No thanks. 

I use WoWUp and have removed CurseForge as a provider from it. 

My sincere hope is that Microsoft comes in and cracks down on companies like this trying to make money off of something that's supposed to be a fun hobby and videogame. Blizzard dropped the ball because they didn't want to be on the hook for supporting third-party addons, so they never made a central hub for them. Meanwhile, Microsoft literally owns GitHub. That's where all addons should be maintained at.

With our luck, Microsoft will come in and make things worse and not better, but we can always hope that's not the case.

Edit to add: Also, this is an old and obvious pattern: Step 1: Hey guys, here's a standalone client! See, we're not so bad. Step 2 in 2023: We're deprecating the standalone client because it's just not seeing enough use! (Meanwhile we've successfully killed off all the 3rd party updaters because of our easy and lowest common denominator solution so now you're all S.O.L!)

Overwolf: Not even once.

"addon makers should not be allowed to make money" wow, bad take, say goodbye to bigwigs, DBM, and more.

Just stop talking yourself in circles and admit you hate addon creators, stop sneaking around it.

As somebody who uses/used those addons: okey, bye.

Like i'm using them if they are available, but i'm going to have a perfectly fine experince without them. Nobody here hates addon creators, i myself donated to some of them. But (speaking for only myself here) i'm not going to be pulled into this hell of a software enviroment so Overwolf can "pay the creators".

Sometimes there are functional problems when two mods are installed together. For non-CKAN users, the solution is simply to avoid installing those mods at the same time. However, when both mods are in CKAN, one author may request that CKAN add what's called a "conflict" relationship between the two mods, and CKAN can thereby find itself in the crossfire over which mod is at fault. Rather than taking it upon themselves to declare one side right and the other wrong, which is likely beyond their expertise anyway, the CKAN team tries instead to encourage the two parties to work together to find a suitable compromise, which may take the form of collaborating (gasp!) to make sure that everyone is satisfied with the outcome. Usually this works very well, as a good solution can almost always be found, and most mod authors are able to work well with others, with their different perspectives from working on different mods allowing them to anticipate problems that the other might have missed. Unfortunately a few mod authors believe their inherent rightness to be so indisputable that this is taken as an offense and a cause for resentment.

How To Download Mods From Curseforge Without The App

Download 🔥 🔥

The third party API that Curse previously had shut down ( did provide these things. It has since been brought back up, but with various fields removed that would have allowed users to browse and download mods without using Curse's own software.

As a long-time redditor (when that existed) and someone who tries their best to give back to the community and help where possible with modded install issues, I can tell you with absolutely no hesitation that everyone who I've ever interacted with who got their mods from curseforge had an incomplete, out of date mod.

They won't do it. It's the same reason why they won't let players launch their modded games without launching the curseforge app. They WANT you to launch the curseforge app and be connected at all times. It's very easy to implement, but considering people been asking for this for years, and they still haven't answered it, let alone do something about it, means they want you to be connected. Either for monetary reasons or it looks better in their annual reports.

Not saying offline shouldn't get added but in the meantime you can run MultiMC and add the modpacks as instances to that and play them completely offline. You'll need to export the modpacks from the launcher and make sure the export include config, mods, and resources, then you'll import from .zip in MultiMC, and then bam you'll be able to run the modpacks completely offline

Hello there. I downloaded Foolcraft from the mods.curse website but I don't know how to install it and get it working. Is there a way to install it without the curse launcher and if not can you provide me a link to download the curse launcher and also provide some instructions? Thanks.

The only thing in a zip file from curseforge for a modpack is a manifest.json file and a few folders, mainly for configs. What you are suggesting will not work.

It's not hard to get the Twitch/Curse launcher and it's not laggy like Solarkoid suggests later on unless there is something wrong with your computer or internet.

Steps to getting the launcher:

If you mean the issue in the last post (you should really have made a new thread in Support, not posted to a year old thread for a completely different thing in a completely different section), that is caused by using Java 9 or later, which causes issues with many mods since they use a buggy Mojang library (this is one reason why Mojang provides their own runtime, which should be used even if it is "outdated", which means nothing if the program was written for that version of Java. Many people also still try to use obsolete JVM arguments, like CMS incremental mode and PermSize):



(this is yet another reason not to use Forge for mods; even Java 8 causes Forge for 1.6.4 to crash but the game itself doesn't, same for my own mods, including manual installation of Optifine (the "launchwrapper" seems to be an API used to load mods at runtime instead of modifying the jar on disk, which Mojang highly disproves of based in their measures to stop it, like redownloading a clean jar unless you block the download (which is actually pretty easy), probably to prevent people from distributing modded jars, as I've seen people do before, instead of only distributing the modded files)

When you start modding, you have to make a choice: will you use a third-party Minecraft mod launcher, or would you prefer to do everything manually by just using the official Minecraft launcher? Many third-party Minecraft launchers nowadays are designed to help you download and install mods with ease, so if you're using a launcher such as MultiMC, you can download and install individual mods and modpacks from within the launcher itself.

Whether you're using the standard Minecraft launcher or a third-party launcher, you'll need a mod loader like Forge or Fabric to run most Minecraft mods. While launchers help you launch Minecraft with mods, a mod loader is essentially a tool that makes mods work in the first place. Only certain mods, such as Optifine, can run without a mod loader.

ATLauncher is steadily making a name for itself as a lightweight and powerful Minecraft launcher capable of adding modpacks and mods to your game with ease. The UI isn't exactly beautiful, but it's a reliable and easy-to-use tool that will allow you to browse and install mods without any unexpected difficulties.

After you have installed it, it will be available as a new version to select in your Minecraft launcher. You can then create a new launcher profile and select the installed Forge version. With this new profile I recommend you change the game directory path, this can be any folder on your PC. This is where mods, worlds, logs, etc. for that profile will go. This will allow you to keep your Forge installation separate from vanilla Minecraft (keeping worlds separate) and will even allow you to have multiple modded instances (e.g. using different versions or different sets of mods).

If you did follow it exactly like that paragraph, you would have created a new profile with a different directory. That means it would have separate mods, worlds, logs, etc. then whatever other directories you might have. If you want to access worlds in other directories, you'd need to copy the world save file from your old directory (where its currently located) to the saves folder in the new one you just created with the fresh Forge install.

Appologies about placing the text at the top!What would be required for you to know more about the site, other than the fact it has mods for many games including SV? Glad to provide more info, it's by no means a small website. for your convenience.Gilgamsh0n (talk) 15:28, 22 March 2021 (UTC) ff782bc1db

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