ol' days" nostalgia post because I only played this game for the first ever time a couple of years ago and recently got back into it for casual on and off play sessions.

What this game excels in are the fun factor, immersion of running a business sim and management satisfaction. It doesn't offer the most complex business management and statistics crunching but that's also this game's strength, because one of the main focuses is making movies and "living" the fantasy of running your own movie studio without all the real life hassle of doing so. So what does this game really do well? Well, let's break it down:

Base building: A huge variety of buildings that relate to the growth of your tycoon, actor and human factor needs. You can build script offices (to create custom movies), research new technology, build movie sets from different themed categories (e.g. sci-fi, romance), build decorative objects and monuments (more on this in a bit), toilets and baths for the needs, bars & social places for actor needs (again, more on this in a bit), entertainment areas (e.g. basketball court), trailer homes for your actors... and so... much... more...! You can, of course, freely place these buildings and such anywhere you want and there is an in-game reason to actually take time and plan ahead (more on that in a bit :P).

Randomisation and replay value: Each new game, you'll get randomly generated blank slate NPCs you can assign for jobs; you aren't restricted to x NPC can only do Y job... so yes, you can make an experienced good-looking actor the janitor! Or, reversibly, promote your favourite janitor to a film director! Each NPC has random traits, stats and pre-defined names. You can even make your very own actors in a separate tool and then import them into your campaigns. You'll be dressing, feeding and taking care of actors' needs such as social, entertainment and bladder. Their performance whilst shooting your movies will depend on how they are treated, so they aren't just mindless "imps" you throw around, you should treat them as humans if you want to have higher rated movies. Additionally, you can do things like make your actors rehearse your scripts for their upcoming movies, make them socialise with co-workers for improved relationships or just give them lots of goodies to make them happy and motivated! It's a nice little mini-game of balancing your and their needs. You can also do cool things like fire aging actors to make room for the young ones or sign them off to rival studios for extra cash. Mix and match movie sets, actors and get creative in the studio for high replay value!

More than just babysitting your minions: There is a strong management meta gaming side to this game, although as previously mentioned, it's not the most complex and in-depth system you'll ever see but it works to the game's favour for balance and fun factor. Things cost money. You need to make movies to make money, to make good movies you need good actors, to make good actors you need to adhere to their needs, to do that you need to read their traits (both good and bad) and adjust arrangements accordingly. The condition of your studio also matters, as in, the actual physical hygiene and conditions of the sets, decoration, grass, many things! Keep those janitors cleaning and builders working to make your studio lot have a higher rating with cleanliness to win more awards at the ceremonies, which in turn, gives you permanently unlockables and campaign mode boosters. So whilst you're managing where and how to place your things, you also need to consider how far apart the movie sets and actors' homes are, for example, since they will be moving from set-to-set so a shorter travel distance will help make movies quicker and slow the decay rate of their happiness. Moreover, making sure stations like portable toilets and food vendors are readily available close by. The game also has cool little details you probably won't even notice or rarely do... like... your actors won't just stand up still waiting for thy command... they'll actually live a life even without your suggestions. For example, actors will physically lean on lamposts THAT YOU PLACED to rest, or benches to sit on, you can pickup and drop paparazzi's near actors to increase your studio's PR and rep... cool little touches like this that give you "in-between" things to do.

Creativity over business: The Movies is all about being creative and having fun foremost over number and statistics crunching. It's super fun to write your own movies and have the actors you're managing act in them! YOU make the costumes, YOU make the sets, YOU insert what objects they hold, what animations play, what background props appear and if you need extra... well... you literally hire extras! They are considered minor actors and are there to mainly fill-in scenes to make them more lively. Anyway, a lot of tycoon games I've seen have it where the environment itself isn't really customisable visually, but in The Movies you choose where the grass, paths and concrete all go. Want an outdoor rural feel? Want a city look? Want an economic focus? That's your prerogative and don't forget that actors and the reward ceremony will judge you for the kind of environment you're making.

The movies themselves: Yes, the movies themselves... one of the main focuses beside the management aspect. You choose the director(s), actors, sets, costumes, props, backdrops, length, theme, animations... etc. etc... and it's INSANELY FUN... but as I mentioned at the top of this post; there are limitations (it being a 2005 game). However, The Movies actually has an expansion pack called Stunts & Effects, which removes some of the restrictions and adds more to the movie-making process itself, though it's absolutely nowhere near the complex levels of professional software. Examples being green/blue screens where you insert your own custom images, animated backdrops, manual camera movement and "stunt" actors. Anyway, there's more to the process, you can build a building that lets you go into a post-processing interface where you can insert effects like screen, custom audio, subtitles, cut scenes, etc. It really does make you feel like a producer of movies. On top of all this, if you're playing the campaign, you'll regularly go to reward ceremonies every decade where everything you've done will be judged and rated accordingly. Your movies will also be judged and rated with rather awesome review flavour text and star ratings. They'll say how much they love or hate your actors, the sets and the movie itself. Though I do admit it does get a little old seeing the same review blurbs appear throughout the decades. As for the movies you'll be creating, you can't create anything... which is where the limitations come into play. Now, having said that, there is still a big variety of themes you can choose from and then mix and match sets, costumes, props etc. to sort of create your OWN style. For example, you can make sci-fis, spaghetti westerns, horror etc... but there's absolutely nothing stopping you from making a horror spaghetti western! And this is where The Movies gives me the butterflies... you can get so creative if you have the patience... you can do so much with the tools the game gives you but you need the patience to do it all. Most of the time, you can just select the default presets and have a reasonably rated movie. If you aren't interested in movie-making (you crazy :P), you can build a building that automates the script process, in which you'll need to hire writers and train them to write good. 006ab0faaa

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