My website mobile version have overflow problem, I used the code "html, body {overflow-x:hidden;}" to hide horizontal space, but after applying this code my website cannot scroll up or down smoothly, it will stuck at the same point and bounce back.

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How To Download Hidden Video From Website

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its on mobile view only, i have sent it to a few other friends as testers and they are experiencing the same scroll issues. It started to happen after I added an announcement bar, but when I tried to remove it to see if that would fix it, the problem remained...

Hey, we found the bit of code that was breaking the mobile scroll, however it's the code needed that removes the excess page space on the sides. Do you have a work around instead of using the code below? 

html, body {overflow-x:hidden;}

Please can someone help. I need another work around being able to hide the excess space and the ability to move my whole website. For some reason, overflow-x:hidden is messing up my mobile scroll so that is not an option.

i only need it for mobile though, it doesn't have excess overflow on desktop - only on mobile!

i tried .site {overflow-x:hidden;} but that didn't do anything, is there another code snippet i can try to target the whole site?

I have been trying to obain table data from a web page without success. The data can be copy and pasted from the web page but it cant be found in the web page source. I prefer NOT to use automated mouse clicks to obtain the data through CTRL-A, CTRL-C and then to the Clipboard ( I know how to do this but it is not so elegant ). I tried to get the data automatically with the following code: (See snippet)

I have also looked at the existing solutions in the forum for Loging in to a website but the difference here is that I am just interested in getting out the data from a Table (form or element? I am not so familiar with HTML nor JAVA)

1) If you can view the table when you visit the page (without being logged in) but it isn't in the page source then that means that the table is loaded by Javascript/AJAX after the page loads. You'll probably have to get clever with some Javascript to read the table after the page has loaded but I can't immediately see a way to do this.

2) If you can't view the table when you visit the page because you're not logged in then LabVIEW won't be able to either. You would have to see if you can emulate logging in by POSTing your login information to the login page URL and see if it can log you in.

That example doesn't actually read the value of the elements, so you might need to do some more work there (I'm guessing maybe casting the element reference to its specific class and then getting the relevant properties). The advantage of using the .NET browser is that its data types are generally easier to work with and that it will probably be easier to search other sites to see what people have done with it.

The trick is to get the current html of the page and not the source - the source will not render the javascript of the page which is what loads/populates the table. It's the difference between inspecting an element in Chrome and viewing the source.

You may also have more success trying to replicate the same method the webpage uses to actually load the probably makes a request to a page which returns the scores information in a more 'raw' format rather than having to parse out the html elements yourself.

Whats the best recommended way yo hide my staging website from search engines, i Googled it and found some says that i should put a metatag, and some said that i should put a text file inside my website directory, i want to know the standard way.

Keep in mind that you can't hide a public-facing unprotected web site from a search engine. You can ask that bots not index it (through the robots.txt that my fine colleagues have brought up), and the people who write the bots may choose not to index your site based on that, but there's got to be at least one guy out there who is indexing all the things people ask him not to index. At the very least one.

However, all that said, a more fundamental question is, "Why care?". If the staging site is really supposed to be the live site one step before pushing live, then it shouldn't matter if it is indexed.

I recently used Square Online's site verification process FAQ document to submit my Square Online store's sitemap.xml file to Google and Bing search engines.

Today I looked at the search results for my store in Google search, and was surprised to see pages for my 'Hidden' items appearing in the search results!

For example, the products "Greeting card - 3 items" and "Postcard - 4 items" are products that I only use for my Square Point of Sale when selling products directly to customers at art markets. I have not uploaded any images or descriptions with these items, as they are not meant for customers to be able to choose on the website.

These are products that I have set as 'Hidden' in the settings of my Square Online store, so I am really surprised to see them listed in the sitemap.xml file for my online store .

My question is: is there any setting that I can change to stop these 'Hidden' items from appearing in my sitemap.xml file? Or can your devs please fix this problem with the way that the sitemap is generated.

If these hidden items are only intended for sale in person, the easiest way to resolve this issue is to remove them from your Online Store altogether. To do this go to the Square Online overview, then Items > Site Items.

Tick the boxes to the left next to the items you don't wish to display at all online, then Bulk Edit to the right hand side (It will say "Edit" if you select a single item). From here you can remove items from your Online Store, but they'll stay for sale in your Square Point of Sale app.

Regarding hidden items appearing in Google searches though, my understanding of this feature is that it's intended to make the item available via a direct link for anyone with the link, though without displaying it on your website. Because the link does still technically exist, this is probably why it's still being picked up by Google. I did try to find a way to de-list an item page from SEO, but it doesn't look like this seems to be an option at the moment. So, definitely remove the item from your site if the intention is not to sell it online at all, it won't prevent you from selling it in person. "Hidden" has a slightly different intended use case, which is why it looks like the links may still be found on Google - which I agree is not ideal, but probably why we also include the option to remove items from your website altogether.

Hope this helps!

The bad news is that these items are still listed in the sitemap.xml file for my Square Online store. And it is still possible to visit these 'empty' URLs.

I don't especially mind people being able to visit the empty URLs, but I think that it is bad that the sitemap.xml file is linking Googlebots to these low-quality pages. It is not a good SEO practice to have a sitemap that is linking to low-quality pages like these, which is something that could affect my SEO rankings. Can you suggest a way that I can 'refresh' the sitemap.xml file so that it no longer includes all of these pages that I don't want crawled?

Thanks for sending through this update, @stumcm!

I've gone ahead and escalated your case to our Ecom Support Team for further assistance here, as I'm unsure what further steps we would need to take on the Square Online platform to ensure these pages are removed from the sitemap.xml file.

Once I receive a response from this team, I'll be sure to circle back here with an update for you.

Great job on removing those items from your Square Online site in the meantime! 152ee80cbc

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