A while back, i looked at my father's install of mcafee livesafe to see if it was running fine, and saw that it updated to a weird beta like new edition. this one has done away with not only a few features, but the firewall was redone so apparently instead of outright replacing the windows firewall, it supplements it now, so both run in tandem. mcafee's firewall tab is now called Advanced Firewall

right here, my dad's computer is meant to show on the dashboard here as one of the pieces of hardware with mcafee livesafe installed on it via a selectable tab next to the My Apps tab, yet this new edition of mcafee livesafe doesn't register it on the dashboard here as a product that even HAS mcafee livesafe installed to begin with. Now, i was able to temporarily fix this by uninstalling mcafee livesafe and reinstalling it, which brought back the regular edition of livesafe a few weeks ago. Yet at the time of this post, it seems this newer version of livesafe has overwritten mcafee on his computer again and brought this issue back.

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on his computer, it still registers the product as a valid install and everything else valid, but on the internal mcafee account dashboard up above, it doesn't detect it, at all. Could something please be done about this? i'd like for either LiveSafe to stop overwriting our installs of McAfee Livesafe with this beta looking edition, or at the very least, fix the problem shown on the picture above, so i can see his computer on the devices tab of my mcafee account. Also, im not too keen on having to potentially uninstalling and reinstalling mcafee on his computer to "fix" this little issue here, that would become far too tedious for both of us to handle

Was wondering if someone can help! I have enrolled devices and all have mcafee live safe trial on which I need to remove, as I have given these devices back to users, fresh start isnt possible. I have found this: =359 if I run the command ".\Mccleanup.exe -p StopServices,MFSY,PEF,MXD,CSP,Sustainability,MOCP,MFP,APPSTATS,Auth,EMproxy,FWdiver,HW,MAS,MAT,MBK,MCPR,McProxy,McSvcHost,VUL,MHN,MNA,MOBK,MPFP,MPFPCU,MPS,SHRED,MPSCU,MQC,MQCCU,MSAD,MSHR,MSK,MSKCU,MWL,NMC,RedirSvc,VS,REMEDIATION,MSC,YAP,TRUEKEY,LAM,PCB,Symlink,SafeConnect,MGS,WMIRemover,RESIDUE -v -s" locally it works but once i follow the intune way of doing it I cant get it to work! 2351a5e196

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