I installed both via easy_install in the terminal and both seemed to install without any error messages. Running python from a terminal and using import mahotas and import pymorph works just fine without error messages. However, when I run the same lines from a script within spyder I get the following error:

All I'm trying to do right now is run the import lines, that's it. I can't seem to find anything about this. I'm guessing that spyder uses a separate install of python and that installing modules via the terminal installs them only to the system version of python. How do I add them to spyder?

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Ok, no one has answered this yet but I managed to figure it out and get it working after also posting on the spyder discussion boards. For any libraries that you want to add that aren't included in the default search path of spyder, you need to go into Tools and add a path to each library via the PYTHONPATH manager. You'll then need to update the module names list from the same menu and restart spyder before the changes take effect.

My solution:I created a new directory in my personal Home folder that I named 'spyderlibs' where I placed seaborn and seaborn-0.5.1-py2.7.egg-info folders. Adding my new spyderlib directory in Spyder's PYTHONPATH manager worked!

The built-in interpreter of the standalone version doesn't currently support installing packages beyond the common scientific libraries bundled with it, so most users will want to have an external Python environment to run their own code, like with any other IDE.Also, the standalone installers don't yet work with third-party plugins, so users needing them should use Spyder through a Conda-based distribution instead.For a detailed guide to this and the other different ways to obtain Spyder, refer to our full installation instructions, and check out our release page for links to all our installers.Happy Spydering!

The biggest mistery is, that the program works in pycharm, and not in spyder.

I am trying spyder, because the value explorer is better then in pycharm (on my oppinion).

I was looking to learn something about json, and so a good variable explorer seems to me helpfull.

For scientific computing and computational modelling, we needadditional libraries (sometimes called packages) that are not part of thePython standard library. These allow us, for example, to create plots,operate on matricies, and use specialised numerical methods.

Spyder should be installed when you install the anacondadistribution. However, if spyder has not been installed (observedonce on a Mac M2 in December 2022), then use the command condainstall spyder to install it.

The solution is to completely remove all vestiges of what you have done and install spyder in a clone or in the default esri distribution if you have full administrator rights. Skip python 3.7 for now (I have looked into this BTW)

I am using spyder as a Python IDE and therefore I am using it with Jython for openhab, too.

Always being fond of the concept of libraries I quickly created a library folder for my jython scripts.

To make them usable from the scripts folder the path has to be added to the startup arguments of openhab,

e.g. add -Dpython.path="configurations/scripts/lib" to use libraries in the lib- folder.

Unfortunately the libraries were not automatically found from the spyder-IDE.

I just figured out how to include them:

I tried to create a new environment using conda create -c conda-forge -n $NAME-env

Then I wanted to install the spyder-kernel to linked it to spyder by typing conda activate $NAME and then conda install spyder-kernels. This worked without error. But when I open Spyder, and change Python Interpreter to the new environment one in preferences I get this error Error while finding module specification for 'spyder_kernels.console' (ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'spyder_kernels')

The NumPy wheels on PyPI, which is what pip installs, are built with OpenBLAS.The OpenBLAS libraries are included in the wheel. This makes the wheellarger, and if a user installs (for example) SciPy as well, they will nowhave two copies of OpenBLAS on disk.

Anaconda works on Windows, Mac,and Linux, provides over 1,500 Python packages, and is used by over 15million people. Anaconda is best suited to beginning users; it providesa large collection of libraries all in one.

Also as a followup - if you really want to stay consistent with conda - you can just install spyder into your conda environment (then you will not need spyder-kernels). This uses extra storage and is probably not a good strategy - but it will work.

I had anaconda running on my machine. few days ago i had to update some of the libraries because they were outdated.after the update, I was not able to launch anaconda-navigator or spyder anymore due to the following error:

Im trying to install pygame on spyder but i tried everything and nothing works. Anaconda is installed i have tried pip, conda but every time when i import it i get the error no module named pygame. When i try conda install -c pygamethe following error appears:

Note: The location to where pip installs modules depends on the selected Python interpreter. The Python interpreter you use and the launched spyder instance depend on their precedence on your PATH. If you use environments, these aren't problems, because the env tool (conda, venv, virtualenv, &c) will modify the PATH as needed.

