I have opened Facebook on desktop but these messages do not appear there, likewise, they do not appear on other devices except on my 12 pro max which was the device I used to click te wretched link.

The easiest way to fix this problem now is by just downloading the newest Version (185) from the messenger.com website! Works perfect! When it asks you to enter password for your login keychain, make sure you enter it and then click "Always Allow" Good to go now!

How To Download Messages From Messenger

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I have the latest mac0S update version and my facebook messenger still is not loading messages. It is just completely blank. I've signed out and signed back in. I've uninstalled and reinstalled app. I've outreached support and have not heard anything back...any other suggestions or ideas? Literally one day it was working on my mac and next it wasn't.

Names appear on the left if I search, but if I select one my message history with them appears on the right...but their icon on the left appears briefly and disappears. I can send messages but the person doesn't ever appear as a recent conversation on the left panel, as they once did.

Thank you! I was having that issue and noticed it happened right after an update. I assumed it was caused by the update but since I was able to search for a specific chat to pull it up, I ignored it for a bit. Then another update came but they didn't fix the display issue. Fortunately, I had a time machine backup prior to the first update. I restored my January snapshot and voila! I can see my chat list again! For reference, I am on macOS 10.15.7 (I can't go any higher. I have a Late 2013). The messenger app version I restored to (which works) is Version (426844812)

Thank you to Cathy. I have been trying new downloads from the app store for over a week and searching for someone else that had the same issue. I found a copy of the app off of a time machine back up and copied into the applications folder and my chat list re-appeared.

Select your desired message app. In this case select Samsung Messages, the icon with the three horizontal dots. Your changes will be applied automatically, and you can begin using your preferred app to send texts and group messages.

If you usually open your message app with a shortcut on your Home screen, or from your favorite apps section of the Home screen, you'll need to replace the shortcut to the old app with a shortcut to the new one.

I've been using Facebook messenger for several months, and never had this issue, but have almost blown through my limited texting allowance this month, and think it's because Facebook Messenger messages are being counted in the text quota. I almost never send/receive picture/video texts, and this month shows a bunch - I'm thinking the icons in Facebook Messenger are being counted that way. Any ideas or confirmation?

If your messages come into the green message icon then they are texts. If you have FB messenger or receive your messages from the FB app then they are not texts. If you have registered your mobile number with FB you may be receiving text notifications about almost anything that applies to your FB count or things you are tagged in or have commented on. This you must go to FB on your computer to disable.

What is the phone number that is being texted or texts received from? Is it a known phone number or a shortcode? 32665 is used for FBOOK, for texting status updates and leaving comments via text messaging if you don't use the FB app. But you are using the Messaging (Facebook Messenger) app .... I would think it would use data.

However, the good news is you can use different tricks to see unsent messages. For instance, some third-party apps are available in the market that allows you to see unsent messages on messenger. One such app is Notisave.

I have tried using Helium Backup but it does not backup Facebook Messenger. Titanium Backup unfortunately is not an option as the phone cannot be rooted (rooting it would require a data reset, which would delete the messages).

Messenger provides a message bus with the ability to send messages and thenhandle them immediately in your application or send them through transports(e.g. queues) to be handled later. To learn more deeply about it, read theMessenger component docs.

You can also use the #[AsMessageHandler] attribute on individual classmethods. You may use the attribute on as many methods in a single class as youlike, allowing you to group the handling of multiple related types of messages.

By default, messages are handled as soon as they are dispatched. If you wantto handle a message asynchronously, you can configure a transport. A transportis capable of sending messages (e.g. to a queueing system) and thenreceiving them via a worker. Messenger supportsmultiple transports.

Thanks to this, the App\Message\SmsNotification will be sent to the asynctransport and its handler(s) will not be called immediately. Any messages notmatched under routing will still be handled immediately, i.e. synchronously.

You may use a partial PHP namespace like 'App\Message\*' to match allthe messages within the matching namespace. The only requirement is that the'*' wildcard has to be placed at the end of the namespace.

If you configure routing for both a child and parent class, both rulesare used. E.g. if you have an SmsNotification object that extendsfrom Notification, both the routing for Notification andSmsNotification will be used.

If a message doesn't match any routing rules, it won'tbe sent to any transport and will be handled immediately. In some cases (likewhen binding handlers to different transports),it's easier or more flexible to handle this explicitly: by creating a synctransport and "sending" messages there to be handled immediately:

The first argument is the receiver's name (or service id if you routed to acustom service). By default, the command will run forever: looking for new messageson your transport and handling them. This command is called your "worker".

Sometimes certain types of messages should have a higher priority and be handledbefore others. To make this possible, you can create multiple transports and routedifferent messages to them. For example:

Some transports (notably AMQP) have the concept of exchanges and queues. A Symfonytransport is always bound to an exchange. By default, the worker consumes from allqueues attached to the exchange of the specified transport. However, there are usecases to want a worker to only consume from specific queues.

Supervisor is a great tool to guarantee that your worker process(es) isalways running (even if it closes due to failure, hitting a message limitor thanks to messenger:stop-workers). You can install it on Ubuntu, forexample, via:

Supervisor configuration files typically live in a /etc/supervisor/conf.ddirectory. For example, you can create a new messenger-worker.conf filethere to make sure that 2 instances of messenger:consume are running at alltimes:

If you use the Redis Transport, note that each worker needs a unique consumername to avoid the same message being handled by multiple workers. One way toachieve this is to set an environment variable in the Supervisor configurationfile, which you can then refer to in messenger.yaml(see the ref:`Redis section ` below):

Systemd user service configuration files typically live in a ~/.config/systemd/userdirectory. For example, you can create a new messenger-worker.service file. Or amessenger-worker@.service file if you want more instances running at the same time:

On the other hand, it's common for workers to process messages sequentially inlong-running CLI processes which don't finish after processing a single message.Beware about service states to prevent information and/or memory leakage asSymfony will inject the same instance of a service in all messages, preservingthe internal state of the services.

However, certain Symfony services, such as the Monologfingers crossed handler, leak by design.Symfony provides a service reset feature to solve this problem. When resettingthe container automatically between two messages, Symfony looks for any servicesimplementing ResetInterface (including yourown services) and calls their reset() method so they can clean their internal state.

If an exception is thrown while consuming a message from a transport it willautomatically be re-sent to the transport to be tried again. By default, a messagewill be retried 3 times before being discarded orsent to the failure transport. Each retrywill also be delayed, in case the failure was due to a temporary issue. All ofthis is configurable for each transport:

In this example, if handling a message fails 3 times (default max_retries),it will then be sent to the failed transport. While you can usemessenger:consume failed to consume this like a normal transport, you'llusually want to manually view the messages in the failure transport and chooseto retry them:

Sometimes it is not enough to have a single, global failed transport configuredbecause some messages are more important than others. In those cases, you canoverride the failure transport for only specific transports:

The consumers do not show up in an admin panel as this transport does not rely on\AmqpQueue::consume() which is blocking. Having a blocking receiver makesthe --time-limit/--memory-limit options of the messenger:consume command as well asthe messenger:stop-workers command inefficient, as they all rely on the fact thatthe receiver returns immediately no matter if it finds a message or not. The consumeworker is responsible for iterating until it receives a message to handle and/or until oneof the stop conditions is reached. Thus, the worker's stop logic cannot be reached if itis stuck in a blocking call. 006ab0faaa

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