I'm trying to use Username/Password authentication for a Microsoft Graph files request (in conjunction with an AD account created for this purpose, since we want to limit access to only specific directories within SharePoint). I wrote some code using .Net Core's Graph SDK (working a-ok) that I'm porting to Java for a different application, and I can't get it to authenticate. I pasted the Java code I'm trying to run, its .Net Core equivalent, and lastly the whole debug-level log output from a run of the Java code.

I'm using v0.2.0 of the Auth library and v2.2.0 of the main SDK. I raised this as an issue with the msgraph-sdk-java-auth library, as it seems likely this might be a bug in the SDK, but I'm also curious for someone else to look at my Java code and let me know if I'm doing anything wrong, which is more likely.

How To Download Graph From Logger Pro

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here and it works fine now I tried to add a user activity API to my java project I only followed the tutorial here 

The code I wrote from the tutorial for the user activity api logs this output in the console

I am new to graph apis so I don't know why this api call takes so long I think it tries to make too much requests but I only followed the tutorial and dont know why it does that is says authentication failure although I have given the access rights to this api as per the docs

I'm working in logger pro, and I have the data that we were able to get for the experiment. But, I can't figure out how to make the uncertainty lines or the lines of the graph. The experiment was checking the time it took objects to drop to the floor from the same height each time. I want to make 3 graphs for the Marker, the Eraser, and the Tape we dropped. Can someone help explain this to me in logger pro?

Note: When setting up Simple Eventlogger, under Other options there's "Include additional columns for short date and hour?" Be sure to turn that option ON as we'll need it. (that's column G in the screenshot above) To preserve space set "Delete Extra Columns?" ON as well and set archive type to Out of space. Once your sheet runs full, SimpleEventlogger will rename the sheet and start a new fresh sheet every blue moon, depending on your number of sensors and logging frequency.

I wanted the graph to show an hour marker for the current hour as the graph does a cyclic update left to right, i.e. it's helpful to see where current time of day is on the graph. Next to the pivotal tables, I inserted the following formula in all cells G1-G24: =if($H2=hour(now()),$A$8,$A$10)

Once you got the graph running, all you need to do is publish it. Be sure to use the Image option under the Embed menu, as nothing else will work with AT. Copy the full URL from https:// to include format=image, but get rid of the iframe around the url.

Create a new media URL in AT and paste it in. Set the update interval to your preference, I'm running mine at 1800 seconds (half hour) update intervals.

That's pretty much all I've done, yet full disclosure it's not completely working as it's supposed to. Sometimes the graphs re-arrange themselves without prior consent from me. Some sensors just seem to drop off the graph even though there's still data for them. No idea why this happens yet, So there's still a few kinks to be worked out, yet I hope this is useful to some of you.

In chemical kinetics, the general form of the dependence of the reaction rate on concentration takes the form of a power law (law of mass action), so a log-log plot is useful for estimating the reaction parameters from experiment.

1. RTOS and System Analyzer requires the loggers that are in ti.uia. For example, you cannot use LoggerBuf that is in XDCtools. UIA is bundled into the Processors SDK, SimpleLink SDK and TI-RTOS for and no work is required (and can skip to step 2). For users that are using the SYS/BIOS stand-alone product, they can obtain the stand-alone UIA product from here: -dl.ti.com/dsps/dsps_public_sw/sdo_sb/targetcontent/uia/index.html. Please pick the UIA version that is compatible with your version of SYS/BIOS. Then include the UIA package into the application For example

2. Confirm that a logger is present in the application. The easiest was to confirm this is to halt the target and open Tools->ROV in CCS (ROV is also available in IAR). This is ROV Classic, but you can use "Tools->Runtime Object View" if you are using ELF and XDCtools 3.50 or higher.

Including LoggingSetup is an easy way to setup basic logging. It enables logging for main kernel modules. By default it adds 3 LoggerStopMode instances. It was some basic configuration to allow you to change the internal buffer sizes of the logger instances. You can increase the sizes if you are not getting enough log records or decrease the sizes if you are tight on RAM. Please refer to the LoggingSetup documentation for more details.