>>> runfile('/Users/renormalization/.spyder2/temp.py', wdir='/Users/renormalization/.spyder2')Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in File "/Applications/Spyder-Py2.app/Contents/Resources/lib/python2.7/spyderlib/widgets/externalshell/sitecustomize.py", line 685, in runfile execfile(filename, namespace) File "/Applications/Spyder-Py2.app/Contents/Resources/lib/python2.7/spyderlib/widgets/externalshell/sitecustomize.py", line 78, in execfile builtins.execfile(filename, *where) File "/Users/renormalization/.spyder2/temp.py", line 17, in import ROOT File "/Users/renormalization/root/lib/ROOT.py", line 24, in import cppyy File "/Users/renormalization/root/lib/cppyy.py", line 60, in import libPyROOT as _backendImportError: dlopen(/Users/renormalization/root/lib/libPyROOT.so, 2): Library not loaded: @rpath/libCore.so Referenced from: /Users/renormalization/root/lib/libPyROOT.so Reason: image not found

Python is sometimes called a batteries-included language. This means that most of the important functions you need are already included when you install Python. For instance, Python has built-in math and statistics libraries that include the basic operations.

SciPy relies heavily on NumPy arrays to do its work. Like NumPy, many of the algorithms in SciPy are implemented in C or Fortran, so they are also very fast. Also like NumPy, SciPy can take advantage of optimized linear algebra libraries to further improve performance.

As you saw in the Zen of Python, namespaces are one honking great idea. Namespaces are a way to provide different scopes for names of functions, classes, and variables. This means you have to tell Python which library has the function you want to use. This is a good thing, especially in cases where multiple libraries provide the same function.

In Python, you should not end lines of code with semicolons. It is unnecessary, since Python does not change its behavior whether the line is ended with a semicolon or not. So you can save yourself a key stroke and not bother including the semicolon in your scripts and libraries.

The Anvil cluster uses Lmod to manage the user environment, so users have access to the necessary software packages and versions to conduct their research activities. The associated module command can be used to load applications and compilers, making the corresponding libraries and environment variables automatically available in the user environment.

Lmod is a hierarchical module system, meaning a module can only be loaded after loading the necessary compilers and MPI libraries that it depends on. This helps avoid conflicting libraries and dependencies being loaded at the same time. A list of all available modules on the system can be found with the module spider command:

When users log into Anvil, a default compiler (GCC), MPI libraries (OpenMPI), and runtime environments (e.g., Cuda on GPU-nodes) are automatically loaded into the user environment. It is recommended that users explicitly specify which modules and which versions are needed to run their codes in their job scripts via the module load command. Users are advised not to insert module load commands in their bash profiles, as this can cause issues during initialization of certain software (e.g. Thinlinc).

If you would like to use spyder with conda env, then this env must be avalible to Spyder. In Pycharm (which I use) there is special setting for executable PATH independent on environment variables, so maybe it might be similar in Spyder.

On RCC systems, most software packages are made available via Linux Environment Modules. These modules allow us to maintain an enormous software library without users having to worry about details such as paths to different software versions or libraries; modules will set or unset the right paths and environment variables for you.

Each module contains the information needed to configure the shell and environment for a specific application. For example,the Intel module sets the environment to enable access to the Intel Compiler libraries and executables. The GNU moduledoes the same for the GCC equivalents. Additionally, you can specify a specific version of an environment. For example, at the time of writing this document, our systems support three Intel compiler versions (v15, v16, and v21).

RCC provides many pre-configured modules for loading software packages, libraries, and compilers. You can see a list ofthese be running the module avail command, which produces output similar to the following:

The next step is to create a new conda environment. A conda environment is like avirtualenv that allows you to specify a specific version of Python and set of libraries.Run the following commands from a terminal window. ff782bc1db

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