Directed by Raghav Subbu, Kota Factory is a relatable series with a stellar cast that includes supremely talented actors like Jitendra Kumar, Mayur More, Ranjan Raj, Alam Khan, Ahsaas Channa, Revathi Pillai and Urvi Singh. Fans were overjoyed with the trailer release and flooded Twitter with their reactions. One Twitter user said, "KotaFactory is making me smile like dramas used to. Loving it and can't wait for S2."

Another tweeted, "I guess jeetu bhaiya is everyones favourite character from kota factory. Jitu bhaiya looks more handsome in black n white than the colour screen." Check out the trailer and reactions here-

How To Download Kota Factory Season 2

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Will the students come out successful in the race to achieve their aims? Only time will tell. Bringing together the fiery, young talent of the industry, Kota Factory Season two is produced by TVF and is all set to take you on a journey like never before. 152ee80cbc

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