Hi, I set up my Members Area with subscription (paid) blocks. I've had 3 people successfully sign up as paying members. However, now 3 other people have signed up (unknown to me) but are not paying for it. I'm very confused. They should not be able to sign up for an account without being a paid subscriber. Please help!!!! I have no idea if they're able to access the members area without paying...this is very bad!

Let me try to explain. When someone attempts to purchase a subscription to one of your Member Areas, the first step requires them to create an account on your website. After doing this, the next step is the checkout page where they are required to pay. Many potential customers may abandon their purchase on the checkout page, for example, if they discover they cannot pay using their preferred payment method. Their account remains live but it is purely administrative; they will not be able to access the Member Area unless they complete payment.

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For the benefit of anyone else reading this, if you do not set a price for a Member Area it will be possible for absolutely anyone to join. This is a major limitation of Member Areas that I've been lobbying Squarespace to fix. I've written about some of the limitations here: Squarespace Member Areas - is it good enough?

Thanks Paul, that makes sense. I emailed the 3 of them to let them know that the 'account' is not a membership. One of them had emailed me like "I made an account so can I have the link?" (to my membership Discord) She thought making the account made her a member, but her subscription did not go through. I think this might be something that confuses quite a few people. Just wanted to make sure the 3 of them did want to sign up, as they might expect the membership to work for them when they haven't actually registered. ? I wish this didn't happen, honestly.

I created an account on my website (not the paid portion - just the checkout version) and I could SEE the membership only pages. I'm SUPER concerned because I haven't launched yet and decided to use SquareSpace instead of Patreon but now I'm second guessing myself.

I'm trying to check for an old document that is important to me, regarding my education at university. I remembered I had used Dropbox for quite a long time, but now when I go to check the contents, I am unable to see my files without paying for a subscription.

The data I have in there is just over 3GB. It used to be that this was well within the free limit, but now they've changed the rules. How can I see my files (which are mine), then remove files above 2GB (by downloading of course) to be able to continue to use the free version of Dropbox?

Dropbox hasnt changed free quota spaces. If you are over quota you cannot add to the files, but, you can download and delete. You can do this via the software on the computer or the website at www.dropbox.com/home.

 Did this post not resolve your issue? If so please give us some more information so we can try and help - please remember we cannot see over your shoulder so be as descriptive as possible!

It appears to me, that they're holding my data as ransom until I upgrade, even though at one stage, my limit was not 2GB and I wasn't paying. Even my profile says "3.76GB of 3.75GB used" - I had bonus +250MB increments due a loyalty/friend bonus at some point.

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I'm very new to learning xcode and swift (actually just started yesterday). I see that it's possible to attach a device to your developer account so that you can test your product on an actual phone instead of a simulator. Is it possible to do this without paying to be a developer? I'm just tinkering around and trying to learn, I don't think it's worth the extra expense at this point.

See this thread [how i can have free Developer Program ] with an already moderated link that explains Xcode's free provisioning process (with screenshots), and - be sure to read all the way thru it and any updates at the bottom. Good luck.

I'm new to Upwork and my first client has just suddenly ended the contract. I've logged 8 hours of work. He was supposed to pay me 0.35c per blurb and I wrote 164 on a short deadline. We were supposed to go through edits but he's just suddenly ended the contract.

You will get paid automatically for the 8 hours of work if you tracked or logged them correctly. You are protected if you use the system as it is intended. If you don't, (promised extra money for blurbs are not protected) then you can lose out.

If I hire a freelancer using a fixed-price contract, and then I end the contract without notifying her, then I must release all of the money in escrow will to her, or else ASK for her to refund some or all of the money. There is no way for me, as a client, to simply close the contract unilaterally without paying her.

You will get paid. Your screenshots show that everything is normal. It looks like your pay is on track. Money needs to go though "Work in progress", "In review", "Pending" stages, before the becomes "Available."

The job was that I have to purchase btc in my account and have to send him. He agreed that he will give me comission on it. I added manual time of 30 minutes which is almost 75 dollars and he accepted it. After that I sent him btc. When He received it we agreed on fixed price contract. He finished the hourly contract and blocked me.

Now I don't know that I will get my money back or not. Because the work is in progress which is showing in my upwork reports. Can you please guide me in it. I realise that I did mistake but now I think we have to solve it.

"You will get paid automatically for the 8 hours of work if you tracked or logged them correctly. You are protected if you [have] use[d] the system as it is intended. If you don't, (promised extra money for blurbs are not protected) then you can lose out."

If the client doesn't pay you then you could dispute it, (or he could dispute your hours), If he does not commit to payment, then I think Upwork will intervene and you will probably have to dispute for non-payment of those hours. But make sure you meet the criteria for payment protection.

I am trying to send something to a friend, and she wants to use paypal to send me money to cover the cost of mailing it to her. When I try to fill out the form for receiving money, it asks if the payment is for goods or services. It's neither....I'm just receiving money from someone, not in business. It won't let me get past that without selecting either option, then the next page says paypal will charge me a fee. I saw somewhere on paypal's site that they don't charge a fee for a personal transfer. So, how do I find where to fill out a form to receive money as a personal transfer? Thanks.

That is correct. KUDOS FOR YOU! The funds you send must be from a bank account or PayPal funds in order to not have a fee. Or you can choose to pay the credit card fee so the receiver doesn't have to pay it.

How do I get my fees reversed if I sent an invoice already? I had no idea that Paypal charged these kinds of fees for invoicing. The transaction was supposed to be that the payer was giving me money back.

Well you will pay a fee but if I were you I would use Money Gram as it's the least expensive (Walmart) or Western Union (Drug stores , everywhere) Paypal is owned by Ebay and they need to charge enough to make enough profits for the share holders of the common stock.

The issue here is that unless I pay for and print out the shipping label from eBay itself, it will always be marked as Paid and Dispatched, but never delivered as I can't find a way of manually setting it to delivered.

Without a doubt, you are braver than I am. I will NOT risk having a ding against me for an INR and have to refund in full too and give the item away. I would not send a postage stamp without tracking. It is not worth losing my account over IMHO. 152ee80cbc

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