3. If you see a logger in ROV, also confirm you are actually logging records. For example in the above picture, you see lots of kernel records (which are used to make the Execution Graph in RTOS Analyzer in CCS).

If this is a long term requirement you might consider using something like MRTG to gather, record and chart the data from your Windows server(s). This way you can gather the data over extended periods easily.

so while the process creating the fake workload runs I got the line/graph as per the 2 dashboards (top right, bottom left), and then on the next 5 sec refresh the dashboard would go black/empty as per the other 2 dashboards (top left/bottom right)

Graphs are a powerful way to model behaviors. They can help visually recognize trends and more importantly they can be used to create math models between the cause and effects in science. To better communicate, English classes teaches us how structure our sentences and works of literature. Math and science also provide us with structure to organize and better communicate with graphs.

The axes on a graph are always made from a labs dependent and independent variables. The independendent variable always goes on the horizontal axis. The independent variable always goes on the vertical axis.

If you are taking a "screen shot" of a graph make it the full width and make the font as large as possible. Having said that, if you are using "Logger Pro," you cannot adjust the size of the font on the axes. You can only adjust the size of the font in the dialog boxes that report statistics.

Designed from the ground up to be intuitive from the outset, PicoLog 6 allows you to set up the logger and start recording with just a few clicks of the mouse, whatever your level of data logging experience.

Within the Device setup and capture menu are Device configuration view, Graph view and Table view providing a visually smart way to set up and acquire data from a multichannel acquisition system, even with multiple different PicoLog data loggers and PicoScope oscilloscopes with hundreds of channels enabled and logging.

Viewing your data in a graph is fundamental to data acquisition applications. The PicoLog 6 graph view makes it easy to view captures, zoom and pan through large datasets, record alarm history and display when alarms occurred. It also allows you to annotate the graph with your notes and observations.

Adding additional graph axes is also essential for multi-channel logging applications where measurement units are different for every channel, or when the channels are measuring values at opposite ends of the range. For example, simultaneously measuring an internal furnace temperature of over 1000 C and the ambient temperature at the same time requires two axes so that the detail of both is visible. You can view up to four axes with different ranges at a time.

Table view is a really useful new feature which allows you to view your tabulated numerical data in a spreadsheet format. Table view is not only available to view live data from your current dataset, you can also view tabulated data in your saved data files.

When configuring table view, it is possible to add 4 statistical parameters to each channel, choose from; last sample, minimum, maximum and average. In addition, the output sample rate must be specified allowing you to define the frequency that table rows are calculated.

The Channel and Axes settings menu is visible in both the Device settings and Capture Graph views. Once a channel is enabled and settings confirmed, you can view its connection status at a glance, along with alarm condition and current live measurement. In this menu, you can also configure alarms and view graph annotations and capture info.

PicoLog 6 alarms can also trigger a digital output on devices with supporting hardware, such as the PicoLog 1000 Series, ADC-24 and DrDAQ. You can even trigger a digital output from one of these devices based on an alarm condition from another connected logger without digital outputs, such as a TC-08.

Want to export a screen shot? PicoLog 6 includes a feature to export the graph as a PDF: again, select either the entire capture or the zoomed area of interest. The export to PDF format also includes options to include alarm trigger history, annotations, channel configuration and capture notes, for a complete capture report.

Optimized and tested on the new Raspberry Pi 4, and the current 3B and 3B+ on Raspbian Stretch, the PicoLog 6 data logging software package provides a visual, easy-to-use interface allowing you to quickly set up simple or complex acquisitions and record, view and analyze data. It's the same fully functioning software that runs on Windows, macOS and Linux.


Coupled with a Raspberry Pi, this new PicoLog 6 package expands the flexibility and opens the door for Pico's data loggers to be used in new and different ways:

I am very new to LabVIEW and am trying to read in temperatures from a Graphtec GL 840 midi logger to LabVIEW and graph them. I have been having some errors and need help getting the readings to go into a waveform graph. I created a VISA driver for the Graphtec and made sure it was working in MAX, but am having errors with my VISA Events. My .vi file is below with some errors I am getting. Any help is greatly appreciated! Thank you! 2351a5e196

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