In Opera, you could literally copy a picture or any file/text into the clipboard (CTRL C) , then the next time you click on "upload", before showing all the files, it would show you your clipboard file.

I find this feature to be amazing and missing from chrome. For someone who does a lot of troubleshooting, or talks to colleagues by remote working, this feature would make me gain a lot of time. I wouldn't waste time saving the picture, going to the right drive and upload it manually everytime.

How To Download Image From Clipboard

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I have a few thumbnails that I would like to copy to the clipboard on 10.9. I have a really basic script that opens a Finder selection window, and sets the clipboard to the selection. But when I try to use command V to paste- nothing happens.


This script was posted in reply to me in 2007 from a member named Blend 3. If you use the shift key when you copy, you can copy more than one image to the clipboard. It works very well on multiple Images as well as text. You will of course have to change the email address, content and subject to suit your email.

This is the Script.

I create lots of documentation using Org Mode, but one thing that was always a bit cumbersome was inserting images / screenshots. I had to take a screenshot, save image to a location, get the filename, and insert the link. It got old quickly.

It might help the devs a bit if you mention what OS and Joplin version you are using? I was thinking that that might be relevant as on Win10 with 1.0.216 if I attach a large image (drag /drop, copy / paste or attachment button) I get a dialog as below. If I select No it brings in the full image.

I am using macOS. I get that dialog in some instances, but when I select part of a pdf and copy/paste it, Joplin pastes a smaller resolution image. That dialog never shows up. When I do the same in MS Word, the full resolution image is pasted.

I've tried using document.execCommand('copy') like this site but it didn't work (nothing got copied to my clipboard despite the fact that the console.log said it was successful). I also used the navigator.clipboard API but that didn't work for my jpg images, and here is its code:

Recntly someone made a python scripting addon possible to paste models, material maps, vortex and other between Modo, LightWave, XSI, 3DSMax, Maya, Sketchup, 3D, MAYA, Blender, Rhino3D, Houdini. Maybe with this base it would be possible to implement a copy and paste clipboard print screen to a node editor as a new image texture and into imae editor???

Link 1

Link 2

Whenever I try to copy and paste image from clipboard nothing happens on editor.

Pasting text works just fine but not image. Only drag and drop or attaching works.

Is pasting image from clipboard not supported?

I find it weird also, and I also expected it would be difficult to reproduce.

The size is not large at all. KB size images cannot be pasted as well.

Is there any way to reset all the Inkdrop configurations other than deleting the directory from below path?

I guess resetting the configuration does not solve it.

Are you able to insert an image file by D&D from Finder?

Have you installed third-party plugins?

Do you get no errors in the developer console?

Upon pressing ctrl-N for a new file, it suggested the dimensions of any image it was seeing in the clipboard.

So one just had to hit enter, then paste in that image from the clipboard, and it would fit the canvas of the new document...

That's cool too.

But a custom 4-key shortcut vs. 2-key ENTER 2-key is not that big of a gain keys-wise and in some situations less intuitive.

Especially considering affinity might have a lot of convert- users, eg. me and SKAffinity from the linked topic...

i see

+ fast

- Need to find/learn first

- Need to separately remember

- more complicated grip (i guess shortcuts can be customized to get around this...)

So i could imagine to have the other behaviour too might be still a UX tweak worth.

Alternatively use my (with apologies for the advertisement) Shrink JPEG/PNG files workflow from the Alfred Gallery and set the User Configuration for the percentage you require (and, if you wish, to default to resizing by percentage).

I'm trying to find out an answer to this question and I'm not having any luck. @Stephen_C I couldn't figure out how to use this automation Task. Should I put this in a workflow? How to set the clipboard as an input?

Otherwise, if you don't do it that way you're going to need to know the position, in the clipboard history, of the relevant image and recall it like that (see Using Clipboard History Items In Workflows and Snippets).

That is the key to the problem: once you have the image you need resizing it (either with my workflow or your own, using an Automation Task) is easy. You may find this post helpful in the context of finding the relevant image.

Thanks for your tips. I found the folder with the clipboard items and I am able to use the workflow I have to resize the file when it's selected in the Finder. However, what I'm not so good at, is finding a way to work around the Finder. As a software tester I'm creating a lot of screenshots and pasting them in my tooling right from the clipboard. Sometimes I need to resize them, sometimes they are fine the way they are. So what I'm looking for is maybe something like this:

I have image data (not a displayed image) and I want to copy it to the clipboard. All solutions I found was using getimage or exportimage, which means a dummy indicator and also a small border around the picture (I would use it if I could get rid of that border).

Is there a more sophisticated/simpler method to copy the actual image data/picture? I'm on Windows so it can be platform dependent. Wrapping Clipboard.SetImage would be a solution but maybe some of you have a code sitting around.

Glad you found a solution. Keep in mind I think that method only works if you have the front panel loaded into memory. I saw a clipboard API years ago but can't seem to find it now, which would probably work in that edge case better.

I'm attaching some of Rolf's VIs from years ago. They do include code for writing an image to the clipboard (see the example in clipbrd.llb and look at the control or panel buttons). This would probably require adapting if you're on 64 bit LV.

I do believe that some of the Windows handles are similar to LabVIEW Magic Cookies that are basically an index into an object manager and object class specific private data list, but there certainly are various different approaches and some handles seem to be rather pointers in nature. For instance the HINSTANCE or HMODULE is basically the virtual address of where the module was loaded into memory and is sometimes used to directly access resource lists and other things in a loaded PE module (EXE and DLL) through so called RVA (Relative Virtual Address) offsets in the module image data. It's not a neat way of doing things and one should rather use functions from the debug library but sometimes that is not practical (and if you want to program not so official things it might be sometimes impossible). Of course doing it all by hand has a lot of possibilities to miss some of the complications, so that it will break with non-standard linked module files or with extensions of the PE specification for new Windows versions.

Similar things apply to some COM objects like HIMAGELIST and others. They seem to be basically the actual COM object pointer that contains the COM methods virtual table directly, not some magic cookie implementation that references the COM object pointer. All the ImageList_xxxxx functions in the CommCtrl library are basically just compiled C wrappers that call the according virtual table method in the COM object. And while COM is object oriented, its ABI is defined in such a strict way that it can easily be called from standard C code too, if you have the correct headers for the COM object class. It's even possible to implement COM classes purely in C, as has been done for a long time by the Wine project, which had a policy that all code needed to be in standard C in order to be compilable on as many different platforms as possible. They relaxed that requirement in recent years as some of the MacOSX APIs can't really get easily called in other ways than Objective C, the Apple way of object oriented C programming, which was originally an Objective C preprocessor that was then putting everything through a standard C compiler anyhow.

I'm having an issue while taking a snapshot from PDF and inserting it to CAD, I'm forced to do this since it takes a long time to insert the PDF in the CAD file. I usually paste it as an Image Entity and don't have any problems, as of lately, when I turn off the computer and turn it on again the images are not there, only a path file that it doesn't exist anymore, forcing me to re-insert the images again. Why does this happen and how can I fix it?

You could use the paste special (_pastespec) command and insert the snapshot as a device independent bitmap. The snapshot will be an OLE object in the drawing and not referencing an image from another location. 2351a5e196

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